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How to clean your work table to avoid contracting the coronavirus

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Keeping our desk clean and in good condition is essential to escape the coronavirus (and many other diseases). Whether you work in the office or if your company has banished you home with your laptop to start a period of teleworking for a season, you should take into account the warning of the WHO (World Health Organization) about the importance of cleanliness and personal hygiene in the prevention of disease .

What to do to avoid the transmission of pathogens? The Ministry of Health and other official bodies have published a series of measures, among which, in addition to frequently washing our hands with soap and water or an antiseptic gel, they include the disinfection of the surfaces with which we maintain greater contact. To ensure a safer workspace, we should take the following tips into account.

Clean surfaces well

At least once a week you should clean the room and the areas where you spend the most time well. You don't need to scrub all day or go crazy looking for specific cleaning products, but you do need to use them correctly on a regular basis. The WHO recommends removing dirt with soap and water or with a good cleanser and then using food grade bleach, which does not contain perfumes. It is essential to respect the recommended dose on the bottle and dilute it in cold water (never in hot water, as the chlorine evaporates and loses its disinfectant power), as well as ventilate the areas on which you use it.

  • Another important tip: wash the sponges or cloths that you use in your cleaning regularly. Before reusing them, disinfect them by soaking them in water and bleach for 2-3 hours and letting them dry completely.

Don't pile tissues on your desk. Get used to throwing them away as soon as you use them to avoid any kind of contagion. It will not take you more than a few seconds to do it and it can be a crucial gesture for your health and that of yours. These tissues accumulate a lot of bacteria and pathogens that can become a major source of contagion.

Beware of keyboards and electronic devices

Cell phones, laptops and other electronic devices that we use every day to carry out our activity accumulate many germs. Food debris, hair, dead cells and millions of microorganisms are deposited on them every day, so they should be disinfected frequently. Did you know that a study by researchers from the UADE Foundation showed that 250 times more bacteria can be found on keyboards and mice than on toilet seats , even more than on toilet brushes? Amazing, right?

Eliminate this biological dirt using special disinfectant wipes for this type of device, so that you keep microorganisms at bay without damaging any device. If you don't have them on hand, moisten a normal washcloth with a little alcohol or a few drops of lemon, wring it out very well and wipe it over. We give you more keys to disinfect (well), objects of recurring use such as the mobile and avoid the coronavirus.

Do not accumulate things

The "less is more" maxim can also be extrapolated to your desktop. Accumulating papers, pens and unnecessary material will not only be a source of distraction from work that will not benefit you at all, but will also bring more dirt, germs and microorganisms that can be harmful to your health. Patricia Benayas, organization and productivity coach at “Stretching Time” emphasizes: “In addition to saving you time and stress, keeping your workspace tidy will make cleaning easier. Keep only what you use most often on hand and get used to putting everything in its place and wiping it at the end of each day ”.