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Intermittent fasting: what to do if it doesn't work and I don't lose weight

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As I mentioned a few weeks ago when I told you about my experience with intermittent fasting during confinement, I have been doing intermittent fasting for a long time and it has helped me a lot. And in this I know that I am not alone. Tania Llasera, without going any further, explained not long ago how she has lost 10 kilos thanks to intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting?

As you know, and if I don't tell you about it right now, intermittent fasting is based on eating in an 8 hour window and fasting the other 16.

I know there are many people who put their hands to their heads "16 hours without eating, what madness!", But if you think about it, when you eat dinner at 10 and have breakfast at 10 you have not eaten for 12 hours. In this case, it is about bringing dinner forward (how many times have we read that of: "early dinner"?) And delaying breakfast (how many times have we read that of: "you have to have a good breakfast"?).

Trust me if I tell you that intermittent fasting works and that it also helps you have a great breakfast and enjoy every bite. Just the fact of waiting at 10:30 (in my case) to have that delicious first coffee with milk accompanied by, for example, oatmeal pancakes with avocado, poached egg and salmon … it makes my mouth feel Water! On the other hand, before, when I had breakfast earlier it was unthinkable to have something so strong. Now is a pleasure.

Results of intermittent fasting

In my experience the results are more of maintenance. I do not practice it every day, only in times when I need to "return to my being": after a fantastic trip to Rome in which I have tasted all the delicacies that the city could offer me; After the first weeks of confinement, when I ate my nerves and everything that had accumulated in my pantry … Come on, when I have spent at specific moments. I do it for a few days and go back to the starting box. And does it work to lose a lot of weight? Yes and science has confirmed it but it requires doing it more in the long term and, of course, eating healthy and light in the hours that you can eat. It is not worth eating anything, in large quantities, just because you are not fasting.

What to do when intermittent fasting no longer works

But as happens in almost all diets and weight loss methods, fasting sometimes stagnates and you no longer lose weight, it stops giving results. That's when keeping doing it becomes frustrating. When this happened to me, I asked our nutritionist, Dr. Beltrán, for advice and she recommended that I do a shock one day so that my body would reset (restart) and fasting would work again. Holy hand.

How do you make a shock day?

Very easy, you only eat fruit and yogurt (in addition to coffee, herbal teas and light and homemade vegetable broth). Of course, the best fruit that is not acidic, I recommend apples because they are very filling.

This is a shock day

  • Breakfast: a piece of fruit and a whole natural yogurt
  • Mid-morning: a piece of fruit
  • Food: a piece of fruit and a whole natural yogurt
  • Snack: a whole natural yogurt
  • Dinner: vegetable cream (no potato, cream or oil)
  • During the day: infusions, coffee and homemade vegetable broth.

Does intermittent fasting work again?

Yes, like the first time. It's amazing. Of course, the shock day can cost you a little so I recommend that you be very mentalized, in a quiet time of your life, without PMS … you know yourself better than anyone.

The dangers of intermittent fasting and day shock

If you have health problems and of course if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not do intermittent fasting. And especially avoid it at all costs if you have had eating disorders. Fasting can be a trigger and make you relapse. Your health is the most important.