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What you should know before having cosmetic surgery

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If you plan to do the aesthetics it is because you have the illusion of improving some part of your face or body. Take into account where and who is going to do it, tell you exactly what they are going to do, inject, etc. Before doing so, see how some celebrities have fared and, also, keep these points in mind to make sure you are in the best hands and know how to preserve your rights.


An aesthetic operation involves the signing of a performance contract, that is, there must be improvements in the part intervened after the operation. If not, you can file a complaint, just as if there is some kind of medical negligence during the intervention. In 2014, of the 14,430 complaints for medical malpractice received by the Patient Ombudsman, 200 were for aesthetic medicine issues. If you want to know more, we tell you what to do if you are a victim of medical malpractice.


But since prevention is preferable to litigation, it is best that you know what to do before undergoing cosmetic surgery.

  1. How is the clinic. Check that the chosen clinic is legalized and verify in situ if it has resuscitation equipment and ICU.
  2. Is the surgeon good? Make sure that the doctor has a recognized degree as a plastic surgeon and repairman, as well as that he is registered and has a solvent curriculum. You can check it by calling the Spanish Society of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (SECPRE). Telephone: 915 76 59 95.
  3. Be suspicious of intermediaries. As a patient, you have the right to receive all the information from the specialist doctor who is going to treat you. In some centers, especially dentistry or aesthetics, the first information is offered by a commercial agent. Be suspicious of this way of acting.
  4. What are they going to do to you? Before the operation, the person in charge of the clinic or the surgeon must sign a document stating what is going to be injected, the distribution company, the health registration number and the batch number.
  5. What you have to ask for. Demand in writing the results that you are supposed to obtain after the intervention.
  6. What you should never do. Do not sign documents in which you take risks, such as possible infections.
  7. Do not pay everything before. In a private clinic, the patient must receive a closed and itemized budget that includes the different expenses: stay, intervention and materials. It is not advisable to pay the intervention before, and if we give an advance, we must request an invoice.
  8. What documents do you have to keep? The invoice and the copy of all the documents that are signed.

And if you want to know more about aesthetic medicine, don't miss what cosmetic surgeons only tell their friends.