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30 Things in your house that you have to throw away right now

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Mismatched socks

Mismatched socks

Disengage yourself … Even if you keep them forever waiting to see if your partner appears by magic, chances are that your mismatched socks will continue to be until the end of time. So don't think twice and get rid of them. But if you want to give them one last chance before saying goodbye, you can use them as a dusting mitt or recycle them to make stuffed animals.

Bras and Underwear Threaded

Bras and Underwear Threaded

Yes, we all love wearing those panties and bras that are so comfortable even if they are about to enter the museum of prehistory because of how old and worn they are. But sooner or later you will have to renew them. So throw them out now, and if the ones you have newer aren't comfortable for you, then maybe you're not using the size or model that really suits you. Find out how to get right when choosing your bra.

Garments of your other life

Garments of your other life

Tidy guru Marie Kondo's tricks work when it comes to keeping order in your closet at bay, and one of her principles is to get rid of all the clothes you don't wear, either because it's out of date or because you've changed clothes. size or whatever.

Advertisement t-shirts

Advertisement t-shirts

The great paradox: almost everyone hates the promotional t-shirts that they give us on occasion, but almost everyone keeps them just in case (even if they will never use them …). Unless you're going to recycle them as cleaning cloths right away, get them out of the way immediately. Your closet needs its space for clothes that really deserve it.

Pleistocene shoes

Pleistocene shoes

Yes, those shoes that you only wore once or that you wore to a wedding or that you used for a costume or that they hurt you or that … Why do you keep them? Get in touch with yourself. If you have not put them on for more than a year, then you will never wear them again …

Jewelery without rhyme or reason

Jewelery without rhyme or reason

When you no longer even know which necklaces and other beads you have as tangled as they are, it is time to put order and get rid of the ones you do not use. If you don't like throwing them away, you can always set up a bazaar with your friends and let them choose what they want before finally saying bye bye.

Worn sportswear

Worn sportswear

Sportswear is usually made with fabrics and rubbers that do not wear well over time. Check that the rubbers of your swimsuits, sports pants and shirts retain their elasticity in perfect condition and, if not, it is time to renew them …

Baby clothes

Baby clothes

And we are not referring only to your children's, if you have them and they have already grown, but to all those clothes from a thousand years ago that you know perfectly well that you can no longer wear and that you only keep as a souvenir. If it is in good condition, you can donate it to a charity. And if not, recycle it for rags.

Bed sheets and linen

Bed sheets and linen

Most of the population only uses a couple of sets of bedding and the rest put them away just in case. Pick a couple of sets for each season (if they are made of different fabrics for winter and summer), add one more emergency set and a pair for guests (if you have a bed for them), and get rid of the rest.

Old towels

Old towels

The same thing happens with towels as with bed linen. Do not accumulate them without rhyme or reason. A couple or three sets of towels for each member of the family is more than enough. And those that are left over you can donate, for example, to an animal shelter, where they are always well received. By the way, do you already know how to fold all the clothes with the KonMari method?

Moldy sponges

Moldy sponges

The sponges and other utensils that we use to clean ourselves not only have to be washed periodically in the washing machine like one more garment, but also be renewed every so often because they accumulate mold and other germs. If your sponges have black spots, a sign that mold already lives on them. Change them now.

Hotel or travel soaps

Hotel or travel soaps

Instead of accumulating in some corner of the house all the soaps that you have been swiping in the hotels, use them in your daily hygiene or take them to the gym. And if not, throw them out.

Forgotten cosmetics

Forgotten cosmetics

Take a look at your cosmetics and surely there is more than one that you do not even know since when you have it or even what it is for. Creams and other cosmetic products also have an expiration date, and not only can they lose their properties, but they can also be harmful to your skin. Check the expiration date on all the containers and throw away those that are expired.

Past makeup

Past makeup

The same thing happens with makeup products as with cosmetics. Not only do they lose their qualities, but they can also irritate your skin. So take a look at them and throw away anything that is outdated or messed up. And tidy up whatever you keep with these makeup organizers.

Dangerous drugs

Dangerous drugs

Don't be tempted to save the medicines that you had left over from the day you were sick in case it happens again. If necessary, the doctor may prefer to prescribe another, healthier or more effective drug. And even if it was the same, the most likely is that the one you save is already expired. Check your medicine cabinet and take all those that you no longer use or are out of date to the recycling points in pharmacies.

Tuppers and lunch boxes

Tuppers and lunch boxes

Unless you use them, get rid of all the tuppers and lunch boxes that you accumulate and, above all, those that have lost the lids or are in poor condition for some reason or another. What are you going to do with them if not …?

