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Cómo reciclar en casa: los errores habituales que cometemos en el reciclaje

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Según Ecoembes, una organización sin ánimo de lucro que promueve la sostenibilidad y el cuidado del medioambiente a través del reciclaje, en España ya se recicla el 78,8% de los envases de plástico, latas y briks y los envases de papel y cartón. Pero… ¿lo estamos haciendo todo bien? Porque sí, estamos cada vez más concienciados sobre lo importante que es reciclar, pero a veces desconocemos cuál es el contenedor adecuado para cada ítem que tiramos.

Errores al reciclar en casa

If at the time of throwing a waste you are faced with the question: “Where is this going? Blue or yellow? ”, This interests you!

  • Dirty napkins and papers. Always but ALWAYS in the organic waste container. Keep in mind that dirty paper or cardboard cannot be processed in recycling plants (in fact, you should know that it can spoil the quality of recycled paper). The same goes for pizza boxes (if they have some grease stains or food scraps) or diapers.
  • The bulbs. Take them to the clean point or collection center. The glasses or the dishes too! To find out which recycling point you have nearby, google the recycling collection center and your city or town. In each city they are called differently, for example in Barcelona they are green points and in Madrid, clean points.
  • The coffee or tea glasses to go. eye! To begin, you have to empty the liquid that the glasses have inside to throw only the glass. Put the plastic lid in the yellow container and the glass in the blue container. According to the Global Citizen platform, more than 2 billion disposable cups are thrown away in the UK every year. But sadly, only one in every 400 cups is recycled.
  • Medicines. Do you know what SIGRE Points are? They are the containers that you always see in pharmacies and they serve to deposit in them the containers and the remains of medicines. Use them!
  • Glass bottles. Soda or beer bottles should go to the green container, and no lids or caps! The caps and plugs should be recycled in the yellow container.
  • Milk (or juice) cartons. That being cardboard must be deposited in the blue container? You're wrong. In case you didn't know, milk or juice cartons are made of cardboard, plastic and aluminum, so you should put them in the yellow container. By the way, did you know that with six cartons you can make a shoe box?
  • Cans and container lids. You should put them in the yellow container. The factory operators separate them from the rest of the waste in order to give them a new use.
  • And the toys? Take them to the collection centers. Remember also that there are several organizations that collect toys.
  • Foil. To start, try not to carry food scraps and leave it in the yellow container.
  • Toothbrushes. Yes, they are plastic, but be careful! They are not a container, so they should be placed in the gray waste container.
  • Batteries. They should not be deposited in any of the containers. Take them to one of the places authorized by Town Halls for collection. Did you know that a single watch battery can contaminate the water in an entire Olympic pool?
  • Notebooks. Notebook paper can be recycled. Of course, you have to remove the ring and the covers if they are plastic.