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How to take care of your skin in winter

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Low temperatures tend to "wreak havoc" on our skin … and on our body. If you don't want redness to appear on your cheeks and look like Heidi or have your legs turn into two columns due to poor circulation, take the following precautions.

1. Eliminate the redness of the face

It is more common in people with fair skin and usually appears after 30 years. Erythemas on the cheekbones are sometimes the preamble to rosacea. With sudden changes in temperature (going from the cold in the street to the heat of the heating in closed places), it worsens and the redness is accompanied by a burning sensation and congestion.

The best remedies. In addition to the desensitizing creams that you can find in pharmacies, the pulsed bleaching laser offers excellent results. Only 2 to 3 sessions are necessary and each one costs about € 200.

2. Lighten the legs

The cold invites you to wear tight clothing - such as skinny jeans - to warm up. However, the Spanish Heart Foundation warns that its continued use can hinder blood circulation and cause fluid retention or the appearance of spider veins.

You can do a lot . Apart from not always wearing very tight, try not to gain weight and try to exercise or walk as much as possible to move your legs and improve circulation. Another good formula is to finish the shower with jets of cold water, starting at the feet and working up the thighs until reaching the groin and buttocks.

3. Always warm hands and feet

The feeling of frozen hands and feet is not only the fault of the environmental cold. We can have cold hands and feet - even in good weather - due to poor circulation.

Massages and infusions . They are two good allies to end this problem. A good massage that favors lymphatic drainage (with gentle strokes that facilitate the passage of lymph through the blood vessels to the lymph nodes) and take infusions of ginger, cinnamon and ginkgo biloba every day, which help improve circulation.

And if your hands are too rough .. . Paraffin baths in the nail salon are the perfect solution for dryness, tightness or redness caused by the cold, wind or humidity typical of winter.

4. Out itching

Itching in winter is usually due to the dry environment caused by heating, although if your skin is atopic or dry it is easy for it to be a reaction to cold and pollution.

Be careful with very hot water! No long baths at high temperatures. Much better a shower with lukewarm water. Excessively hot water dries the skin much more, causing the appearance of itching. And at the end of the shower, apply almond oil or an aloe vera cream.

5. Avoid flaking legs

For dry skin all are complications in winter. On the one hand, we use socks or pants that, if they are not made of natural fabrics, can dry out the skin. And, on the other hand, at this time we often do not apply body lotion due to lack of time and fear that our clothes will stick. Result: the skin ends up peeling.

Butt nutrition. To solve this, it is advisable to use extra nourishing shower gels with active ingredients such as glycerin, opt for leave-in skin conditioners (they work like hair) or apply moisturizing oils to your legs before going to bed. Those made from jojoba, coconut or lotus flower are especially nutritious.

6. Lips without cracks

The lips are a very sensitive area that loses water up to three times faster than the skin on the cheeks, which is why they dry out and flake so easily.

Soft and without skin. To achieve this, above all you should avoid sucking them, because they dry out even more. A lip balm always at hand in the bag is an excellent wildcard to keep them hydrated throughout the day. The most hydrating are those that contain hyaluronic acid or shea butter.

A good habit . Exfoliating them once a week will help keep them healthy, smooth, and even. If you don't have a lip scrub, you can improvise one with a little honey and sugar.