Entrenched food

Entrenched food

Take a look at your refrigerator and immediately remove all those leftover prepared foods, sauces, condiments, jams, butters … that you saved for you no longer know what. If you haven't needed them in the last two weeks, it means you don't need them and they're probably already in bad shape. Do you already know that there are fridge organizers that make your life much easier?

Mummified frozen

Mummified frozen

If you have any food stored that you did not put a label, date and and you do not even know what it is, it is better to discard it. Frozen food, although very slowly, also expires. You can't keep it forever.

Spices without their gifts

Spices without their gifts

Many of the spices and products that we use to season do not expire, but, after a while, they lose the properties for which we use them. So don't accumulate them just because. Save only the ones you use regularly.

Condiments, sauces and wines

Condiments, sauces and wines

Be very careful with storing sauces and other liquid products that you have left over. Except for oils, vinegars or soy sauce, most sauces have to be stored in the refrigerator once opened, and cannot be kept for many days. Read the directions on the labels. And keep in mind that products such as red wine, once opened and covered, only keep for a week, and white wine for three days.

Cutlery and disposable tableware

Cutlery and disposable tableware

Try not to use disposable plastic cutlery or utensils. The environment will thank you. And if you have no choice, opt for the one made with more sustainable raw materials such as bamboo, cardboard or other recyclable materials.

Knives that do not cut

Knives that do not cut

They are a classic of the objects that we accumulate even if we never use them. Either you buy a sharpener now, or think about getting rid of those knives that you don't even look at because they cut less than a costume.

Pots and pans

Pots and pans

It is also very typical new pans and pots and save the old ones for stews and battle fritters. But the new ones have been bought precisely because the old ones were chipped, the food stuck together, there was no one to wash them … Don't suffer any more, take them to the recycling point and enjoy cooking again.

Tableware for exhibition

Tableware for exhibition

We are buying crockery, glassware, cutlery and, if we do not get rid of the old ones, in the end we will end up accumulating so many plates, trays, glasses, glasses and cutlery that we could mount an exhibition. The ideal is to have a daily tableware for about six people. And a party for between six and twelve people (but if you don't have big parties at home due to lack of space or desire, six is ​​enough).

Batteries, bulbs and other OGNI's

Batteries, bulbs and other OGNI's

Instead of accumulating spent batteries, burned out light bulbs and other OGNI's (Unidentified Stored Objects), take them to the recycling point and replace them with more ecological versions: rechargeable batteries, LED bulbs …

Candles and "put" of all kinds

Candles and "put" of all kinds

Candles and other "put" (those decorative objects that you ask yourself: "And this, where do I 'put' it?) Only serve to accumulate dust. Unless you really use them to decorate, set the atmosphere or scent the spaces of your home, you can perfectly do without all of them. One way to get rid of them without too much regret is to give them to family, friends and acquaintances so that they are the ones who wonder where to put it: D



Many people have stopped having music or video players and, instead, continue to jealously guard their collection of cd's dvd's (and even vhs!) Without a device to listen to or watch them … It is clear what you have to do, no?

Desk utensils

Desk utensils

Desks and their drawers are a magnet to accumulate stationery and stationery that can be very cute, but very likely to settle there for life. Check the pens and throw away the ones that don't paint anymore. Take advantage of the notebooks and diaries that you have not used to take notes and make the shopping lists or the accounts. And take old mobiles and chargers to the recycling point.

Outdated books

Outdated books

The information in many of the books we accumulate has become outdated or out of date with the passage of time. Go through your library and donate the books that are no longer current and all the best sellers that you read in your day and that you know you will not reread.

Prehistoric Magazines

Prehistoric Magazines

Instead of accumulating prehistoric magazines that you no longer look at (and whose information, as in many books, has probably become out of date), get rid of them and leave space to put the latest issues of Clara ?.

Getting rid of all these things is not always easy. But we have several tricks so that it is not so difficult for us to say goodbye definitively to everything we do not need.

Keys to get rid of things

  • The box test. If there are objects that you don't know whether to throw away or keep, put them in a box, close it and put the date. If after a year you have not had to open it, it is because you do not need anything that is inside, so throw it away directly.
  • The spark of joy. Tidiness guru Marie Kondo bases her KonMari method on deciding whether to keep something based on whether it gives you a "spark of happiness" when you pick it up. If not, thank the object for the services provided and you can throw it away or donate it.
  • Take advantage of the seasonal changes. It's a great time to "clean up" your closet and other black spots of clutter. Distribute the clothes or what you are ordering in 3 groups: one with what you are clear about wanting to keep, another with things to throw away directly, and a third with what should be fixed. And then, with the group of what is left to fix, assess whether it is really worth it or you will, and if not, pass it on to the throwing group.
  • It is better prevent. To avoid having to get rid of things, it is best not to accumulate them. Set the rule that for every new thing (clothes, kitchen utensils, book …) that you bring into the house, one or two must go out to make room.