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Avocado, beer, popcorn, oatmeal, walnuts or watermelon ... are they really fattening?

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Does popcorn make you fat?

Does popcorn make you fat?

It cannot be said that they are a light food, but what is really going to determine that (in moderation) we can include them in our diet without losing weight or health is what type of popcorn it is:if they are bagged, those that come already prepared to be made in the microwave or if they are homemade. Between them, the differences are enormous. Industrial or microwave-prepared foods are ultra-processed foods that can exceed 500 kcal / 100 g, as well as containing a very high amount of salt (or sugar, in the sweet version) and saturated fat. Homemade popcorn, on the other hand, is considered a healthy snack as long as you make it without oil or salt. They are more satiating than French fries and with a lower caloric intake: a small cone will give you just over 300 kcal.

  • Anti-aging. According to a study carried out by the American Chemical Society, popcorn helps fight aging thanks to its high levels of polyphenols, natural antioxidants that help preserve and regenerate cells. And be careful, that shell that always stays between your teeth is precisely where there is the highest concentration of polyphenols.

Does avocado make you fat?

Does avocado make you fat?

Despite the multiple properties of avocado that are beneficial for health, if you eat too much it is quite likely that you will get fat, since avocado is a very fatty food and it provides many calories (140 kcal / 100 g). However, various studies maintain that if you do not go overboard, it can even help you lose weight.

  • Very satisfying. One of the good things about avocado is that it is very satisfying and that, if you do not overdo it, it could help you maintain your weight as a study published in the Nutritional Journal has highlighted . According to this research, adding half an avocado to your daily diet can help you keep the kilos at bay since it reduces the desire to snack by 40% in the 3-5 hours after eating it. And other research published in Internal Medicine Review concludes that all those who eat avocados on a regular basis tend to follow a healthier diet, weigh less and have better health. If you want more information, discover all the facts about whether avocado is fattening or not.

Are oats fattening?

Are oats fattening?

Oatmeal is a cereal and, therefore, it is rich in carbohydrates and with a non-negligible caloric content. But that does not mean that you get fat, on the contrary. The normal portion for breakfast is about 30 g and that supposes a contribution of only about 100 kcal. In addition, it has qualities that will help you lose weight: it is rich in fiber, which will satisfy you without the need to eat large quantities and its carbohydrates are slowly absorbed, so you will feel full for longer. In any case, the important thing is to take into account what you accompany it with. If you add jam, peanut butter or lots of nuts to your morning porridge as a topping, there is no doubt that you will end up putting on weight.

  • Good for your heart. Among the properties of oats, it stands out that it is rich in beta-glucans, a type of soluble fiber that helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent cardiovascular diseases. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , you only need 3 grams of beta-glucan daily to achieve this goal. And you can find that amount in just ¼ cup of uncooked oat bran.

Does the banana make you fat?

Does the banana make you fat?

There are many who include bananas on their black list of foods convinced that they are high in calories and that they can make them fat. And it is true that it is one of the fruits that provide more calories, but it is also very satiating so it could actually help us lose weight. In addition, it contains L-tryptophan, an amino acid that increases serotonin levels in the brain; And the increase in this hormone helps fight anxiety and stress. So if you are one of those who assault the fridge because of nerves or emotions, the banana could help you eat less. It is also rich in fiber, so it helps regulate intestinal transit.

  • Green or ripe? If you have doubts about whether it is better to eat green or ripe banana, keep in mind that ripe is easier to digest, but in green the majority carbohydrate is resistant starch that is absorbed little by little and helps maintain levels stable blood sugar levels since it does not accumulate as fat.

Are walnuts fattening?

Are walnuts fattening?

Nuts are a dried fruit and, as such, they are very healthy but also very caloric, so it is necessary to control the amount you eat so as not to overdo it and end up getting fat. In general, the recommended portion of nuts to keep you fat is about 30 grams, that is, a handful or, in this case, about 7 nuts. If you do it like this, walnuts could even become an ally for weight loss as they have great satiating power. According to a study published in the journal BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health , which observed almost 150,000 people for more than 20 years, increasing the consumption of walnuts by 15 g per day reduced the risk of gaining weight and suffering from obesity.

