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Foods that provide or steal calcium (and not all are dairy)

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The salt

The salt

Excessive consumption favors the expulsion of calcium through the urine, thus preventing its correct assimilation. Sometimes we take more quantity without giving ourselves and therefore it is important to know which foods have hidden salt to avoid them!



These foods contain a lot of salt, which, in turn, is rich in sodium. Some studies estimate that for every gram of sodium consumed, we lose between 20 and 40 mg of calcium through urine. In addition, they have proteins and saturated fats, which reduce the absorption of calcium, so it is advisable to consume them very punctually.



Fermented drinks, such as wine, beer or cider, contribute to the decrease in bone mass by inhibiting the absorption of calcium.



It is estimated that for every 100 ml of caffeine (a cup of coffee has 150 ml) we lose 6 mg of calcium, so it is better not to abuse this drink.



An excess of sugar in the blood causes the calcium from the bones to be reabsorbed and eliminated from our body. Try alternatives like agave syrup or raw honey.



The excessive consumption of animal protein favors the loss of calcium due to its high content of nitrogen and phosphorus. Limit meat to 2-3 times per week.



If you make it with whole milk and butter, it provides an excess of saturated fat, which makes it difficult to absorb calcium during digestion. Choose to substitute skim milk or low-fat plant milk for the milk.

Ice creams

Ice creams

Although ice cream can have the same amount of calcium as yogurt, if its sugar content is high, this prevents the correct assimilation of calcium. It is always better those in establishments that make them by hand or make them at home. Luckily … we have many recipes for you to make ice cream yourself!



Check the labels carefully as E338, E339 or E340 additives contribute to decalcifying the bone, so it is convenient to keep them away.

Not all the calcium we get from food is assimilated. Therefore, it is convenient to know which foods provide more calcium and, therefore, should be included to a greater extent in the diet. And just as important as knowing where we can get calcium from is what foods "steal" them from us and thus avoid them.

The specialists affirm that it is always better to obtain calcium thanks to the consumption of several foods distributed throughout the day than to rely on only one so do not miss the list that we leave you below and, in the gallery, which you should avoid if you want to enjoy strong bones now and in the future.

Foods that give you calcium

  • Sesame. Its seeds are very nutritious and remineralizing, and in 30 g you find 25% of the calcium you need per day. They also have phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese. In addition to the seeds, you can take it as an oil to dress your salads, or as tahini (a sesame-based paste) in sauces and vegetable patés such as hummus. To assimilate the calcium from sesame, combine it in the same meal with a fruit rich in vitamin C such as kiwi, citrus, strawberries …
  • Sardines If you take a can of sardines you will be giving an extra calcium, vitamin D, B 12 and omega 3 to your body. Sardines with thorn are the fish with the most calcium - followed by anchovies - so we recommend that you include them in your diet.
  • Tofu An alternative to the classic cheese is tofu. Made with soy, it has multiple benefits for our health and, in addition, it has a lot of calcium, so your bones will thank you.
  • Almonds The nuts are great sources of calcium, especially almonds, which provide twice the milk. In addition, they also contain magnesium and phosphorus, responsible for facilitating the absorption of calcium. Take a handful a day or add them to salads and other dishes. And if the almonds do not convince you, you can also take Brazil nuts or hazelnuts without roasting or salting. Don't miss our ideas for eating more nuts.
  • Yogurt. Yogurts are a great source of calcium, so it is recommended to take 1 to 2 each day, one of them outside of meals. Choose its skimmed and unsweetened version.
  • Figs Whether fresh or dried, if you take four figs you will get 15% of the daily calcium we need. This fruit also provides potassium, which counteracts the expulsion of calcium through the urine.
  • Algae. Iziki, wakame, arame and kombu are the richest in calcium algae. You may be reluctant to include them in your dishes, but we assure you that if you try them, you will want to repeat. Add them in small amounts to soups and salads, and you can even make a delicious vegetable paté.
  • Prawns The queens of seafood. Prawns have 220 mg of calcium per 100 g, so they are a perfect option to strengthen your bones. Steamed, they are digestive and become your allies on those nights when you don't know what to eat for dinner.
  • Broccoli. Like other vegetables like cabbage, cabbage, chard, or Brussels sprouts, broccoli is an excellent source of calcium. In addition, it also contains vitamin C and K, which promote its assimilation.

In addition to food, we have habits that we repeat daily and that harm our bones. Find out what they are and avoid them.