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Baked prawn and rooster skewers recipe

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8 small rooster fillets
16 prawns
100 g of arugula
2 oranges
1 egg
Soy sauce

White fish and shellfish, as in these rooster and prawn skewers , are a safe bet when you don't want to skip your diet or give up a delicious bite.

In addition, if you add an arugula and orange salad like the one in our recipe, you get a fresh and light accompaniment, which does not overshadow the rooster and prawns or make it fat. And it even serves as a single dish.

How to do it step by step

  1. Assemble the skewers. On the one hand, peel the prawns and wash them. On the other, it removes the remains of bones and skin from the rooster fillets; and then wash and pat dry with kitchen paper. Then, string them on skewers (if they are made of wood, soak them in water beforehand), interspersing the prawns with pieces of rolled rooster fillet.
  2. Bake the skewers. When you have them assembled, place the skewers on an oven-safe tray. Salt and pepper them, water them with a thread of oil and roast them for about 10 or 12 minutes in the oven preheated to 170º. Or if you prefer, you can grill them too.
  3. Prepare the accompaniment. Wash the arugula and drain very well. Peel the oranges live and cut them into thin wedges. Beat the egg in the bowl of the mixer, adding oil on a string until it begins to emulsify like mayonnaise. Add a little soy, a few drops of vinegar and salt, and continue beating until smooth. Serve the skewers over the arugula and orange wedge salad and the mayonnaise in a sauce boat.


lighter dressing

If you want to take even more care of the line, skip the sauce, which is where most of the calories hide, and replace it with a light lemon or apple cider vinegar vinaigrette. Remember that good fish and seafood need very little to be delicious. You don't need to camouflage them.