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Hoaxes about vph

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The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a danger that not only puts people who enjoy many sexual partners at risk. The condom reduces the risk, but does not offer complete protection.

"VPN infection is rare"

The human papillomavirus is one of the most common sexually transmitted viral diseases of our time. It has been known for a long time that the times. HPV infection has long been known to cause cervical cancer. Large HPV infection causes cancer of the cervix. Most of the sexually active women part of the sexually active women get HPV at some point of time they get HPV at some point in their lives. In about 75% of their lives. Approximately 75% of the cases are about some type of cancer, the cases are about some type of cancer of the virus, and of the total cases of cancer, the virus, and of the total cases of cancer, 6% are due to to HPV.

"The body will begin to produce antibodies once the infection is cured"

I wish it were so, but unfortunately infections that have been overcome from infections that have been overcome naturally do not trigger the defense mechanisms of the immune system. Anyone can get infected again, even the same type (carcinogen) of the virus.

"It is only transmitted in a sexual way"

Although HPV is spread primarily through sexual contact, it can also be spread through skin contact through objects. The condom reduces the risk, but does not eliminate it.

"I don't feel anything, I'm sure I'm not infected"

Cervical cancer strikes young and middle-aged women, destabilizing families. It usually appears at an earlier age than breast cancer (15 years earlier). The infection carries no symptoms in most cases and can be latent for days, months, or even years. This is why many women do not know that they are affected and thus continue to spread the virus.

"HPV = Cervical Cancer"

Infection does not automatically lead to cancer. Depending on their carcinogenicity, we can speak of low, intermediate and high risk strains of HPV. Apart from this, HPV infection is transient in 80-90% of cases, which means that the immune system expires after a year, and the virus disappears from the body. It only becomes permanent and causes cell proliferation in 10-20 percent of cases.

"Monogamy is the surest defense"

The virus is not only transmitted sexually. In addition, the risk of infection appears even during the first sexual act, which means that although we trust our partner, we cannot know if they have been careful before.

The HPV test can now be done at home, thanks to an autosample test available to all audiences. Neumann Labs has over 20 years of experience in the diagnosis of human papillomavirus, their method is very reliable. With the help of the Easy HPV test, the presence of the HPV virus can be detected at home in a few minutes. This way the necessary steps can be taken before the virus causes malignant changes in the body.

The sampling device arrives with courier service, discreetly, the examination can be performed at home easily, free of any discomfort or pain. Sample analysis is performed in a laboratory, the result can be viewed on a password-protected web platform. In case of positive result, consult your gynecologist!