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Non-dairy foods with calcium

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Beyond dairy

Beyond dairy

When talking about foods rich in calcium, the first thing we think of is dairy. And although it is true that these are an excellent source of this mineral, there are many other foods that also provide calcium such as legumes, green leafy vegetables, nuts or seeds.

  • To consider. To improve its absorption, avoid eating foods rich in calcium along with others with a lot of fat, rich in insoluble fiber or oxalic acid (chard, spinach, tea …); In addition to not taking too much salt or sugar, or too much protein. Here are all the details about foods that rob you of calcium.

Small fish

Small fish

Small fish such as sardines, anchovies or anchovies, which are eaten whole without removing the bones, are an excellent source of calcium. They are also part of the foods that provide vitamin D, which, among other functions, helps to fix calcium in the bones.

  • Plus healthy. Another advantage of eating these small fish is that they contain few heavy metals.



Chickpeas, white beans and, above all, soybeans provide large amounts of calcium. In the case of soy, you can consume it in many different presentations: soy beans, textured, as a drink or as tofu. In the latter case, it is better to choose the one whose coagulation has been done using calcium salts as this way its content of this mineral is greatly increased.

  • Good idea. Another possibility is to eat edamames that are nothing more than green soybean pods, collected before they mature.

And if you have doubts about this legume that seems to be used for everything, discover the truths and lies about the benefits of soy.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds

Among the nuts, mainly almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios and sesame seeds stand out. And in the case of sesame seeds and to take full advantage of their properties, it is better to consume them crushed.

  • Take advantage of its benefits. You can add them to your salads, yogurt …

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables

Kale, watercress, broccoli, arugula … are also an excellent way to obtain the calcium we need. In addition, these vegetables also provide vitamin K that contributes to calcium absorption and ossification.

  • Eye to the data. Spinach and chard, although they are rich in calcium, have the disadvantage that they also contain a large amount of oxalic acid that reduces the absorption of calcium.



En concreto, los langostinos, las gambas y las cigalas son los más ricos en calcio. Pero este no es el único mineral que nos proporcionan. También contienen zinc, yodo, selenio y hierro.

  • Otros beneficios. Además, aportan proteína de alta calidad. Así que de vez en cuando, ¿por qué no darse un capricho?



Las variedades hiziki, wakame o arame son muy ricas en este mineral. Puedes preparar con ellas ensaladas o añadirlas a estofados o sopas. En cualquier caso, no te excedas son las cantidades porque su sabor es muy intenso.

  • Contraindicación. Si tienes algún problema de tiroides, es mejor que las evites ya que tienen un gran contenido en yodo.



Especias como el orégano o la canela también aportan calcio. Es cierto que la cantidad que aportan es bastante inferior a la de los otros alimentos que hemos mencionado, pero tienen la ventaja de que se pueden añadir fácilmente a infinidad de platos ayudándonos a alcanzar los 1.000 mg de calcio diarios que necesitamos. Y sin sumar calorías…