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How to clean the kitchen in 15 minutes

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Is it possible to clean the kitchen in 15 minutes? Yes of course. But as long as it is not a thorough cleaning. That is, to do the weekly maintenance of the kitchen (without going in to clean the tiles, cabinets, appliances or the refrigerator well), it can be done perfectly in a quarter of an hour. And depending on the measurements of the kitchen, even less. For example, mine (which luckily or unfortunately is small), I clean it in 10 minutes when I am 'on fire' or I need to give it a full-fledged review.

Clean the kitchen in 5 steps

In the kitchen, as in any other room in the house, the main key to cleanliness and order is not to lose your temper (even in a rush) and to plan well what you are going to do to organize yourself better and not waste a second. Yes Yes. Although it may seem like a contradiction, investing a little time thinking helps you save it later when you get down to work. And once planned, you just have to follow step by step the different tasks you have set for yourself without wasting time with hesitation or comings and goings.

  • Clear. The first thing to do to make the job easier afterwards is to clear all the kitchen surfaces. Put the dishes in the dishwasher or the sink, put away all the kitchen utensils and the jars of food that have been left in the middle, take the different waste to the trash or the recycling bins …
  • Soften. Once the surfaces are cleared, it is the turn to soften the dirt. If you don't have a dishwasher, let the dishes soak and spray the cabinets, countertop and cooktop with the various cleaning products. Not letting detergents work in their proper time is the most common cleaning failure of all.
  • Sweep. As the dirt softens, use the broom or vacuum cleaner. One of the cleaning mistakes experts want us to stop making is sweeping after cleaning, which can kick up dust and re-soil what you've already cleaned.
  • Clean. After softening and sweeping, it's time to clean. Wash the dishes first. And then, with at least a couple of cloths (one for scrubbing and one for lint-free drying), wipe off the surfaces you've sprayed. Start with the cupboards, which is the one you wet first, from top to bottom. Then, clean the countertop (if you have left it empty or very clear, do a plastering). And finally, the hob, which is usually the dirtiest area. To clean the oven and hood well would take more time, here are all the tricks to do it quickly and effortlessly.
  • Scrub. The last step is to mop the floor. You already have everything clean and with the mop you clean the floor at the same time that you have just collected the dirt that may have fallen while you were rubbing the surfaces.

Now, to clean the kitchen thoroughly, do not make the most frequent cleaning mistakes in the kitchen: forgetting about the microwave, not disinfecting the sink well, going over the extractor hood … You will need more than a quarter of an hour to clean everything, but at least once a month it is advisable to do it in depth.