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21 Celebrities who have suffered from depression and anxiety

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Demi lovato

Demi lovato

The artist is one of the personalities that is giving the most voice to mental health problems. Depression can affect anyone, in Spain 15% of the population suffers from it or will suffer from it. At a conference on the subject, Demi Lovato said that it is important that we do not view mental illness as taboo.

Amanda seyfried

Amanda seyfried

The sincere statements of Amanda are fundamental for the normalization of the disease: "I take medicine with Lexapro, and I will never be able to leave it", revealed in Allure. As the actress says, mental illness seems to have a different category from physical illness, but it shouldn't be.

Winona ryder

Winona ryder

"You have good days and bad days, depression is something that is always with you," explained the actress of Stranger Things in an interview. In keeping with Winona's experience, it is important to emphasize that feeling "down" is not being depressed.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

The experience of the singer and actress with depression is an example of how this disease does not respond to an external cause. "I've never been depressed because someone made me feel bad, I'm just depressed," she said in Elle .

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

"I openly admit to having struggled with depression and anxiety, and I think a lot of people do." The singer advocates speaking it publicly as it makes us stronger. The main key to healing is early diagnosis and proper treatment.

Cara delevingne

Cara delevingne

“I know I am very lucky. But I had depression. There were times when I did not want to continue living, "admitted the model and writer on This Morning. Genetic factors, neurotransmission alterations and social factors play a role in the onset of depression.

Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher

The actress and writer, who died in 2016, was one of the pioneers in the dissemination of mental illness. "I have a chemical imbalance that, in a more extreme state, has led me to be admitted to a mental hospital," revealed Princess Leia in reference to her bipolar disorder.



The singer has defended that women have to take time to focus on our mental health. She herself confessed to The Sun that during a period of her career she felt very confused, that she did not know what day or what city she was in. "I would sit at the ceremonies and they would give me an award and I was just thinking about the next performance."



Princess Diana was one of the first celebrities to speak openly about postpartum depression in a famous 1995 interview.

Gwyneth paltrow

Gwyneth paltrow

"There are many ways to suffer from postpartum depression, so I think it is so important that women talk about it," she explained in Good Housekeeping magazine .



In an interview on Vanity Fair , Adele confessed how she suffered from devastating postpartum depression after having her son. "I did not talk about it with anyone, I was very reluctant …", confessed the singer.

Chrissy teigen

Chrissy teigen

“I didn't think it could happen to me. I have a fantastic life and all the help I need, but postpartum depression does not discriminate ”, revealed the model in Glamor .

Katy Perry

Katy Perry

In 2017, she explained that she was embarrassed by her thoughts. Writing songs about depression seems to have helped her overcome it.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez

It is known that the singer suffers from lupus and that affects her life deeply. He revealed in People that anxiety, panic attacks and depression are side effects of the disease.

Kendall jenner

Kendall jenner

The model explained to Cara Delevingne that her anxiety weakens her so much that she wakes up in the middle of the night with panic attacks. "You look at the internet and everyone is ranting about others, and it's hard to be positive," Kendall admitted. A study led by the Hospital del Mar de Investigaciones Médicas de Barcelona (IMIM) has found that only one in 10 people with anxiety disorders receives the most appropriate treatment.

Lena Dunham

Lena Dunham

The Girls creator posted on her Instagram that sport had helped her a lot in dealing with anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and depression.

Ellen Degeneres

Ellen Degeneres

The successful host explained that she went into a deep depression after working for five years and being treated disrespectfully for being gay.

Emma Stone

Emma Stone

The La La Land actress confessed to the Wall Street Journal that the first time she had a panic attack she was at a friend's house and she thought she was burning. After that episode, the attacks lasted for three years.

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart

The Twilight actress has reported that she suffered from anxiety from the age of 15 to 20.

JK Rowling

JK Rowling

The creator of Harry Potter confessed to Oprah Winfrey that it is very difficult to describe depression to someone who has never suffered from it, because it is not sadness.

Dakota johnson

Dakota johnson

The actress from 50 Shades of Gray stated that she has anxiety almost all the time: "Sometimes I panic to the point that I don't know what I'm thinking or doing."

Depression is a mental illness that can affect anyone, including celebrities . According to data from the Scientific Societies of Primary Care, 1 in 7 patients who go to the family doctor suffers from depression. It is estimated that depression will affect 15% of the Spanish population at some point in their life and that at this time about 4 million people suffer from it.

Do not confuse feeling 'depressed' with suffering from depression

"Depression is not a temporary sadness or a sign of personal weakness, caprice, laziness or lack of will" -explains Dr. José Antonio Sacristán, medical director of Lilly-. "It is a serious mental illness that can affect anyone and that is not cured or relieved by going outside, having fun or eating more, but with proper medical treatment."

As Cara Delevingne or Chrissy Teigen say, they know they are very lucky and have all the tools to be happy, but they just fell into a depression . This affective disorder totally disables you to carry out the basic activities of daily life.

"Only 40% of cases are diagnosed and receive adequate treatment," says Dr. Juan Manuel Mendive, a primary care physician and head of the European Depression Day Organization in Spain. This disease is already the second - if not the first - cause of occupational disability in our country and, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2020 it will be the second cause of disability in the world. " there are data that indicate that in 2030 it will be the first.

Depression is the second leading cause of disability in Spain

Lady Gaga, Katy Perry or Miley Cyrus are some of the celebrities who have confessed to dealing or dealing with depression. Others, such as Gwyneth Paltrow , Adele or at the time, Princess Diana , have spoken openly about postpartum depression , a type of depression that does not occur at the mother's will but because of the drop in hormones that women experience after childbirth.

These alterations can cause changes in mood. Anxiety disorders are also very common, celebrities like Selena Gomez, Kendall Jenner, Lena Dunham or Kristen Stewart have also explained how they live with them.

Symptoms of depression

The signs of depression can vary greatly from one person to another and there are symptoms that you would never associate with depression but that can serve as a warning. Although, in general, a feeling of great sadness and a lack of interest in everything that was previously enjoyed is usually present in almost everyone. In addition, sleep disorders are also frequent, with very early awakenings and a reduction in the total time of rest hours.

Lack of concentration, extreme fatigue for no apparent reason, changes in appetite, negative thoughts, the urge to cry … are other signs that can indicate the presence of depression.

When any of these symptoms appear and you notice that they last more than 2 weeks, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor without loss of time, since an early diagnosis and the establishment of adequate treatment is the main key to healing.