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How to get rid of cellulite

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Bye bye, cellulite

Bye bye, cellulite

We all have cellulite. It does not matter if we enter a 36 or we are large size because women always accumulate fat in the thighs. It is so, we are genetically programmed for it. Therefore, fighting it is quite complicated and requires a lot, a lot of perseverance.

Orange peel

Orange peel

Being aware that it will be almost impossible to get rid of everything, improving that orange peel appearance depends on a change in habits. And is that cellulite is due to an accumulation of fat and also fluids and against that there are things that can be done …

Drink a lot of water

Drink a lot of water

It is the oldest trick in the world but the truth is that drinking a good amount of water a day has benefits for almost everything. The fight against cellulite happens by being well hydrated inside so that fluids don't accumulate where they shouldn't.

And green tea

And green tea

For that, green tea infusions are also great allies. It increases the basal metabolism and makes us better eliminate all those fluids that should not be stored in our bodies. You can take it warm or cool it and sip it throughout the day.

Out salt and sugar

Out salt and sugar

Salt makes us retain fluids and sugar makes us accumulate fat so getting rid of them should be a priority even if your legs were like Kendall Jenner's. Take salt in little quantity - better if it is iodized - and avoid foods with hidden salt. Regarding sugar, it is advisable not to add it to ready-made foods and try not to take processed foods in which it is hidden.

Yes to pineapple

Yes to pineapple

In case you have doubts, this eliminating sugars does not include the fruit. Although they have them naturally, that is not bad. In fact, fruits like pineapple have a diuretic effect so they are also great allies to fight cellulite. Does your tongue itch when you eat pineapple? So, this interests you …

Eat healthy

Eat healthy

Healthy eating has become a priority for all of us but to be healthy you do not need fashionable berries or invest in so-called 'super foods'. Vegetables, vegetables and especially legumes, are your best allies to have a correct diet that also helps you to get rid of that orange peel that you like so little.

Run baby run

Run baby run

Or dance, swim … it doesn't matter what sport you choose but the key is that it makes you sweat the fat drop. Walking at a good pace is also a good option, the important thing is that it is an activity that motivates you. Do it 3 to 4 times a week for between an hour and 45 minutes.

Squats are your best friends

Squats are your best friends

It is true that it is an exercise that tires you but it makes your butt hard. And it is that toning the muscles of the legs is essential for cellulite to show the best possible appearance. If you need a more 'gentle' exercise, try yoga. There are many positions (such as warriors) that help you get stronger without stressing your joints. Don't miss our blog El Gym en tu Casa!

Caffeine and something else

Caffeine and something else

Anti-cellulite creams do not work miracles but they can improve the appearance of troubled areas. Ingredients like horse chestnut or caffeine are the most effective. If you want to be the 8% cellulite free, take a look at this here.

Nature Pacific Cellu10 Anticelutitic, € 14.50



With different essential oils, this spray treatment against cellulite treats many of the problems that cause it: retention, poor circulation, dryness, flaccidity …

Seven Minerals Cellulite Treatment, € 19.95



Exfoliating the skin once a week and applying a good moisturizer afterwards is one of the simplest and most effective steps you can do to give your cellulite an improved appearance.

Rub Rub Rub exfoliating shower gel by Lush, € 13.95

Rub rub

Rub rub

The natural bristle brushes are also used to exfoliate and the wooden ones, to give good massages in the area that activate circulation.

Ineffable Care 3-brush kit with interchangeable handle, € 14.97

Draining massages

Draining massages

It is important to give yourself a good massage on your legs when you use an anti-cellulite product. You can do it directly with your hands or use a specific product like this.

Stephanie Franck Cellulite Roller and Massage Cup, € 12.95



Before taking any supplement, check with your doctor to see if it is suitable for you or not.

Arkopharma Butcher's Broom Diet Capsules, € 8.25

Cabin treatments

Cabin treatments

In the event that you have decided to do some type of treatment to combat cellulite, you should know that the previous steps will continue to be essential to maintain the results. Still there is nothing definitive since the formation of cellulite is something totally natural in the female body. The treatments that work best are drainage, carboxytherapy, radiofrequency or cryolipolysis, which consists of destroying adipocytes with cold.

Avoid these mistakes!

Avoid these mistakes!

At this point, do you use anti-cellulite cream, exercise, try to eat well and the cellulite is still there? There are 8 mistakes that may be sabotaging you, discover them and avoid them.

The cellulite is one of the problems that affects more women , no matter if you are a size 36 or 48. However, one problem is aesthetically so there is not to give more importance. In addition, accumulating fat in certain areas is something for which we are genetically 'programmed' so we do not have to insist on fighting against nature itself. Although it is very difficult to eliminate it completely, there are formulas and tricks that we can follow to improve (and much) its appearance.

Eliminate cellulite step by step

  • Drink water . A basic trick that is recommended for many things but has proven its effectiveness. Cellulite is usually associated with a fluid retention problem and drinking more helps us eliminate what we don't need. Green tea is also a good tool to fight retention so drink it daily.
  • Eat well. That happens by limiting salt and above all, eliminate sugar. No processed foods, which have it hidden among their ingredients. Choose better fresh food: fruits, vegetables, vegetables, legumes … they should be the basis of your diet.
  • Train . Performing aerobic exercises such as running, dancing, cycling or swimming is essential to lose that fat from your thighs that is bothering you so much. It is also important to do strength exercises in the legs to tone the muscles. Squats are great allies for that.
  • Pamper yourself . You can also use creams and massage accessories so that the skin of the affected area shows its best version. Exfoliate once a week is a very good idea so that the skin is smooth and bright.
  • Treatments . There are many treatments to deal with cellulite depending on how it is. We have radiofrequency, draining mesotherapy, carboxytheapia and cryolipolysis.

By Sonia Murillo