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Intermittent fasting: a study reveals the best time to eat and lose weight

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There is growing scientific evidence about the effectiveness of intermittent fasting. Different studies show that it is a useful diet to lose weight and that, in addition, it offers a lot of benefits to our body and improves our quality of life . But there is more! A study reveals that the hours of the day that we spend to eat can also influence - and a lot - in your results.

Until now, there was no specific recommendation about what time of day it was best to fast . It was more a matter of taste and preference. There are those who have the habit of having breakfast as soon as they get up and advance the last meal of the day. Others choose to lengthen the time of the first meal (even suppress it) to also delay the time of dinner. Finally, there are those who opt for an intermediate pattern, delaying breakfast a little and advancing dinner.

Well, a study published by Harvard Medical College suggests that there is some scientific evidence for the efficacy of circadian rhythm fasting . What does this mean? Circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow the daily cycle and that respond mainly to light and darkness in the environment of an organism. Sleeping at night and being awake during the day is an example of a circadian rhythm related to light. This research indicates that, to achieve better results, not only must we limit the hours of the day that we spend eating, but it should be done early. For the best effect, you should eat between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. or between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.. And never eat at night, especially when bedtime approaches!

Along the same lines, we also find a study carried out by scientists at Johns Hopkins University (recently published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Meatabolism ). These researchers recommend having dinner early, at least 5 hours before going to bed. Apparently, by bringing the last meal of the day forward, you can enjoy a restful sleep and boost fat burning during the night. The authors of this study argue that dining very late (one hour before bedtime) slows down metabolism and there is a higher risk of obesity.

Don't be obsessed with schedules

However, do not obsess. If you are one of those who cannot eat a bite as soon as you get up and you are not able to endure so many hours without eating before going to bed, continue doing it as before. It is preferable not to abandon the diet than to change "time zone" and not be able to bear it. These studies argue that intermittent fasting works best by eating early , but this does not mean that it is not effective with another hourly combination. In fact, much research lists the benefits of fasting without making this distinction.

  • If it has worked for you so far and you find it better how to do it, why change? One of the advantages of fasting is precisely that you can adapt it to your lifestyle. Maybe you lose weight at a slower rate, but you will benefit from the rest of its benefits.

Why Intermittent Fasting Works

As its name suggests, intermittent fasting consists of not eating for certain periods. There are different modalities, the best known being the 16/8. It consists of eating only for a period of eight hours during the day and fasting for the remaining 16 hours . Generally, a meal is omitted and only coffee, vegetable broth or sugar-free infusions can be taken during the fasting period.

The success of this method is that, by limiting the hours we eat, we restrict the calories we eat . It is estimated that a 16/8 fast ends up assuming a reduction of about 300-500 kcal per day. On the other hand, fasting makes our body burn fat reserves .

When we eat, food breaks down in our intestines and turns into sugar, which our cells use for energy. The problem is that if we eat more than our body needs, the excess sugar is stored in our cells as fat. During long periods of fasting, our body's insulin levels drop and these “reserves” begin to be pulled.

Benefits of intermittent fasting

Weight loss is not the only benefit you will get if you sign up for intermittent fasting. According to research, this diet also lowers inflammation , lowers blood sugar , improves cardiovascular health , strengthens the immune system , and even helps kill tumor cells .

Combine your fasting with exercise

Many people wonder whether it is possible to exercise while fasting. Not only can it be possible, but it is very convenient to do cardiovascular and strength work if you are pursuing weight loss and improved health.

Contrary to what many may think, fasting does not lower our energy levels. In fact, they are older. We tend to be more active when we are hungry and to move less when we have eaten . Therefore, following this diet maintains performance and muscle gains and is more effective for losing fat. Your strength does not have to fail! However, it is extremely important to eat well at the times allowed. Most experts recommend eating in a balanced way and opting for fresh and natural foods, preferably in season.

  • A good alternative is to follow Harvard's plate rule, which proposes filling half the plate with greens and vegetables; a quarter with proteins (meat, fish or legumes); and the remaining quarter with carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, cereals, rice or pasta).

When you shouldn't do it

Despite such good press, the current fad diet is not suitable for everyone. There are certain restrictions when it comes to intermittent fasting. Pregnant or lactating women, people with advanced diabetes or a history of eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia) should not use this method and, if they do, it should always be under the supervision of a specialist who recommends it.

  • Whether it is your case or not, we recommend that you let yourself be advised by a nutritionist or endocrinologist . This way you will be sure that you are doing it correctly. It is the best way to make the most of the benefits of this method without taking any risk.