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9 Green smoothies to purify and lose weight

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Green smoothies and shakes  have been in fashion for a few years as a healthy, cleansing, detox or slimming drink. But this is not always the case …  If the diet focuses on these drinks, it will be deficient in many nutrients. "We can take them regularly, but never as a replacement for important meals," warns dietician-nutritionist Aitor Sánchez.

The ideal formula for green smoothies

For green smoothies to be really healthy,  the following recommendations must be taken into account. 

  • More vegetables than fruit. This reduces the calorie and sugar content.
  • With skin whenever possible. Many micronutrients are concentrated in it.
  • No sugar or sweeteners.  Do not add sugar or agave syrup, honey, stevia … If you want to add flavor, with spices.
  • More water to cut calories. Add mineral water, filtered or crushed ice to the juice to complete the glass. You will reduce the calories.
  • And smoothie better than juice. Yes, because smoothies have more fiber, which makes the absorption of sugars slower and more satisfying than juice.

Here are some of the most effective green smoothies to lose weight, purify yourself, replenish vitamins and minerals, slow down aging … And if you want to know which is the most suitable smoothie for you, take our test to find out the smoothie that your body needs needs to.

  • We have also prepared a downloadable eBook with the best shakes to debug and lose weight. You can download it here.

Green smoothies and shakes  have been in fashion for a few years as a healthy, cleansing, detox or slimming drink. But this is not always the case …  If the diet focuses on these drinks, it will be deficient in many nutrients. "We can take them regularly, but never as a replacement for important meals," warns dietician-nutritionist Aitor Sánchez.

The ideal formula for green smoothies

For green smoothies to be really healthy,  the following recommendations must be taken into account. 

  • More vegetables than fruit. This reduces the calorie and sugar content.
  • With skin whenever possible. Many micronutrients are concentrated in it.
  • No sugar or sweeteners.  Do not add sugar or agave syrup, honey, stevia … If you want to add flavor, with spices.
  • More water to cut calories. Add mineral water, filtered or crushed ice to the juice to complete the glass. You will reduce the calories.
  • And smoothie better than juice. Yes, because smoothies have more fiber, which makes the absorption of sugars slower and more satisfying than juice.

Here are some of the most effective green smoothies to lose weight, purify yourself, replenish vitamins and minerals, slow down aging … And if you want to know which is the most suitable smoothie for you, take our test to find out the smoothie that your body needs needs to.

  • We have also prepared a downloadable eBook with the best shakes to debug and lose weight. You can download it here.

Green apple smoothie to purify yourself

Green apple smoothie to purify yourself

Being rich in potassium and low in sodium, the apple is perfect as a detox food. Eliminate fluids and toxins from your body, and this not only helps to take care of the line. Its purifying effect also makes it ideal for fighting inflammatory diseases such as gout, arthritis and rheumatic diseases. This is due, in addition to its potassium content, its organic acids and its tannins, substances that favor the elimination of uric acid.

  • Ingredients. 1 apple (preferably Granny Smith) - 1/4 lemon with the skin - 2 kale leaves - 1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts - 1/4 cucumber - 1 piece of ginger to taste - 1 parsley leaves - 1/4 branch of celery - 100 ml of water
  • How to do it. Wash the ingredients and extract the juice with a blender in the order in which they are listed; or crush and pass through a strainer.

Green celery and avocado smoothie to purify and lose weight

Green celery and avocado smoothie to purify and lose weight

Thanks to its potassium content, celery stimulates the production of urine. Therefore, it is ideal to combat fluid retention and eliminate toxins. Helps relieve constipation naturally. Also, being low in fat and calories, it works well for keeping the line. And like avocado, it is very satiating. According to a study published in the Nutritional Journal , adding half an avocado to your daily diet can help you keep the pounds at bay. The reason? Well, being very satiating, it reduces the desire to snack by 40% in the next 3-5 hours.

  • Ingredients. 1 bunch of wild leaves (arugula, lamb's lettuce, dandelion, comfrey, borage, pigweed, purslane or alfalfa) - 2 celery sticks with the leaves - ½ avocado - 1 tablespoon of peeled hemp seeds - the juice of ½ lemon - ½ clove of garlic - 10 parsley leaves - 150 ml of mineral water.
  • How to do it. With a high-power mixer, beat all the ingredients until you get as fine a consistency as possible.

Green smoothie with ginger to lose weight

Green smoothie with ginger to lose weight

In addition to apple, which is very cleansing, and avocado, which is very satiating, it contains spinach, rich in iron, and ginger, which helps you lose weight. According to a study by the China Agricultural University, among many other properties and benefits of ginger, it has a thermogenic effect. That is, it raises the body temperature and speeds up the metabolism and, therefore, contributes to burning more calories, which is what you lose weight.

