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10 Easy Low Back Pain Exercises That Will Relieve You For Sure

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Make the pelvis more flexible

Make the pelvis more flexible

Stand with your feet parallel and a flexible ball under your sacrum. Perform movements with your spine and pelvis, pivoting on the ball back and forth, to one side and the other. Explore the sensations of moving the spine not only in flexion and extension, but in different directions of space.

Spine rotation

Spine rotation

Lie on your side, with your leg at a 90 degree angle on a rolled-up mat. Make gentle movements by rolling the mat back and forth, while performing rotational movements in the spine taking advantage of gravity in a relaxed way.

Mobilize and relax the spine

Mobilize and relax the spine

With your feet and hands parallel and supported on a stable base such as a stool or a low table, alternate movements keeping both feet on the floor, lifting the heels while bringing the head towards the chest allowing the back to round. Keep your shoulders relaxed at all times. Explore the sensation of moving in coordination with your breath and in different directions in space. Observe the areas where you accumulate more tension to release them.

Micromotions for the lumbar area

Micromotions for the lumbar area

With one hand on each knee, bring your legs toward your abdomen as you exhale. Feel the stretching of the lumbar area and, through micro movements, its mobilization in all directions of space. Feel the massage that this posture generates in the abdomen.

Stretch, relax and mobilize

Stretch, relax and mobilize

With the left hand crossed on the outer side of the right, drop your weight to the left, perform micro movements coordinated with your breathing and feel how you stretch, relax and mobilize the tissue and the spine. Switch sides and finish with both hands parallel.

Fold and stretch

Fold and stretch

Breathe easily and bring your hands to the floor, bending your knees as you bring your chest closer to your thighs. If you can't touch the ground, rest your hands on yoga bricks for example. Stretch your legs without taking the soles of your feet off the ground and hold as long as you can. To sit up, bend your knees again and get up little by little, vertebra to vertebra.

Align the column

Align the column

With your hands and feet parallel, align your spine and feel how your muscles, that of the lower back and the deep muscles of the abdomen help to stabilize the position. The easy version of this pose involves supporting your knees and forearms, AND the difficult version involves raising one leg.

Half bridge

Half bridge

With your feet parallel, your knees aligned with the center of your hips and your arms at the sides of your body with the palms of your hands facing up, inhale and raise your pelvis and spine to form a straight line from shoulders to shoulders. knees. As you exhale, lower your spine slowly, feeling each vertebra contact the ground. Try to keep the weight well distributed and avoid carrying it towards the cervical area.

Win flex

Win flex

From the starting position of the previous exercise, raise one leg and perform wave movements from the spine, pelvis and leg. Support yourself well on the foot and shoulders, avoiding putting weight on the cervical area so as not to overload it.

Correct back deviations

Correct back deviations

With your feet parallel to your hips, lean on the broomstick, for example. Relax elbows and shoulders to protect the joint. Bend the knees and explore the alignment of the spine, adjusting it to avoid excessive curvature in the lumbar, cervical, sacral or dorsal areas.

When you have low back pain, that is, in the lower back, it is not advisable to rest. On the contrary, as soon as the pain allows it, the ideal is to walk, even in short steps and without leaving home and start stretching.

Stretches are an effective treatment for low back pain. Ask your doctor when you can start them if you've been "stuck." If the pain is not disabling, you can do them to prevent it from escalating. And when you have recovered, to prevent the pain in the lower back from reappearing.

How to do exercises to relieve low back pain

You have to find the moment to be able to do them without haste, taking your time. You do not need more than 20-30 minutes and you can do them when you get out of bed or before going to sleep, for example, but it always has to be a relaxing time in which you can focus on yourself.

How the postures have to be

Ideally, they should be easy postures, like the ones we propose in the gallery, so that you don't feel forced to adopt them. You should be able to relax into the position you adopt to hold it long enough for the muscle fibers to elongate and the stretch to be effective. During the stretch you should be able to breathe with a certain depth, never block the situation. Each time you breathe out, you can try to dig a little deeper into the pose and do the stretch deeper.

How long do they have to last

Ideally, the stretch should be long. When you start stretching, you may be able to hold the stretch for less time. Don't worry, little by little you will be able to lengthen the stretching time, thus helping the muscles to give way little by little.

Does it hurt to stretch?

If it hurts, don't continue stretching. Check your posture and, if it is correct and it hurts again when you stretch, consult your doctor or a physical therapist.

And, in addition, it reinforces the core

The core are the pelvic, abdominal, lumbar muscles, and the spinal muscles. Working on it is essential to stabilize the spine and avoid low back pain. In this article we propose easy and safe abs to work on.