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How to clean a mattress with baking soda and other tricks

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Yes, yes, although many people do not think of doing it, cleaning the mattress is mandatory if you want to have a sleep that is as healthy as it is restorative. And is that the accumulation of mites and other harmful germs can cause allergies, skin problems and other pathologies.

Essential keys to cleaning the mattress

  • Air and dry daily. Don't make bed right after you get up. Leave the bed unmade and open to air it out for a few minutes and dry off any traces of sweat or moisture.
  • Shake and vacuum the mattress weekly. Taking advantage of the weekly change of sheets (find out how often the clothes have to be washed), do not put them clean immediately. Let the mattress air out for a while, shake it out, and vacuum it to remove dust, mites, and other accumulated particles.
  • Clean possible stains. In the event that it has been stained, you can clean the stains with a cloth dampened with a little water and neutral soap, or with hydrogen peroxide if they are blood, or with bicarbonate of urine to absorb dirt and bad smells.
  • Use covers. When it comes to the mattress, decide if possible for removable models or use protectors or mattress covers. This way you can clean them every one or two months. And keep in mind that latex is antibacterial, resistant to fungi and the most indicated if you have an allergy to mites. And those with springs breathe better and are suitable for people who sweat a lot.

Cleaning the mattress with baking soda step by step

The antibacterial and hygienic power of baking soda has made it one of the most popular household cleaning products. And one of the most popular home cleaning tricks on the internet is to clean the mattress with bicarbonate because, in addition to being very effective, it is not harmful to health or the environment, and it works very well to eliminate odors and urine stains .

  1. Clean stains. Before applying the baking soda, gently rub any stains with a cloth dampened with soap and water.
  2. Let dry. Let it dry and speed up the process with the help of a hair dryer to prevent moisture from penetrating the mattress.
  3. Sprinkle and let it rest. Once dry, sprinkle the baking soda over the entire surface (and especially where some liquid may have fallen as in the case of urine leaks), and let it rest for about two or three hours.
  4. Remove the bicarbonate. After this time, remove the bicarbonate with the help of a vacuum cleaner. If you don't have it, you can push it to the ground with a hair dryer, or remove it with a clean cloth or brush.

Basic mattress maintenance

If, in addition to being clean, you want to keep the mattress in good condition and extend its life to the maximum, keep these simple principles in mind.

  • Flip it over. Every three months (coinciding with the change of season, for example) or every six at most. And turning it sideways and head to toe, too. There are some models that only need a U-turn every 12 months and others that need to be turned every 3 months. Check with your seller about what is best for your model.
  • Renew. As a general rule, the useful life of a mattress is considered to be around 10 years. After this time, or sooner if you detect any important anomaly, change it.

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Photos: Ty Carlson and Nicole Honeywill via Unsplash.