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Cómo cocer un huevo perfecto: paso a paso

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Ojo con la cáscara

Ojo con la cáscara

Una de las claves del éxito para cocer un huevo es sacar los huevos de la nevera un rato antes de ponerlos a cocer. Si no, al meterlos en el agua hirviendo, se pueden agrietar fácilmente. O bien ponlos a cocer cuando el agua todavía no se haya calentado.

Evitar escapes

Evitar escapes

Otra posibilidad para que no se rompan y tengan escapes es, antes de meterlos en el agua, hacerles un pequeño agujerito con un alfiler en la base para liberar el aire de dentro.

Yema centrada

Yema centrada

You have to put them in when the water is already boiling and not cold; thus the same water will make the egg turn. And you can reinforce this effect at the beginning of cooking by turning them with the help of a spatula.

How to cook … coke eggs

How to cook … coke eggs

2-3 minutes. Semi-liquid consistency.

How to cook … poached eggs

How to cook … poached eggs

3-4 minutes. It is cooked without the shell. Wrapped in kitchen film or cooked in water with a little vinegar. With them you can prepare eggs benedict.

How to cook … soft-boiled eggs

How to cook … soft-boiled eggs

4-5 minutes. Solid clear exterior, milky interior and hot yolk. It is eaten with a spoon.

How to cook … mollet eggs

How to cook … mollet eggs

5-6 minutes. Cooked white and semi-liquid yolk. Peels carefully.

How to cook … hard-boiled eggs

How to cook … hard-boiled eggs

8-10 minutes. Solid and tender, with the bud centered.

How to easily peel an egg

How to easily peel an egg

Once the time has passed, submerge the eggs in cold water with ice and peel them when they are cold, or at least warm. If you also add a little salt to the cooking water, it will be even easier for you.

Cooking an egg in its shell is a basic and healthy way to prepare it. Water, salt and fire are enough. But not everyone knows how to do it the right way …

A very high temperature makes the white gummy, so it is preferable to cook it at less than 100 o C over low heat, without sudden movements that can damage the shell, and taking into account all these factors:

How to cook an egg

That the shell does not break. S aca eggs from the refrigerator a while before putting them to cook. Otherwise, when you put them in the boiling water, they can easily crack. Or put them to cook when the water has not yet heated up.
  • Avoid leaks. Another possibility so that they do not break and have leaks is, before putting them in the water, make a small hole with a pin in the base to release the air from inside.
  • To keep the yolk centered. In this case, you have to put them in when the water is already boiling and not cold; so the same water will make the egg turn. And you can reinforce this effect at the beginning of cooking by turning them with the help of a spatula.
  • The perfect time. Once the water starts to boil, lower the heat a little to maintain the boiling point, but without overdoing it. As for the time, it depends on the size of the egg and personal tastes as we will tell you later. But, in any case, it is important not to overdo it because otherwise the yolk will come out greenish.
  • To peel them easily. Once the time has passed, submerge the eggs in cold water with ice and peel them when they are cold, or at least warm. If you also add a little salt to the cooking water, it will be even easier for you.

Avoid cooking an egg if it is slightly cracked, it could be in poor condition

A type of cooking for every taste

  • Coke eggs: 2-3 minutes. Semi-liquid consistency.
  • Poached or poached: 3-4 minutes. It is cooked without the shell. Wrapped in kitchen film or cooked in water with a little vinegar.
  • Soaked in water: 4-5 minutes. Solid clear exterior, milky interior and hot yolk. It is eaten with a spoon.
  • Mollet: 5-6 minutes. Cooked white and semi-liquid yolk. Peels with care.
  • Hard: 8-10 minutes. Solid and tender, with the bud centered.

And they can also be steamed or in the ashes of an ember.

How was the hen raised?

To find out how the hen that laid an egg was raised or if it is an organic egg, just look at the first number of the code that is printed on the shell:

  • 0: hens of organic farming, with access to the outside, fed with organic grains, and not medicated.
  • 1: free-range chickens, raised on non-overcrowded farms and with the possibility of going outside.
  • 2: hens raised on the floor of houses in which there may be 12 hens per m 2 , with no room to move.
  • 3: hens raised in crowded cages. Their beaks are usually cut off to reduce the impact of attacks on each other.

The rest of the digits give information on the country of origin of the EU and data on the producer.

Keep an eye on the data …

How many eggs can be eaten per week?

An adult and healthy person can take almost one egg a day, remembering that there are also eggs in cakes, cakes and sauces. But, in the case of people with cardiovascular problems or hypercholesterolemia, it is advisable to reduce their intake to between 2 and 4 a week.