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20 Disease Symptoms: The SOS Your Body Sends

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Help the doctor is essential and irreplaceable. There are checkups that go through it yes or yes. But there are many other aspects of your health that you can control yourself. That is why we propose 20 very simple self-checks that can help you assess and improve your health and even detect a serious disorder. It's about deciphering the messages your body sends you about your health so you can take action. And, to properly treat any ailment it is important to detect it in time. A few minutes in front of the mirror can help you achieve this. We started!

Feel your armpit, do you notice any lumps?

If so, calm down. Most likely it is a boil, that is, an infection of the hair follicle, or hidradenitis, inflammation of the sweat glands. But it can also be due to a swollen lymph node. In this case it will be necessary to analyze its origin, since it may be due to a serious illness. In any case, when faced with a lump in the armpit, go to your doctor and leave no doubts.

And redness in the armpits?

If you notice redness and flaking, it could be a sign of a simple irritation (usually after waxing), an allergy, eczema or an infection. To remedy it, do not use deodorant for a few days. A corticosteroid-based cream is effective for irritations, but never use it without consulting a doctor. In case of infection, he will prescribe an antibiotic cream. To prevent, dry well after showering and wear loose clothing that prevents chafing.

The iris of the eye has a halo

Look at your eyes in a mirror, do you have an opaque halo, light gray or white, in your iris? If so, ask for an analysis now, because it is a clear indicator that you have very high cholesterol. To reduce it, follow a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, with more fish than meat, and avoid cold cuts and industrial pastries.

More than 11 moles on the right arm?

According to a study published in the British Journal of Dermatology, those with more than 11 moles on the right arm are at higher risk of developing skin cancer. A type of cancer that can be cured if found early. To do this, mirror in hand, explore your skin for moles and go to the dermatologist when you notice any changes: a new mole or changes in color, size, or shape in which you already have, or a lesion that does not heal.

Do your fingers look like a drumstick?

The widening of the tips of the fingers and the nails taking the shape of a drumstick is sometimes an inherited characteristic without further ado, but it always requires a visit to the doctor, because it is usually a symptom of diseases such as congenital heart ailments, chronic liver pathologies and various lung conditions, such as chronic infections or tumors. In case your fingers suddenly adopt this shape of a drum stick, you should go to the family doctor as soon as possible.

White spots on the nails

The typical white spots like little clouds that we have on our nails are harmless. But if these spots are on the skin underneath instead of being on the nail, they probably hide some disorder. Press on the nail, if the white spots disappear, it means that the stain is not on the nail but underneath. In this case, you should consult with the dermatologist.

Do you have stretch marks on your nails?

If they are regular, it is surely nothing. But if they are vertical, irregular and marked stretch marks, they could indicate that you have arthritis or a cardiovascular problem. If they are transversal, it may be due to a disease that stopped the growth of the nail or to nutritional deficiencies.

Swollen feet

If you have walked a lot or have sat for more hours than you should, your feet may retain fluids and swell, but this sensation is likely to disappear after an hour. However, if you notice it constantly, it may be warning of a heart problem. In this case, pay attention to your toenails. The first red flag when oxygen is lacking because the heart is failing is that the nails get thicker and break more easily.

Bad breath in the morning

In 90% of cases, it is due to poor hygiene. But if you also feel more hungry, thirsty and want to urinate than normal, this is when you should suspect possible diabetes.

Small doll? Watch your bones

People with a slimmer complexion may be at higher risk for osteoporosis. To find out your build, measure your height and your wrist.

If you measure between 1.58 and 1.67 centimeters and your wrist measures …

  • Less than 15.2 = small
  • Between 15.2 and 15.8 = median
  • More than 15.8 = large

If you measure more than 1.67 centimeters and your wrist measures …

  • Less than 15.8 = small
  • Between 15.8 and 16.5 = median
  • More than 16.5 = large

What are your eyelids like?

Look at yourself in the mirror. Having too many bags on the eyelids can not only mean tiredness, it could also be indicating the presence of kidney problems. And if you have plaques or small yellowish balls, they could be simple lumps of fat, but also a symptom of high cholesterol. If you have them, take an analysis.

Always cold hands?

It could indicate a thyroid problem. And is that hypothyroidism usually manifests itself by an intolerance to cold, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, apathy and drowsiness. Pay attention also, if you have gained weight without making changes to your diet or your exercise routine, because it can also be due to your thyroid. Consult with the doctor who, after evaluating your case, can order a blood test to see how your thyroid is doing.

Are your feet always cold?

You surely have poor circulation. It is the most common cause, as well as smoking, that narrows small blood vessels. As less blood reaches the farthest parts of the heart, the temperature of the feet drops. But watch out, if you are over 40 years old and suffer from fatigue, dry skin, weight gain, etc., because it could also be due to thyroid problems. In that case, go to your doctor and ask for an analysis to find out.

What do your gums look like?

  • White: could indicate that you have anemia. The reduction in red blood cells makes the gums pale.
  • Red and swollen: a sign of infection. If you also notice that there is bleeding, you probably have gingivitis. Do not miss it and go to the dentist. Bacteria that nest in your mouth also pass into your bloodstream, which can lead to cardiovascular problems.

Can you blow up a balloon?

Although it is not a guarantee that there is no disease, having a good lung capacity is a sign that indicates good lung health. To check this, inflate a balloon (with a single sustained blow of air) and look at the size you have managed to give them.

  • Very small. Your lung capacity is bad.
  • Little. Your lungs give less of themselves than they could.
  • Medium. Not bad at all.
  • Big. The capacity of your lungs is great.

