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How to train at home without injuring yourself trying

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You have not practiced physical exercise in your entire life and, suddenly, with this confinement, the athlete within you has awakened. You have decided to arrive in the summer in better physical shape than Patry Jordán and you will not stop sweating during the quarantine in order to achieve it. This excessive display of motivation is very good, but … Be careful! Practicing exercise without any type of measure, control or supervision can bring you more displeasure than benefits.

Crys Dyaz , an elite athlete and personal trainer of celebrities such as Blanca Suárez, Laura Escanes, Sara Sálamo and Carla Pereyra, offers some advice to avoid making mistakes that can cost us inconvenience or injury in the short, medium or long term. Take good note!

But, first of all, take this easy test to find out what your physical condition is.

Don't follow all the workouts you see on social media

You've taken getting fit so seriously that you sign up for all the live shows and trainings that you find on social media and YouTube. Just relax! Training, like any other facet of our life, requires prior analysis of the situation and planning . Don't jump into the pool without water!

“Indeed, the B-side of everything that is being done through the RRSS is that we can force the body too much, either cardiovascularly or at the injury level, so it is necessary to know where we are, the level we have, which is our objective and what are our possibilities. From there, we must choose someone we consider professionaland that it can help us improve our levels of motivation, inspire us to train, but in a coherent way. For this it is important that we investigate and do not limit ourselves to following all the social media trainings. My recommendation is that we make a detailed study of who we want to follow, what is their experience, what their training is and from there we trust their live shows, their streaming trainings or their online programs ", recommends the physical trainer.

Find a training adapted to your possibilities

It is important that you make sure that whoever is giving the workshop or doing the live show on Instagram has not posted the expert poster on their own initiative, but that they are a person trained for this purpose. As Crys Dyaz points out, there are online programs that can offer you more personalized training , taking into account your specific case in order to achieve better results and, what is more important, avoid injuries.

“I think the direct ones through IG are great to inspire us, but it is preferable to look for online programs offered by many health professionals, where a personalized and special program is carried out for us, according to our possibilities, our injuries, our objectives, the material we have at home and at the level we have ”.

Beware of impossible challenges and certain exercises

As if your high level of motivation was not enough, an inordinate amount of sports remains are circulating on social networks with a difficulty only available to a privileged few. Don't come upstairs! Be very careful with practicing some exercises without supervision . This is not a good time to end up visiting the hospital.

"Performing certain exercises incorrectly can cause pain and muscle overload or lead to impact injuries to the knees, hips, feet, back, neck … We can also strain the cardiovascular system, which can lead to dizziness, discomfort, headache, entering a period of overtraining that will cost us to get out if it is not with a good rest and professional advice ”, declares the physical trainer. And he adds: "I always say that little exercise and well executed is better than a lot and badly."

Avoid training more than necessary

It is worth that experts recommend fleeing sedentary lifestyle and that it is very important to stay active and lively in these times, but we must not lose the north either … You are not an elite athlete! Take it easy and do not do marathon workouts, much higher than your physical level. You must be aware of your possibilities and avoid setting excessive goals.

"It is very important to take care of your posture , respect the days and rhythms of rest, not overtraining, eat well and in a consistent way to recover from training, rest enough hours and leave enough time between each sport routine", emphasizes Crys.

Exercise routines that you can do without much trouble

Don't be put off by all these "contraindications." It is not about stopping moving and letting yourself be carried away by reluctance, but about being aware of your level and establishing a suitable plan. “There are training sessions that we can use without problem, as it does not involve great difficulty in terms of technical execution. There are basic exercises that can help us, such as squats, abdominal planks, stretching, certain yoga postures, back, hip, shoulder girdle routines, cardiovascular work … go down stairs if we have the possibility… “, concludes the athlete.