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How to train your pelvic floor to gain health and have better sex

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Having a weakened pelvic floor is not just a matter of age or something that happens after giving birth. Any woman can have weakened pelvic muscles for various reasons - being overweight, repeated infections, doing a lot of impact sports, etc. - so any age is good to start taking care of it.

Get out of doubt and take our test to find out if your pelvic floor is in shape.

Better sex life

The pelvic floor is not only the support of the bladder, uterus and rectum, and its strength not only depends on whether you can control urine or feces, which gives you security, it also influences your sexual life. How? Aim:

  • More lubrication. A strengthened pelvic floor increases vaginal lubrication, elasticity, and sensitivity, and improves blood circulation to the vaginal walls.
  • More orgasms. Arousal is achieved faster, making orgasms longer and more intense.

And for that reason, we tell you what are the best ways to train it:

1. Kegel exercises

  • How to do them. They consist of contracting the anal sphincter (as if you were retaining a gas); the urethral sphincter (as if you were holding urine), and the vaginal (as if you were holding a tampon). Do each one about 10 times and repeat the exercise 3-4 times a day. You can do them standing, sitting or lying down.
  • Daily, but without going overboard. The most important thing to achieve a good result is perseverance, but do not obsess yourself. If you do them in excess they can cause the opposite effect. If you notice stiffness, stop and rest for a few days.

2. Hypopressive abdominal gymnastics

  • How to do it. A specialist should tell you what postures to adopt to deeply work this apnea muscles, that is, letting all the air out and contracting the abdominals as if you were breathing in with empty lungs.
  • Better in the morning. Hypopressive exercises speed up the metabolism. It is better to do them in the morning because they put the batteries. Instead, they should not be done after eating because they can make digestion difficult.

3. Chinese balls

  • What are they. They are two balls joined together by a cord. Inside each ball there is a smaller and heavier one. They are of different sizes and weights to adapt to the needs of each person.
  • How to use them. Stand up. It seems that the balls are going to come out, so you will unconsciously contract the muscles to hold them and thus you will be working your pelvic floor. In addition, when the balls collide, they produce a vibration in the vaginal wall that causes the continuous contraction of the pelvic muscles. Wear them for 15-20 minutes.
  • Double effect. If you do your daily Kegel exercise routine with the balls on, you will achieve a double effect: strengthening and toning.

4. Vaginal cones

They work the same as Chinese balls and are recommended more for women with a previously diagnosed pelvic floor problem. They are more for treatment than prevention. Normally you will find them in packs of 5 cones of different weights, each one suitable for a different stage of pelvic floor recovery therapy.

5. Vaginal weights

They are elongated in shape, 16.5 cm long and weigh approximately 400 g. To use it you must lie on the bed with your legs bent and apart and your feet well supported. It is placed at the entrance of the vagina and it is about contracting the pelvic muscles so that the weight is introduced into the vagina. We will notice that it also rises slightly with each contraction. The benefit of these devices is that they help a woman exercise for longer.

6. Electronic stimulators

On the other hand, there are electrostimulatory devices, much more modern than previous methods and what they do is induce or force the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles by applying an electrical current that is not painful on these muscles.