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Weekly horoscope: from November 28 to December 4

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Aries March 21 - April 19

You are in a phase where you could really enjoy everything you do on a professional level. If you openly approach your plans and take advantage of the contacts you have made lately, you will start a period in which you will feel safe and determined to carry out all your projects.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

This week you could live a profitable meeting to achieve your plans (professional … and sentimental!). Or receive good news. All the efforts you've been doing have paid off. Whether they say it or not, everyone trusts you and recognizes your merits. Carry on with conviction.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Open up You can be calm and serene and let yourself be carried away by your feelings without any kind of fear. Although you doubt, you have the right instinct to face that sentimental matter that you have been dealing with for some time. Listen to your inner voice and, little by little, you will find your way.

Cancer June 21 - July 22

There is no good news yet, or at least what you expect. That frustration you experience these days for not feeling fully understood will not last forever. But to overcome it, you will have to abandon the security that so calms you and patiently travel through arid terrain, before reaching the oasis behind the desert. It's time to cultivate patience.

Leo July 23 - August 22

It is more than likely that you will have an opportunity to live a risky or very exciting adventure. Yes, yes, exciting and related to your heart … Despite the doubts or insecurity that it may cause you, you will hardly reject it because it will fascinate and excite you.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

You are impatient to carry out your professional plans and you have plenty of desire, but doubts and insecurities often block you. What you have to do is take the bull by the horns and approach the matter with passion and self-assurance. You can.

Libra September 23 - October 22

You have been working and striving for a while to build your world and achieve your dreams. The key is none other than to keep working and learning slowly but surely, with perseverance and patience, and always thinking in the long term. Both the family and the rest of the relationships will benefit.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

The time has come to fight with all your might to solve what you long for on a professional level. If you gather all your courage, and face it with passion and joy, there is no doubt that you have all the points to achieve it.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

Until now, you have avoided a friendly conflict by ignoring it and dismissing it. Although it is true that for the moment it is better not to think about it any more, do not forget that, sooner or later, you will have to walk the path of your fears and face it to solve it.

Capricorn December 21 - January 20

After a long period in which you have been working hard from scratch to realize your plans, a good opportunity finally arrives that can really excite you. If you play your cards right, you won't have any obstacles. The people you love the most will give you their full support.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

For some time you have been more open and loving than ever, and you have a good antenna to do what is appropriate at all times. Something that will not take long to start a prosperous period for the realization of your dreams. If you are preparing a trip, congratulations, it will be unforgettable. Relax and think only of enjoying yourself.

Pisces February 20 - March 20

It is more than likely that this week you will receive good news that will accelerate everything you have been living during these last months. If so, put your seatbelt on, because everything will go so fast that you risk losing your mind. And it is that the stars are going to align themselves so that you fulfill many of the wishes that you have had in recent months.