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"Bet on me" by aurora pérez


Children. The job. Home. Food. School and homework. My parents and my friends. The after-school and the extra-problems. In this long list of desperate terms, one something that was forgotten until a few months ago is missing: me. Amid this hubbub and after putting my own person in the background, she appeared. It was not easy to realize at a time when I forgot what I wanted. It had been a long time since I did something that I really wanted. And I decided to bet on myself for the first time in a long time. Betting on me is synonymous with betting on love. Between a lot of shyness, glances in the supermarket (the least romantic part of the story) and the first words, it emerged. After a few months, this romantic story has found its end as a couple. However,It is the most romantic story of my life because thanks to that bet I made for love, thanks to deciding to be brave and starting that relationship, I learned to bet on myself and look a little bit for myself and not just for others. The most romantic story of my life has made me the woman of my life.

Aurora Perez