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How to save up to 1,000 euros a year in the shopping cart

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In rush hour, less expense

In rush hour, less expense

A study by the Journal of Consumer Research assures that crowds make us enter "survival mode", in such a way that our head concentrates on what is essential to be able to leave the place as soon as possible.

You will spend 10% less.

Take your basket and save 9 euros

Take your basket and save 9 euros

Per year, we spend an average of 248 bags per person. If we pay between 2 and 5 cents for each one, we will save an average of 9 euros by bringing our own bag or basket. In Spain we consume more than 10,000 million plastic bags a year, which we use 15 minutes but take 400 years to decompose …

You will spend 2% less.

Keep your money

Keep your money

Almost all foods can be frozen. Make sure you have freezer space and take advantage of the best deals. You just have to know how to freeze properly. Vegetables, scald them first; the fruits, always cooked; the broths, without rice or pasta; fish and meat, clean … And everything, in individual portions well wrapped in plastic or in airtight containers.

You will save up to 40%.



Seasonal foods can be 15% cheaper than those that are not, because there is more availability and their price, therefore, decreases. In addition, they are much tastier because they are just right. And remember that precooked dishes can make the basket 30% more expensive.

You will spend 40% less.

Better in bulk

Better in bulk

Buy flour, nuts or legumes like this. And ask if according to the weight they give you a special price. Another gesture for you and the planet, since the containers generate an energy expenditure equivalent to 2/3 of the value of the food they contain, an expense that falls on consumers.

You will save between 30 and 50%.

With the tupper in tow

With the tupper in tow

Take it to the butcher or fish shop and ask them to weigh your purchase on it. But make sure they zero the scale after placing it on top. Thus, you will pay only for the food and not for the plastics and papers with which they wrap. And by the way, you will take care of the environment avoiding generating more waste.

You will save up to 2%.

More for less

More for less

Both in the butcher and the fishmongers, the whole piece can save you between 30 and 50%. Take advantage of when it is well priced, have it chopped up and freeze it for times when it is more expensive. And also cut and clean the vegetables yourself, and avoid those in ready-to-use bags. You will save between 60 and 70% in your shopping cart.

You will save more than 50% .

Build your own garden

Build your own garden

You only need a sunny terrace or balcony (6-8 hours). In a simple pot, you can grow cherry tomatoes or strawberries. And in a 60 cm long planter you can already plant two lettuces, recommended because they are easy to grow, there are all year round and in just one month you will have leaves for your salad.

You will spend between 2 and 5% less.

Cleaning at zero cost

Cleaning at zero cost

There are many home tricks to clean the house without using chemicals: disinfect with lemon, remove lime with vinegar, whiten clothes with borax or bicarbonate … However, if you prefer detergents, bet on multipurpose and, above all, control the amounts. Following the advice of the manufacturer you can reduce the cost between 10 and 20%.

You will save up to 80%.

Reuse leftovers

Reuse leftovers

The leftovers we throw away are equivalent to 10-40% of global food spending. And we not only throw away the price we pay but also that of the energy spent in its preparation. As little as it may be, reuse it to make cannelloni, croquettes, empanadas, tortillas, risottos or salads.

You will save up to 40%.

If you want to save up to 1,000 euros in the shopping cart, do not miss the 10 tricks of the image gallery and the following principles when it comes to an efficient and sustainable way. They do not fail!

3 basic steps before going to

  1. Pantry list. Hang it on the inside of the door. It will be very useful to write down what you are taking and that you will have to replace. Tidying up the pantry every time you get home from shopping will also help you avoid wasting and consume what has been in it for the longest time.
  2. Shopping list. Prepare it thinking about the menu of the week and the people who will eat. They are 5 minutes that will save you a lot.
  3. Set a budget. The lists will be basic for this. To fulfill it to the maximum, carry the right cash and leave the cards at home.

Go to the purchase with a calculator: you will be able to add up and you will not spend a euro of your forecast

Check that it really is a "deal"

80% of our purchase is repeated every week, so you can see if it really is an offer with a simple glance. But if you don't trust your memory, to check if something you usually buy is really discounted, take the previous ticket with you.

Do not get carried away by the 3 x 2. Calculate the price per unit and see if it is more affordable than another product in the same range. The same happens with weights. Take the price per liter or kilo as a reference and calculate if the packages on sale are really cheaper, because sometimes there is no real discount, just a change of packaging.

Check the ticket

Pay special attention if you have bought sale items because it is estimated that 1 in 5 supermarkets do not apply the discounted price at the checkout. Detecting these errors can save you 10 euros per month according to consumer organizations.

1 in 5 supermarkets do not apply the reduced price at the checkout

And don't throw anything away

50% of what we throw away are food scraps and expired products. Put a container in the fridge to leave everything that is about to expire. So you will see it and you will not consume it. If you can cook it, make it and freeze it. So you will not waste.