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How to get healthier by making small changes

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1. Don't over clean

1. Don't over clean

Many studies support that excess hygiene weakens the immune system. Also, try to reduce the use of cleaning products that can release unwanted chemicals. Gardening, living with animals and cleaning without obsessing over us protect us because our defenses "grow" by fighting bacteria and other infectious agents.

2. More ventilation and more light at home

2. More ventilation and more light at home

Renewing the air is important to prevent viruses and bacteria from settling in your home, so ventilate daily. And if you work at home, try to do it in an area with windows through which abundant light enters, this helps you lead a more active life.

3. Recover the passion

3. Recover the passion

Take care of your sex life and try to make love at least once a week. This will increase the levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that protects against infections. You will also release oxytocin, a hormone that fights stress. Do you think the passion is over? Light the flame with these tricks!

4. Includes yeast

4. Includes yeast

Sprinkle brewer's yeast over the food. With just one tablespoon you ensure the daily dose of B vitamins, which participate in the formation of antibodies and white blood cells. In addition, it contains lecithin, which regulates cholesterol.

5. Make the vermouth

5. Make the vermouth

Apart from socializing, which is great for your health, take advantage of snacks to add iron to your body. Clams and cockles are a snack of iron (cockles 25 mg, clams 24 mg) that will help prevent anemia.

6. Take a quick shower

6. Take a quick shower

Spending more than 15 minutes under water dehydrates your skin. So forget about endless showers in which you soak for 20 minutes under warm water. If you don't wash your hair, a 5-minute shower is more than enough.

7. Don't throw away pills

7. Don't throw away pills

Don't overuse pain relievers and anti-inflammatories every time you have pain from something. If you feel bad, do it, but not automatically. Before turning to ibuprofen, take a deep breath, rest, and relax for a while, to see if the pain goes away.

8. Heel, sometimes

8. Heel, sometimes

They stylize the figure a lot, but do not abuse them. Don't wear them as a daily shoe and save them for the weekend only. Some side effects of wearing heels include back pain, knee osteoarthritis, or even bunions.

9. Love green tea

9. Love green tea

You will find many occasions to have a cup of green tea, both hot and cold. This drink contains antioxidants, reduces the risk of stroke, helps burn fat and its powerful anti-inflammatory action prevents diseases.

10. And eat apples

10. And eat apples

Ideally, one a day. This fruit is rich in pectin and flavonoids, which help to keep many diseases at bay, such as cholesterol or cardiovascular disorders. In addition, it has a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens our defenses. Discover the foods with more vitamin C in this article … they will surprise you!

11. Listen to nice music, but at a low volume

11. Listen to nice music, but at a low volume

Listening to harmonious and enjoyable music stimulates the brain's reward centers, which produces pleasure and reduces stress. Of course, buy yourself some good headphones that have external noise cancellation. If not, when you are in a noisy place you tend to turn up the volume of your music. This gesture can cause slight hearing loss without you realizing it.

12. Get moderate exercise

12. Get moderate exercise

We are not telling you that now you become a super athlete, about 30 minutes a day is enough to activate the body against the molecules that deteriorate it. But keep in mind that it is not good to overdo sports either. We tell you our secrets to be in shape without stepping on the gym.

13. Practice meditation

13. Practice meditation

These kinds of practices to focus the mind and relax can be very effective in lowering nerves and reducing tension.

14. Nature

14. Nature

Contact with nature will help you calm down and forget everyday problems. So now you know, organize an excursion with your friends or go for a walk in the forest more often. You will see how your health will thank you!

15. Go to your gynecologist regularly

15. Go to your gynecologist regularly

Go to the checkup once a year for a Pap smear. It is a must to prevent gynecological cancer and assess the risk of osteoporosis. Until the day of the appointment arrives, do not miss the 17 questions that you would like to ask the gynecologist and that we have asked for you.

Who wouldn't want to be healthier with little effort ? Our goal is to make your life easier, so in the gallery we have selected some changes that you should make right now to enjoy more health. They are very easy habits and routines that will not cost you anything to apply.

Beware of stress

Fighting stress is very easy if you know how. Relaxing can happen by listening to pleasant music, doing meditation, sports, practicing sex or getting lost in a lush forest. Any activity that you find enjoyable activates the brain's reward centers and promotes the release of oxytocin, a hormone that helps combat stress and anxiety. In addition, practices such as yoga or meditation will help you focus your mind and relax, which is why they are effective in reducing tension and nerves.

Do not obsess

Too much cleaning at home weakens the immune system. Gardening, living with animals and cleaning without obsessing over us protect us because our defenses "grow" by fighting bacteria and other infectious agents. With this we do not want to tell you that you have the house upside down, but you do not have to obsess. It is important to renew the air in the house to prevent viruses and bacteria from settling in, but you don't have to ventilate every three hours. It will be enough to do it 10 minutes a day.

Add this to your diet …

Green tea, for example, contains antioxidants that reduce the risk of stroke, help burn fat, and its powerful anti-inflammatory action prevents disease. Apples are rich in pectin and flavonoids, which help to keep many diseases at bay such as cholesterol or cardiovascular disorders. We give you 5 reasons why having an apple a day is super beneficial for your health.

And if you need a "kick" of B vitamins, sprinkle brewer's yeast over the food. With just one tablespoon you ensure the daily dose of these vitamins, which participate in the formation of antibodies and white blood cells. In addition, it contains lecithin, which regulates cholesterol. Can you ask for more?

If you like "making vermouth", you're in luck because you can take advantage of it to add iron to your body. How? Taking clams or cockles, they will help you prevent anemia and they are also delicious. If you want more foods with iron, you will find them here.

Change some habits

Avoid self-medicating at the first change. Before resorting to ibuprofen, take a deep breath, rest, and relax for a while, to see if the pain goes away. If you feel bad, take it, but avoid making it a habitual act.

It is also very beneficial for your health to socialize. That is, go out with your friends, with your partner, with your family … Any occasion is good to have a good time, so avoid staying locked up at home and go out more. Of course, if you are going to wear your favorite outfit, avoid getting on some high heels. Yes, they stylize a lot, but they can cause back pain, osteoarthritis in the knees and even bunions.