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How to cut your bangs at home without dying trying! (and without messing it up)

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Who hasn't cut their bangs in their bathroom with their sewing scissors? All (or almost all) of us have felt that outburst at some point in our lives, generally close to adolescence, but not all of us have come out of that trance with the same luck. Some of them left it too long and were able to go to the hairdresser to have the mess fixed, but others went overboard with the Amélie style and had to wear a tight headband for many months.

Be that as it may, that experience taught us a valuable lesson: in hair matters, it is better not to get carried away by impulses and investigate a little if we do not want to put ourselves in the hands of a professional or just want to experiment. For this reason, and because it seems that we have the adolescent spirit on the surface, we wanted to develop a guide to cut your bangs at home and make it look good. Attentive

How to cut your bangs yourself

  1. Select the part of hair that you want to turn into bangs. It must be separated in a triangle shape, so place the top vertex in the center of the head, more or less close to the root, depending on how dense you want it, and separate the hair from the sides with a comb, as if were the sides of the triangle, taking the measurement of the end of the eyebrows as a reference. Collect the rest of the hair.
  2. Wet and comb. Now wet the bangs well with a spray of water and comb with a fine-toothed comb.
  3. The turn. Pin all the hair that you want to turn into bangs, straight and down between your index and middle fingers. Rotate them horizontally so that your fingers now point in the opposite direction . To hold it better, if you want you can place a food clamp (one of those straight ones) under the twist or, if you manage well, change the grip to the fingers of the other hand so that you do not get a twisted wrist.
  4. Take the scissors. Get the scissors that cut the best from the whole house (ideally, they are for hairdressers, which are already sold in many large stores). Cut just below the fingers.
  5. Repeat (if necessary) . The first time you cut, cut it well below the bangs you really want. It is always better to repeat the cut while you get some practice than to leave it too short the first time. Even when you have the final length, leave it a few millimeters longer because once dry, the hair shrinks.
  6. Equal to. This type of cut is designed so that the side locks are a little longer than those in the center. If you have missed any hair, comb the bangs again and give the necessary touch-ups, but don't overdo it! Remember that it is better to leave it for a couple of days and correct what is necessary again than to go overboard now and have no solution.

This way of cutting the bangs that we have just explained serves to make a straight bangs in the center and longer on the sides, which blends perfectly with the hair. If you want open bangs, you can also use this other method that our blogger Patry Jordán explains in the video.