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How to remove blood stains without much effort

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One of the essential keys when wondering how to remove blood stains is whether it is fresh or dry. As with many types of stains, the longer it takes to tackle the problem at its roots, the more difficult it is to clean.

How to remove blood stains from clothes step by step

As the bloodthirsty protagonist of the Dexter series does, the ideal is to clean the blood immediately if you do not want to leave a trace … However, if you have been overlooked and you find stains of dried blood, we have the solution.

  1. Apply hydrogen peroxide on the stain. The first step in cleaning dry or fresh blood stains is to apply hydrogen peroxide, one of the most effective household cleaning products. The reason is that it eliminates microorganisms by oxidation, that is, it "burns" them in some way, and it also bleaches clothes, one of the most popular home cleaning tricks.
  2. Let the hydrogen peroxide act for a couple of minutes. Pour plenty of hydrogen peroxide directly on the stain (dilute with 50% water if they are delicate fabrics) and leave it to act for about 2 minutes. This will disinfect the fabric and, at the same time, soften and whiten the stain.
  3. Soak and rinse without rubbing. Then, soak it in a basin of cold water, so that it softens even more, and rinse it, but gently, without rubbing it vigorously. This prevents the stain from spreading further.
  4. Wash the garment with mild soap. Once you have rinsed the garment, apply a little neutral soap on the place where the stain was to finish removing any remains. Rub well so that the soap penetrates the fabric. And wash the piece as you normally do, but with cold water.

Since hydrogen peroxide can bleach, weaken, or stain certain fabrics, it is best to test a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the stained item of clothing. If in doubt, skip the first two steps, soak it in cold water directly for a long time, then apply mild soap, scrub and wash normally.

Other tricks to clean blood stains

  • With toothpaste. Put toothpaste on the bloodstained area. Let it dry completely. Rinse with cold water. Apply neutral soap, scrub and wash with cold water and the cycle you usually use. You can use it for garments that you don't want to bleach because of the hydrogen peroxide.
  • With water and salt. It is the trick used to remove blood stains from the mattress, or other parts that cannot be washed normally. Mix a small amount of salted water to make a paste. Apply it on the stain and let it soften and absorb the blood. Then, rub, brush and blow-dry to avoid leaving traces of moisture. Find out how to clean a mattress (without putting it in the washing machine ?).
  • With water and ice. If the stain is on a carpet or furniture, mix some ice and water in a bowl. Dampen a kitchen towel or sponge with this mixture, but trying not to get soaked. And rub carefully.

Photos: Dexter and Unsplash.