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The unexpected uses of a bar of soap

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A few years ago I used bars of soap again,  like the ones my grandmother always used to wash my hands. And it is that it is a much cheaper option and, in addition, by using it, you reduce the production of plastic and, therefore, you help the environment. For these reasons I have even started using solid shampoos …

But it turns out that the old bar of soap is used for much more than washing hands. Read on and discover  ten amazing things you can do with this product. Start getting more out of it!

A few years ago I used bars of soap again,  like the ones my grandmother always used to wash my hands. And it is that it is a much cheaper option and, in addition, by using it, you reduce the production of plastic and, therefore, you help the environment. For these reasons I have even started using solid shampoos …

But it turns out that the old bar of soap is used for much more than washing hands. Read on and discover  ten amazing things you can do with this product. Start getting more out of it!

For tough stains

For tough stains

If you've stained your favorite blouse or skirt, don't panic. Rub the area with a bar of soap before putting it in the washing machine. It will disappear in record time!

So that the glasses do not mist

So that the glasses do not mist

The soap serves to protect the lenses against moisture . Scrub the lozenge (without getting it wet) on both sides of the glass, then remove the residue with a damp cloth, avoiding a white film on the crystals. A very useful trick especially now that we have to wear a mask.

Fix the zippers

Fix the zippers

The bars of soap make the zippers soften. Just zip it up and see how it works normally again! It's amazing because the window cleaning spray can also fix zippers.

So that the clothes smell good

So that the clothes smell good

If you want your clothes to always smell good even when stored, put a pill inside the closet. If you also scratch the soap a little, the smell will be more intense.

So that the doors stop squeaking

So the doors stop squeaking

If you want your house to stop sounding like a horror movie, rub the hinge or hinge with a bar of soap. This will lubricate the door and stop it from squeaking instantly.

Check for a gas leak

Check for a gas leak

If you notice an abnormal gas smell, mix soap with water and test the tubing. Simply apply the soap to the suspicious areas and observe . If it bubbles, it is because there is a leak.

Clean nails

Clean nails

We don't have to tell you that soap removes dirt from your hands, but the bar of soap will also help you avoid it. If, for example, you are going to do some gardening work, rub a little soap on your nails before doing your homework and get to work! It's better to prevent than to cure.

For stuck drawers

For stuck drawers

Stuck drawers bother you ? Who does not! Lubricate its metal rails with a bar of soap. They will slide much better, we assure you.

Clean jewelry

Clean jewelry

If you want to clean your bracelets, pendants, necklaces and other jewelry, use a simple solution of warm soapy water and a cotton cloth. They will be like new!

Has a bottle broken?

Has a bottle broken?

If you want to clean broken glass, to start with, (carefully) pick up the large pieces and sweep the floor. Then rest a bar of soap on the surface. Go over the entire floor as many times as you need, the small pieces will stick to the tablet.