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12 infallible tricks of the cleansing diet to lose weight

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Don't sleep on your stomach

Don't sleep on your stomach

Sleeping on your stomach prevents the good circulation of body fluids and encourages fluid retention and therefore the accumulation of toxins, while doing it on your back or on your side allows more fluid breathing and less body constriction. In addition, sleeping on the right side ensures a more restful sleep.

Try evening primrose oil

Try evening primrose oil

If you notice that your fluid retention problems are linked to the different phases of the menstrual cycle, evening primrose oil can be a good ally to help you regulate the effect of female hormones. This oil is rich in gammalinolenic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory action. You will find it in pharmacies and herbalists.

A massage to remove fluids

A massage to remove fluids

In healthy people, receiving a lymphatic drainage massage helps eliminate waste from the body (although it is contraindicated in heart, thyroid, hypertension and cancer problems).

Every day with the shower spray and the water as cold as you can bear, bring the jet from the ankle to the upper part of the thigh, thus stimulating circulation in the legs.

Regularly apply creams that help drain and eliminate fat deposits, such as those with active caffeine.

Try to wear clothes that do not constrict

Try to wear clothes that do not constrict

Clothing that is too tight also contributes to fluid retention. Pay special attention to underwear, whose rubber bands can prevent the proper circulation of body fluids. And make sure they don't compress the hips and groins, two key points. Choose pajamas and nightgowns even one size larger.

Breathe well to eliminate toxins

Breathe well to eliminate toxins

Breathing exercises allow you to eliminate stress, gain energy and detoxify. By breathing, up to 80% of toxins can be eliminated! Take a deep breath and release the air by contracting your belly muscles inward. Also, if you get used to doing this exercise 6 or 8 times a day, you will tone your belly. Follow these 5 steps and say goodbye to stress and anxiety.

Try to slow down

Try to slow down

Nervous fatigue increases the overall acidity of the body and thus overloads the work of the liver. If you are on vacation, take advantage so that the disconnection and the corporal, mental and emotional regeneration are total. And when you resume the activity, try to organize and prioritize in your routines, taking life more calmly.

Drink water with lemon

Drink water with lemon

When you go to bed, try to leave a glass of water on the bedside table so that the first gesture when you get up is to drink. You will compensate for the slight dehydration suffered after seven hours of sleep and your body will now go into "purification mode". With a few drops of lemon, artichoke or turmeric you will further stimulate detoxification.

Plan your menus

Plan your menus

Take 5 minutes to design the weekly menu: it will be healthier and more balanced, you will make the purchase of what you need and you will avoid filling your pantry with "temptations". You can follow the menus that we offer in our super cleansing diet as is or look for recipes with similar ingredients. This will make it easier for you to do this planning.

Skip the salt

Skip the salt

Salt causes fluid retention in the body. If you want to flavor your dishes, choose spices, aromatic herbs and other natural flavor enhancers such as garlic, onion or parsley, which is also very diuretic. So leave the salt shaker in the kitchen so you won't be tempted to over salt.

Chew well

Chew well

If you eat slowly and chew well, you allow time for the satiety signal to reach the brain. So you fill up earlier and don't eat as much. Chewing food well also allows us to savor the food and helps us calm the nervous system, which reduces anxiety when eating and prevents difficult digestion.

Drink water and infusions

Drink water and infusions

Carbonated or alcoholic drinks promote the feeling of bloating and add significantly more calories to your diet than you think. In a diet to purify, the ideal is to hydrate yourself with water, hot or cold infusions, and fruit and / or vegetable juices diluted in water. Take note of these tips to drink more water.

Don't skip meals

Don't skip meals

As strange as it may seem, if you get used to having a snack and a drink in the middle of the morning, you will lose more weight and achieve a greater balance. First thing in the day is when the body is more predisposed to purification, so help it by taking fruits, herbal teas … In the afternoon, having a snack will help you get to dinner with moderate hunger.

Drinking infusions, breathing correctly, or going from salt and replacing it with spices or aromatic herbs are simple daily gestures that can help you clean, purify and detoxify your body in a super easy way, but no less effective. These are just some of the 12 detox tricks that you will find in the image gallery. An essential complement to our cleansing diet.

Who said that cleansing equals dull or boring?

A diet and some tricks with which you can deflate, lose weight and lose one or two sizes in a month without giving up eating well. If you dare to follow our daily menus of the cleansing diet, you will see on your own skin that you don't have to go hungry, and that cleansing is not synonymous with boring or boring.