  • Fight Alzheimer's. According to a study published in the journal Neurochemical Research , walnuts could help fight neurodegenerative diseases as they contain antioxidants, alpha-linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties and protect brain cells from oxidative damage and aging .

Do olives make you fat?

Are olives fattening?

They have a reputation for being a real calorie bomb, but it really isn't that bad. One hundred grams of olives provide about 167 kcal, but the most common is that either as an aperitif or as an ingredient in a dish, we take a small amount. Thus, 7 olives (the recommended daily amount) only contributes around 40 kcal. Much less than what you eat if you accompany your drink with some potato chips; specifically, up to 3 times less. In addition, olives, having a high fiber and fat content, are very satisfying.

  • Fats Olives are rich in fat (16.7 g) –not in vain they are the base ingredient in olive oil–, but most of them are polyunsaturated fats that are very healthy and help reduce triglyceride and blood sugar levels. bad cholesterol in blood.

Does bread make you fat?

Does bread make you fat?

Although it is one of the first foods that one usually neglects when you want to lose weight, a work published in the journal Nutrition Reviews in which several investigations were analyzed, showed how most of the studies reviewed placed bread in a neutral position with respect to to obesity, although there were some studies that did point to a possible relationship of refined white bread with excess abdominal fat. In contrast, research showed that eating whole grain bread does not contribute to weight gain in any way. And it is that whole wheat bread, although fattening like white, has a high fiber content so it is more satiating and also provides more nutrients.

  • Bread. It has a greater amount of fats, sugars and additives so that it can be kept in good condition for longer. It also has a smooth and unctuous texture so it is less satiating. So it is much better to eat fresh bread or homemade bread whenever you can, this way you will control its process.

Does honey make you fat?

Does honey make you fat?

Of course you are fattening. Its caloric content is very high and comparable to that of sugar: 100 g of sugar has 398 calories, while 100 g of honey contains about 314 calories, approximately. But, in addition, honey is denser than sugar, so a teaspoon of honey will make you fatter than one of sugar. It is true that while sugar simply provides you with calories, honey contains other substances such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, trace elements and enzymes. But it must be taken into account that the contribution of these nutrients is minimal (they represent between 0.5% and 1% of honey) and that therefore, their presence does not justify that we include honey in our diet.

  • Cough. Honey is a traditional remedy against coughs, but according to a report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) there is no evidence that honey helps increase defenses or fight coughs. If you want alternatives, here are home remedies for cough that do work.

Does rice make you fat?

Does rice make you fat?

We have the idea that rice is fattening. However, a Japanese study presented at the 26th European Congress on Obesity concluded that rice intake is not associated with obesity, but quite the opposite: countries that consume more rice have lower obesity rates.In any case, the main nutrient in rice is carbohydrates (60-70%), so even though these are essential, it is advisable not to overdo it so as not to gain weight. And also, it is advisable to give priority to brown rice. Although it provides a similar amount of calories to white, it contains more fiber, protein and minerals, and its carbohydrates with complexes. This implies that they are absorbed more slowly, they make us satiated for longer and thus we bite less. In addition, there is less risk that there is excess glucose in the blood and that it ends up being transformed into fat.

  • Better cold. When it is cooled after cooking, its structure is transformed and the starch it contains becomes "resistant starch", a type of starch that is not digestible and is therefore absorbed very slowly, without causing peaks in blood glucose.

If you want ideas to cook it, here are the most sought after and delicious recipes with rice.

Does beer make you fat?

Does beer make you fat?

In our heads, beer is inevitably linked to the terrace and the so-called "beer belly". Although the calorie content varies depending on the type of beer, a beer is around 60 kcal. In addition, when we drink beer, we usually accompany it with other foods that are even more caloric.

Although there are studies that indicate that moderate beer consumption may not make you fat, the truth is that, in general, dietitians-nutritionists prefer to set a zero or much more sporadic consumption of alcoholic beverages.