  • Ingredients. 1 handful of spinach - 1 apple - 1 piece of ginger - 1/4 of avocado - 150 ml of mineral water - a pinch of salt.
  • How to do it. Wash the spinach and apples. Peel the ginger and the avocado quarter. In a blender, blend everything together with the water and salt. You can add sprouts, algae, nutritional yeast …

Green kale smoothie to get stronger and slimmer

Green kale smoothie to get stronger and slimmer

Cabbage kale has many properties and benefits. Protects the heart, improves digestion, fights anemia thanks to its richness in non-heme iron (which is present in plant foods). And, in addition, since it also contains vitamin C, iron is better absorbed. And it helps you lose weight due to its low calorie content and glucosinates (sulfur compounds) that reduce the absorption of fats. In addition, being rich in fiber, you have less feeling of hunger.

  • Ingredients. 6 kale leaves without the stem - ½ peeled lemon or the juice of one lemon - 1 Granny Smith apple - 10 fresh mint leaves - 150 ml of celery and apple juice or filtered water.
  • How to do it. Mix all the ingredients in the blender until you get a fine and creamy texture. You can vary the amount of liquid ingredients (celery and apple juice or water) until you achieve the consistency that you like best.

Green smoothie rich in fiber to eliminate toxins

Fiber-rich green smoothie to eliminate toxins

Being a shake rich in fiber, it is ideal for eliminating toxins. It also contains turmeric, a powerful antioxidant, effective as an anti-inflammatory, and good for losing weight because it has the ability to limit the extension of fatty tissue.

  • Ingredients. 1 bunch of green leaves without the stem (beet greens, wild greens, mizuna, arugula …) - ½ peeled lemon or the juice of 1 lemon - 1 Granny Smith apple - 1 teaspoon of psyllium husks (psyllium) - 1 teaspoon of chlorella seaweed - 1 piece of 1 cm of turmeric - 150 ml of celery and apple juice or 150 ml of mineral water.
  • How to do it. Wash the green leaves; Mix a maximum of 2 different varieties on the same day and avoid spinach and chard due to their oxalate content. Squeeze the lemon, wash the apple and peel the turmeric. And with a high-power mixer, beat all the ingredients together with the water (you can vary the amount until you achieve the desired consistency and texture).

Green smoothie with purifying and satiating spirulina

Green smoothie with purifying and satiating spirulina

The sum of apple, celery and avocado makes it a very purifying and satiating green smoothie. And in addition, the spirulina seaweed is the champion of foods with iron of plant origin. The United Nations recommends it to combat malnutrition in addition to anemia. Of course, you have to take it in small amounts to be really healthy.

  • Ingredients. 120 g of diced red apple - 20 g of celery - 20 g of spinach - 30 ml of lemon juice - ½ avocado - 1 teaspoon of grated ginger - 5 ice cubes - 125 ml of orange juice - a few mint leaves - a little crunchy spirulina to decorate.
  • How to do it. Blend all the ingredients in the blender. Serve decorated with spirulina.

Green smoothie with chia seeds to facilitate digestion

Green smoothie with chia seeds to facilitate digestion

The sum of its main ingredients together with chia seeds, make it a green smoothie that goes very well to facilitate digestion and combat constipation. Chia seeds are very rich in mucilage, a type of soluble fiber. When you let these seeds soak with a liquid (water, milk, natural fruit and / or vegetable juice …) they release these mucilages and form a "gel" that, in the intestine, performs a drag function that facilitates evacuation.

  • Ingredients. 6 kale leaves without the stems - 1 celery branch with the leaves - ½ avocado - 1 teaspoon of chia seeds - the juice of ½ lemon - ½ clove of garlic - 7 coriander leaves - 150 ml of mineral water.
  • How to do it. With a high power mixer, mix all the ingredients until you get a fine and creamy texture.

Green grape smoothie to detoxify

Green grape smoothie to detoxify

Although grapes are quite caloric, their caloric intake is offset by their purifying capacity. They contain more than 80% water that helps to lighten the body, and their calcium and other alkaline elements stimulate the liver (an organ that balances the acidity of the blood and cleanses it). Added to the fiber of chard and lettuce, and with the effect of turmeric and ginger, it is a very detoxifying shake.

  • Ingredients. 125 g of red grapes - 50 g of chard - 50 g of lettuce - 1 tablespoon of flax seeds - 1 teaspoon of powdered turmeric - 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger - 150 ml of mineral or filtered water.
  • How to do it. Whisk together all the ingredients. Adjust the amount of water if you want it more liquid.

Green wheatgrass smoothie to purify and strengthen you

Green wheatgrass smoothie to purify and strengthen you

The very high chlorophyll content of wheatgrass keeps the body clean and works at full capacity. Its detoxifying qualities have been confirmed in studies such as the one carried out at the Ramban Medical Center, of the Technion Technical Institute (Israel), which has proven that it reduces the toxicity of chemotherapy treatment. The formation of red blood cells is another of the properties attributed to it. To reinforce its antianemic effect, it should be taken with vitamin C, such as lemon.

  • Ingredients. ½ lemon with the skin - 1 cup of fresh wheatgrass - 10 fresh mint leaves - ¼ of a stick of celery.
  • How to do it. Juice them with a blender in the same order as the ingredients are listed, or blend them in the blender and pass through the Chinese.