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Anxiety about eating or how to end the sweet tooth in the afternoon

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You have eaten for a long time, it is already mid-afternoon and there are still hours for dinner. And suddenly you feel a call inside you, something that tells you that you NEED sweet . " If my body asks me, " you deceive yourself, "it is because I will need it . " Well, no. Not only do you not need it, but you are also ruining all your attempts to eat a healthier diet and (if that is the case) lose a few pounds.

But you, who in those moments have what is commonly known as anxiety to eat, get up from your chair and assault the nearest vending machine / refrigerator / grocery store and fall into the arms of the sugary ultra-processed.

The worst of all is that the momentary well-being provided by these types of products passes quickly but its consequences do not. So it is best to avoid that dreaded moment by eating well at noon or satisfying that 'need' for sweet with healthy foods . Do you want to know what you have to do? We reveal it to you.

How to avoid craving for sweets

We are not going to discover anything new, but the first thing to do is eat a healthy and balanced diet throughout the day. If we have full reserves, it is more difficult for that anxiety to eat to appear. To do this, it is best to start the day with a complete and healthy breakfast. It is recommended that breakfast contributes between 400 and 450 calories - more or less 20-25% of all the calories of the day - and you do not have to take them all at once. If you have a hard time having a "strong" breakfast first thing in the morning, you can divide it into two servings spread throughout the morning. The ideal breakfast should include dairy, hydrates, protein, fruit, and healthy fats.

But the decisive moment to avoid that afternoon sweet tooth is lunch time. Make sure your plate / tupper includes foods with fiber and protein and of course, a good amount of vegetables. Legumes are also a good idea. If you follow the plate method you will ensure that your food is balanced and healthy.

A good option would be a dish that includes a mixture of lettuce, broccoli, hearts of palm and salmon, chicken or tofu as a source of protein. If you add a little avocado and extra virgin olive oil as a dressing, you will feel satisfied for longer, so it will be more difficult for you to enter that atrocious anxiety to eat something.

Anyway, if you don't know what to eat this week, take a look at this healthy menu proposal that includes breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And if I have a sweet tooth, what do I eat?

To calm your anxiety about eating something sweet but healthy you can always resort to chocolate with 85% (minimum) cocoa, some nuts, dried fruits such as figs or dates and of course a piece of fruit. In this case strawberries, bananas and tangerines can act almost like candy. You can even add some cinnamon, cocoa powder, or grated coconut to accentuate its sweet flavor.