In the case of alcohol, it is not only important to take into account the calories to determine how much you can drink without gaining weight, but also its negative effects on the body. Therefore, the recommended amount of alcohol is as close to zero as possible.

Does alcohol-free beer make you fat?

Does alcohol-free beer make you fat?

If you're going to have a beer, it better be non-alcoholic. And not only because your health will appreciate the lack of ethyl content, but also because it has fewer calories than its alcoholic version. A beer with alcohol is around 60 kcal, while in non-alcoholic beer, the calories are reduced to only about 15 kcal. Although the problem many times does not come so much from the beer itself, but from the cover with which you accompany it; So keep that in mind the next time you get some fries next to your beer. And if your goal is to cut down on alcohol, be careful asking for a clear one; If it is with a lemon soda you are mixing the beer with a drink full of sugars, better order it with soda.

  • Without alcohol? Be careful, even though the label says it is 'without' or even '0.0%', it has some alcohol. Although it is not enough, if you drink several beers you can end up adding enough alcohol to be counterproductive in some cases.

Does alcohol make you fat?

Does alcohol make you fat?

Yes, it makes you fat … a lot. Even worse, it gives you a ton of calories and no other nutrients. In addition, it makes us eat more, both because it makes us uninhibited and not control so much what we eat as well as because it can alter satiety hormones. And if that weren't enough, alcohol - as a study from the University of California showed - also alters the way we metabolize the food we eat with it, delaying the burning of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids and favoring their storage in fat form.

  • Just a drink? A study published in The Lancet magazine concluded that no matter how little alcohol we consume, that minimal amount already poses a risk to health; the only way to protect ourselves from these possible adverse effects is by not trying or gout.

Discover the hidden calories in alcoholic beverages.

Do 'light' drinks make you fat?

Do 'light' drinks make you fat?

Although it has no calories, it could contribute to weight gain. At least that is what some studies have pointed out, such as an investigation carried out by the University of Texas in which it was verified how the continued consumption of 'light' drinks causes an increase in the waist circumference and fat in the medium and long term abdominal.Although it is not yet entirely clear what the reason is, one of the explanations being considered is that the fact that we drink something sweet but without calories confuses our brain and to compensate, it triggers in us the need to ingest those calories, what drives us to eat. On the other hand, diet drinks cause alterations in the microbiota, which leads to a distortion of the signals that we are satiated. And also, the fact of believing that we have "saved" a handful of calories in the soda, encourages us to eat more.

  • Health risks. Beyond their effect on weight, 'light' sodas also have a negative impact on health. According to a study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine , consuming "light" soft drinks daily increases the chances of premature death by 26%, a much higher percentage than that associated with conventional soft drinks (8%).

Does watermelon make you fat?

Does watermelon make you fat?

Watermelon is more than 90% water, so it can hardly get fat. In fact, one of its advantages is that when you want to lose weight, you can eat much more watermelon than other fruits. Although, its sweet taste often leads many to think that its sugar content can contribute to increase our love handles. However, keep in mind that the intrinsic sugar in fruits has nothing to do with table sugar. In fruit, sugar is accompanied by a lot of fiber, antioxidants and other plant compounds that do not have any adverse effect. In fact, several studies such as the one published in the Plos One magazine indicate that those people who consume more fruit not only do not gain weight, but also lose weight.

  • Anticancer. The red color of watermelon is due to lycopene, an antioxidant that has been shown to help prevent some types of cancer such as lung, prostate or digestive.

Does melon make you fat?

Does melon make you fat?

It is one of the fruits with a lower sugar content (3.60 g) and that contributes less calories (16 kcal / 100 g). Besides, and as with watermelon, more than 90% of its content is water. This together with its high fiber content makes it very satiating and can help you eat less and lose weight. To this we must add that this high percentage of water is also an ally when it comes to combating fluid retention and fiber, for its part, helps to activate the digestive system, as well as regulate intestinal transit and combat constipation.

  • At night. It is not indigestible as is often believed. In fact, if digestive problems appear, these are probably due more to having eaten too much and not to the fruit itself. What can happen is that being very diuretic you have to get up at midnight to go to the bathroom.