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Easy cleaning tricks to clean the house fast

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Save time and effort when cleaning

Save time and effort when cleaning

Just as prevention is better than cure, doing a few simple tricks beforehand can save you a ton of time and effort cleaning up afterward.

Clean drawers and shelves in a pee pas

Clean drawers and shelves in a pee pas

Cover the bottom of drawers and shelves with greaseproof paper. When you go to clean them, you just have to remove the paper and replace it with a new one.

Extractor hood like new

Extractor hood like new

It will be much easier to remove the grease from the extractor hood if, before cleaning it, you boil a pot of water and lemon with the extractor on for a while.

Take advantage of the dishwasher

Take advantage of the dishwasher

Don't just wash dishes in it. You can also put the hood filters, the containers where you keep the cloths and scourers, the fridge trays….

Casseroles and pans like new

Casseroles and pans like new

You just have to put them for a few minutes in soapy water and bicarbonate, its effect makes it easy to clean.

Pristine toilet

Pristine toilet

Put a block in the toilet bowl, the kind that releases disinfectant every time the toilet is flushed. This will combat the accumulation of dirt and lime, and consequently you will clean faster.

Gel better than pill

Gel better than pill

Shower gel and hand washing gel are much better than bars of soap and other forms that leave a mark in the sink, bathtub and auxiliary furniture.

Shower head without trace of lime

Shower head without trace of lime

If the shower head is full of lime, put it in a bowl of water and white vinegar and leave it overnight. Or put this mixture in a freezer bag and tie it to the head support with the sprayer inside. In the morning, scrub it a bit with a toothbrush and soap and you will quickly be done with the dirt and lime.

Latest generation products and utensils

Latest generation products and utensils

There are more and more disposable cleaning wipes (for bathroom, kitchen, glass …), cloths that trap dust, cleaners with antistatic effect that repel dirt, etc. Ally with them.

Sofas, armchairs and cushions without a trace of dirt

Sofas, armchairs and cushions without a trace of dirt

To remove crumbs or fluff from the sofa covers you just have to shake them; and to remove dirt, put them in the washing machine or vacuum.

No trace of dust

No trace of dust

To remove the dust, use a chamois cloth slightly dampened with water and fabric softener; that will repel dust. For radiators, use a hair dryer or a sock-wrapped spatula to access the nooks; And for the lampshades you can use the same adhesive roller that is used for clothes, one of the most popular cleaning tricks on the internet.

Pimp the broom

Pimp the broom

If you're using the broom instead of the vacuum (one of the cleaning mistakes experts want you to stop making), wrap the brush in a nylon stocking or an old sock. This will trap more dirt and lint.

Team up with the vacuum cleaner

Team up with the vacuum cleaner

Whenever you can use the vacuum cleaner and if any of the members of the house are allergic, use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter (high efficiency).

And much more

And much more

If you want more tips, do not miss all our cleaning and order articles.

If you want to do cleaning in the blink of an eye, don't miss these infallible tricks to clean in record time.

Clean the kitchen…

Without having to rub and rub.

  • Take advantage of the dishwasher. You can wash the dish drainer, the hood filters, the containers where you keep the cloths and scourers….
  • Drawers and shelves always clean. Cover the bottom with greaseproof paper. When cleaning them, all you have to do is remove the old paper and replace it with a new one.
  • Soften the cooker hood. It will be much easier to get rid of grease if before cleaning it you boil a pot of water and lemon with the extractor on for a while.
  • Casseroles and pans that resist. Put them for a few minutes in soapy water and bicarbonate and you will wash them in a flash.

To clean the bathroom

Goodbye dirt, germs and lime.

  • More sanitized toilets. Put a block in the bleach cup each time the cistern is flushed. This prevents limescale and dirt from building up and cleaning is faster.
  • Lime-free shower head. Put it in a container with water and white vinegar and leave it overnight. And in the morning scrub it a bit with a toothbrush and soap and you will quickly have removed the dirt and lime. Or, to avoid having to disassemble it, make a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar, put it in a freezer bag, and with the help of a chicken gum, tie it to the artichoke so that it remains inside, submerged in this solution. Leave on for 20 minutes or so and then clean. It is one of the most popular cleaning tricks on the internet.
  • Goodbye to fences. Shower gel is better than bar soap, since the gel does not leave a mark in the bathtub.

Clean the living room and bedrooms

Dust and lint out.

  • Upholstery like new. To remove crumbs or fluff from sofas and armchairs you just have to shake the covers; and to remove dirt, put them in the washing machine or vacuum them, one of the tricks that experts recommend to avoid typical mistakes when cleaning.
  • No trace of dust. Clean it with a cloth slightly dampened with water and fabric softener; that will repel dust. For radiators, use a hair dryer or a sock-wrapped spatula to get to the last corner; and in the lampshades a roller passes like those used for fabrics.
  • Updated brooms. Wrap the broom brush in an old nylon stocking or sock to trap more lint.
  • Bet on the vacuum cleaner. Whenever you can, use the vacuum cleaner instead of the broom, and if someone is allergic at home, use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter (high efficiency).

Clara trick

Products that play in your favor

There are more and more disposable cleaning wipes (for bathroom, kitchen, glass …), cloths that trap dust, cleaners with antistatic effect that repel dirt, etc.

And if you want to do a more thorough cleaning, don't miss the 10 steps to doing spring cleaning.