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How to cut ham and not end up in the emergency room

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How to cut ham

How to cut ham

If you are one of the lucky ones who has received a ham in your company's Christmas batch or you have simply bought or been given a piece, pay attention to these tips from the Cinco Jotas ham masters to cut it correctly and safely.



To cut a ham, you need a ham holder for home use. This will keep the product in a fixed position ideal for cutting. You also need a well-sharpened flexible ham knife.

Complete ham cutter set from Amazon, € 34.99

To ensure

To ensure

It doesn't hurt to get cut-proof gloves on.

Anti-cut gloves from Amazon, € 14.97

Where do I begin?

Where do I begin?

Look at the drawing. Ideally, start cutting the upper part of the ham with the mallet. Second, we would continue with the tip, the wide end of the part opposite to the hoof. Third, the stifle, the opposite side of the club, and in the same direction: from the center to the tip. Finally, we would finish with the hock.

We started

We started

The first cut will be made two fingers above the bone, precisely removing the outer part of fat.

The perfect slice

The perfect slice

To obtain the ideal slice, slide the ham knife over the ham without exerting pressure, to achieve a thin and translucent cut, with the right size to consume it in a single bite.

No waste

No waste

In addition to a ham knife, it is very useful to have a smaller one to mark the bone areas. This knife is known as a lace. With this, make a small cut to separate the lean from the bone area in order to make the most of the ham, thus optimizing the slices attached to the bone.



It is important to keep the piece in a cool and dry place and, once opened, cover the exposed area with thin layers of white grease to prevent oxidation of the product.



The ideal temperature for the correct consumption of ham is around 20 degrees, so it is essential to let the ham rest outside the refrigerator prior to consumption. This process will also facilitate the separation of each of the slices.

What if I cut myself?

What if I cut myself?

If, while cutting, the knife escapes and you make a deep cut, you can cut an artery. You will know if the blood is bright in color, abundant, and spurts intermittently, coinciding with each pulse. You have to act quickly so as not to bleed out. These are the indications of Dr. Julián Martín, Emergency and Emergency Specialist:

What to do
Go quickly to an emergency center where you can be sutured. Meanwhile, press directly on the wound with a clean cloth or towel. Raise your arm (or leg). If the bleeding still doesn't stop, compress the main artery supplying the area. The axillary, in the case of the arms, and the femoral, in the case of the legs. And if there is still blood coming out, make a tourniquet at the beginning of the affected limb.

What not to do
If you have not done a first aid course to know how to make a tourniquet, it is better not to practice it.

How to cut ham correctly and safely

To make it clearer how to do it, you can watch this video:

And if you still don't see yourself cutting a ham, remember that you can take it to bone and cut. It is vacuum packed in little packages. Ask at your usual deli.