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How to peel an orange easier

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For a chef presentation, the orange segments should be shiny, with no trace of the matte outer membrane and no white streaks. This is called peeling a blood or live orange. But keep in mind that it is for special dishes, because in the day to day these discarded parts are essential, since it is where there is a good part of the fiber of the piece.

Cut the ends

Cut the ends

Support the orange on a base and with a sharp knife cut the ends of the fruit.

Remove the shell

Remove the shell

Remove the peel by cutting it from top to bottom with a knife and in sections. You can do this by holding the orange with your hand or in a more secure way if you do not want to cut yourself, such as resting one end on the cutting board.

Eliminate white skin

Eliminate white skin

With a kitchen floss - or with a dental floss without wax or aroma - remove the outer membrane of the orange until you see the flesh shiny and without a trace of white streaks.

Take out the segments

Take out the segments

With the help of the knife, cut the segment separating the inner membranes that contain it and separate it from the segments on each side. When you have removed all the segments, only the membranes will remain in your hand.

A perfect result

A perfect result

The live peeled orange segments elevate the presentation of any dish, no matter how simple, like this salad. And, in addition, they add more sweetness, since the part of the white threads of the membrane slightly bitter.

For a fruit salad, a fruit puff pastry, a salad or a meat garnish, for example, you may need to have a perfectly peeled orange, sliced ​​and without a trace of the white skin that covers it. How to do it like a professional chef? In our gallery you can see it step by step. The technique is known as peeling a blood or live orange , and with a little practice it will make your dishes look like they did in Masterchef .