Look at the color of your pee

  • Light color: Good symptom that indicates health and good hydration.
  • Bright yellow: You don't drink enough fluids. It does not indicate any major problem but you should hydrate yourself better.
  • Dark yellow: Go to the doctor because it can indicate a liver problem, especially if it is accompanied by a yellowish tone in the eyes and fatigue and discomfort.
  • Reddish Brown: Inflammation in the kidney. You may have a stone in your kidney or urinary tract.
  • Blue: It is due to an excess of calcium or a type of bacterial infection.
  • Red: If you have not taken red fruits, beets or some type of dye that can cause this color, go to the doctor because it can indicate the presence of blood due to kidney or bladder problems.

Do you have gray hair from a young age?

When a lot of gray appears before the age of 20-25, they can alert you to anemia and digestive problems. This is due to poor absorption of vitamin B and iron affects hair pigmentation.

Very swollen belly

If you feel bloated for many days and this is accompanied by a constant need to urinate or a feeling of fullness after eating, do not confuse this with the typical discomfort of the period, because it could be a first symptom of ovarian cancer. If you notice that your abdomen is progressively increasing, consult your gynecologist.

White patches or sores in the mouth

It is not uncommon for sores or spots to appear from time to time on your lips, tongue or palate. If they appear recurrently, they may be due to a digestive disorder. But if they do not heal, they could be indicating mouth cancer. On the other hand, if they are small white spots that spread over the tongue, even on the palate, the inside of the cheeks or the lips, it could be oral candidiasis.

Scabs on the skin of the nipple

If the skin of one nipple - only one - and the areola is frequently crusted, scaly and red, it can alert to a rare type of breast cancer, Paget's disease, which can be confused with eczema. Also be alert if your chest is swollen all month, or if it itches or hurts.

Do you have hoarseness for no apparent reason?

If you suddenly notice aphonia that you do not relate to having strained your voice and that lasts more than two weeks, consult your GP or ENT doctor because it could be laryngeal cancer. With a laryngoscope, the doctor can look at the larynx and quickly identify suspicious areas of cancer in the mucosa. And to confirm it, you can do a biopsy and take a small sample.

Remember … how is your poop lately?


The normal thing is to go to the bathroom once a day or at least 3 times a week. If you go less you may have constipation and more than 3 times a day would indicate diarrhea. You can get rid of doubts by doing our test.

How is its shape

  • Uniform and banana-shaped: It's normal. If it is very hard, it may indicate that you are dehydrated or a little constipated.
  • Very thin as a pencil: Go to the doctor because it could be an intestinal obstruction, hemorrhoids (if they do not let you live, we will tell you how to cure hemorrhoids quickly) or polyps, normally benign lumps but that can be cancerous.
  • Pieces or balls: Usually indicates constipation.
  • Discard and soft: It may be that you have diarrhea because some food has made you sick or that it is a gastroenteritis caused by a virus. But if it lasts for a long time and is painful or very bloated, it could be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome.

And its smell?

  • Poop smells like it always does: Normally, it always smells similar.
  • Poop smells especially bad: If the smell is unfamiliar or is very intense it may be from something you have eaten, but if it lasts you could have an intestinal infection, parasites or even food intolerances. In all these cases, you will usually feel bloated and flatulent right after eating or often.

The color

  • Brown: Normally, it has a color between light and dark brown.
  • Yellow, green, reddish or black: They can be caused by green vegetables or beets or by eating too much fat. And if they are black or have black parts, it is very likely that there is blood that could indicate intestinal or pancreas problems. If you don't see it clearly, go to the doctor.

Main symptoms of health problems

  1. Swollen abdomen Excess gas after eating or fluid retention usually causes this annoying sensation, which is not serious in these cases. But if abdominal swelling is frequent, it can be caused by other more serious alterations, such as an ulcer, a hiatal hernia or irritable bowel syndrome (in these cases it is also usually accompanied by pain in the pit of the stomach), even cancer ovary. A food intolerance or an ovarian cyst can also cause abdominal distention.
  2. Bad breath. Halitosis can be behind undiagnosed or decompensated diabetes. When the body does not have enough insulin for the cells to take advantage of sugar, it is forced to use fat as an energy source. In this process, ketones are generated, responsible for causing a very characteristic halitosis, with an odor reminiscent of very ripe fruit. The most common. Most cases of bad breath are usually due to problems in the mouth, but if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as more hunger, thirst and urge to urinate than normal, it could be indicating diabetes.
  3. Yellowish bumps. Known as xanthomas, these bumps form under the skin from the accumulation of lipids. If they appear, go to your doctor, who will surely do a blood test to check your blood cholesterol and triglycerides level. These lumps can also betray diabetes, a hypothyroid problem, or kidney or liver disorders.
  4. Weight changes Hormonal disorders are often behind rapid weight loss or gain without specific diets being carried out. Gaining more than 5 kilos in six months is reason enough to go to the doctor, because it could be a symptom of hypothyroidism (especially if it is accompanied by constipation and fatigue) or polycystic ovary syndrome (in this case, in addition, the rules are irregular and there is usually an excess of body hair). Rapid weight loss can be related to Crohn's disease (an inflammatory bowel disorder), a peptic ulcer, or also hyperthyroidism (often accompanied by irritability and nervousness).

Other unexpected symptoms

In addition to these self-checks to assess your health, there are a number of unexpected and rare symptoms that can alert you to a health problem, such as having a crease in the earlobe, for example. You can check them here.