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10 Books that change your life

Table of contents:


The art of not embittering life

The art of not embittering life

It is a perfect book to read if you are in a moment of your life full of negativity or down. It will give you the energy you need to relativize and see everything differently. Rafael Santandreu (do you know his blog Being happy?) Reveals the concept of "terribilitis", one of the most common ills of our time. After reading this book, you will understand that few things are terrible or serious in this life.

Let me tell you , Jorge Bucay
Ed. RBA Books, € 9.94


The magic of order

The magic of order

Neither your home (nor your life) will be the same when you discover the KonMari method. It is not only about learning to order and throw things out of your house, but you will learn to do the same with all aspects of your life: relationships, shopping, activities that we do out of obligation … Questions that you are going to ask yourself after reading this book: does this object bring me joy? Does this relationship give me something? Do I really need this piece of clothing? Why do I have to meet someone if I don't feel like it?

The magic of order , Marie Kondo
Ed. Aguilar, € 14.90


The nine revelations

The nine revelations

This book is written in the form of a novel and has been such a boom since its publication that they have even made the movie. The 9 revelations that he presents us undoubtedly change the vision we have of the present and that we have of the future. You are going to discover new things about yourself. Guaranteed.

The nine revelations , James Redfield
Ed. Zeta Pocket, € 8


The four Agreements

The four Agreements

A book to give away and never fail. Doctor Miguel Ruiz has a maxim: there is no reason to suffer in this life, if you do, it is because you have chosen that way. We are not going to spoil you, but the 4 agreements you will make with yourself after reading this book are going to be burned forever.

The four agreements , Miguel Ruiz
Ed. Urano, € 10.50


The female brain

The female brain

In an ideal world, all men and women would read this book. In this way they would learn that female and male brains are different and this is reflected in the way we behave. A classic of literature on the genre.

The female brain , Louann Brizendine
Ed. RBA Books, € 9.94


Your incorrect zones

Your incorrect zones

If you are having a bad time, this is your book. It makes you reflect on what you really want in your life. Helps clear your mind and reprogram your thinking. Several Amazon reviews claim that they have it on the nightstand permanently as if it were the Bible.

Your wrong zones , Wayne W. Dyer
Ed. Grijalbo, € 15.90


The second sex

The second sex

It is THE feminist BOOK par excellence of the 20th century, which has inspired much of the feminist literature that has come after. After reading it, you ask yourself aspects about the woman that you have never thought about before. Her most famous phrase: "You are not born a woman: you become one."

The second sex , Simone de Beauvoir
Ed. Cátedra, € 30


Kiss Me a lot

Kiss Me a lot

Many moms have changed their way of seeing and approaching motherhood after reading the pediatrician Carlos González. It is essential to understand how children function and their way of thinking. Full of funny anecdotes, it encourages us not to let our baby cry, to hold her in our arms and to love and kiss her a lot. Educating is not taming.

Bésame mucho , Carlos González
Ed. Today's Topics, € 16.50


Quitting is easy if you know how

Quitting is easy if you know how

When a book has the ability to improve your health, it is definitely a life-changing book. Since 1985, this book has been helping millions of people quit smoking without undue trauma. Get you to see smoking as a psychological trap that keeps you hooked.

Quitting smoking is easy if you know how , Allen Carr
Ed. Espasa, € 11.90


And if you are looking for pure entertainment …

And if you are looking for pure entertainment …

… do not miss this selection of books that hook a lot.

Reading not only entertains us, but it enriches us in many ways and helps us to stimulate the brain and our way of thinking. This can happen to us with any book, but especially with so-called self-help books. Thousands are published a year, but only a few manage to succeed and conquer the general public. We have selected 10 books that change lives, readings that those who have read them assure that they cannot stop recommending them.

Some are universal, to read at any time in our lives, since they are included in the field of psychology in general. Others are for certain times of our life: motherhood or if we are trying to quit smoking. Most are very easy to read and will not weigh you down.

Ready to revolutionize your thinking?

Inspirational books that change your life

  • The art of not embittering the life of Rafael Santandreu
  • Let me tell you about Jorge Bucay
  • The magic of order by Marie Kondo
  • The nine revelations of James Redfield
  • The four agreements of Miguel Ruiz
  • Louann Brizendine's female brain
  • Your Wrong Zones by Wayne W. Dyer
  • Simone de Beauvoir's second sex
  • Kiss me a lot by Carlos González
  • Quitting is easy if you know how by Allen Carr