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How to clean the house to face the coronavirus

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One of the ways to prevent the spread of the coronavirus is to clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are frequently touched or that have been in contact with the outside.

Thoroughly clean all surfaces

  • Everything you touch. One of the recommendations that the World Health Organization has issued for citizens to protect themselves from the coronavirus is to regularly clean surfaces with disinfectant, and it is urged to pay special attention to all surfaces that are in contact with the hands: from the kitchen and bathroom countertops and taps to toilets, through knobs, handles and locks on doors, cabinets and drawers, and even those on desks and work areas …
  • Electronic devices. Nor should we forget controls and keyboards, and laptops and mobile phones that, in addition to being in direct contact with the hands, are a bridge between the interior and exterior of the houses.
  • Ventilate. It is also recommended to ventilate the house for a minimum of 10 minutes and three times a day.
  • Vacuum and scrub. For the floor, it is better to use the vacuum cleaner to avoid raising germs when sweeping it, and scrubbing afterwards.

How surfaces should be disinfected

  • Suitable products. In the event that there are no infected people, simply clean the surfaces with the cleaners and disinfectant products that you already have at home and, in the event that you have run out, you can improvise one with a cloth moistened with alcohol to clean the more exposed surfaces.
  • Be careful with the utensils. It is also very important to wear gloves (or wash your hands well before and after cleaning), change rags and cloths to avoid spreading germs inadvertently, and if they are made of cloth, after each use, they must be washed with water warm and let them dry well. One of the most common cleaning mistakes is using the same cloths for the entire house, and in the case of coronavirus, it is potentially dangerous. In addition, if there are infected, the use of gloves and a mask is mandatory, and both these and the rags would have to be disposable.
  • And the clothes? Change bedding, bath linen and other household linens frequently. And when you put it to wash, do not shake it so as not to spread the virus if it had entered the house. Wash it in hot water and let it dry completely.

Beware of personal hygiene items

In addition to not sharing the toothbrush, it is also recommended that each family member have their own sponge and hand towel, or that disposable paper towels are used.

  • And protect personal hygiene objects. In addition, it is recommended to store them after each use so that they are not exposed to germs. Keep in mind that the typical glass with toothbrushes is considered one of the dirtiest places in the house and one of the things that experts want you to remove from the bathroom immediately.

If there is a sick person at home …

The coronavirus (Covid-19), as well as the flu, spreads when a sick person coughs or sneezes, but also through the surfaces they touch. For this reason, experts advise keeping the affected person as isolated as possible at home.

"If you are sick, stay home and eat and sleep separately from your family, use different utensils and cutlery to eat," recommends the WHO. For this reason and whenever possible, try to keep the patient in a separate room, let him use his own dishes and utensils for all meals (or that are disposable), and if there is more than one bathroom at home, the better leave one for your exclusive use.

Cleaning protocols to follow according to the health authorities.

  • Protection. Put on gloves and a mask to clean up and wash your hands well afterwards.
  • Daily. Thoroughly clean sinks daily with bleach, starting with the sink and ending with the toilet.
  • What to do with clothes. Wash bedding, towels and everyday clothing of isolated persons with the usual detergents at 60º or higher and allow them to dry completely. Avoid shaking it and, while it is not being washed, it should be in a closed bag,
  • Household. The cutlery, glasses, plates and other utensils used by the isolated person must be washed in the dishwasher or with hot soapy water.
  • Disinfect. The surfaces that are frequently touched (bedside tables, bed base, wardrobe and bedroom furniture, knobs, handles …) as well as those of the sink and toilet must be cleaned with disposable material and a disinfectant that contains bleach in a ratio of 1: 100, that is one part of bleach for every 100 of water.
  • Waste. The disposable material of the isolated person, such as handkerchiefs, or any other waste generated must be disposed of in a plastic bag inside a garbage can placed in the room and, if possible, have a lid and an opening pedal. so as not to touch it with your hands. And before taking it out of the room it has to be closed.