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Ares teixidó presents his initiative sweet warrior

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Receiving a diagnosis of diabetes changes your life. And not only because now you have to be more aware of what you eat, but also because it 'forces' you to change habits in an almost radical way if you want to keep the disease at bay.

Yes, diabetes, today and well controlled, does not have to pose any problem to lead a more or less normal life, but beware, without the previous steps, this is not possible and first you have to get informed and then learn new habits of life. Precisely for this reason, and after facing a diagnosis of type I diabetes in the first person, the presenter and television collaborator Ares Teixidó has launched a new initiative, Sweet Warrior ( Sweet Warriors).

What is Sweet Warrior, the new project by Ares Teixidó?

A year ago Ares Teixidó received the news that he suffered from type I diabetes and since then he has had to live with a disease that, although it allows him to lead a more or less normal life, does require a more or less profound change in habits since he has not yet the cure has been found. The consumption of sugar then becomes the greatest enemy to beat and, as we are all becoming more and more aware, it is found in an added way in a multitude of foods that in principle should not have it.

For this reason, and to try to educate more and more people, Ares has launched Sweet Warriors, a community in which to share experiences, processes and above all, the keys to be able to deal with diabetes day by day. In it, in addition to having the testimonies and stories of other patients, you will also have at your disposal a lot of information prepared by professionals and experts from all fields that will help you take steps in the right direction and learn to take care of yourself a little better. if you suffer from this disease.

"Sweet Warrior is a support and a space in which to connect with other warriors who are living the same reality because in diabetes, two plus two are not always four …", Ares Teixidó explained at the platform's presentation event.