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10 things in your house that you should clean every day

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Do you want to keep your home away from germs and pathogens? Well, take note. Below, you'll see things you never would have guessed that have to be cleaned … daily!

Do you want to keep your home away from germs and pathogens? Well, take note. Below, you'll see things you never would have guessed that have to be cleaned … daily!

Kitchen rags

Kitchen rags

Even if you don't see them dirty, dishcloths and hand towels are one of the most contaminated places in the house: they are used by several people, they are exposed to the germs that are present in food and, in the case of towels They may even have fecal remains. According to the experts in cleaning and order, it is mandatory to change them daily and clean them if we do not want to run any danger. Find out how often to clean your laundry.

Cutting board

Cutting board

Microbes and fungi accumulate in its nooks and crannies, and studies hold that 200 times more fecal bacteria can be found on a cutting board than on a toilet seat. For this reason, in addition to washing them well after using them, it is recommended that you use a disinfectant such as, for example, water and vinegar or bicarbonate, two of the homemade cleaning products that work and do not harm your health.

Kitchen worktop

Kitchen worktop

It is considered one of the dirtiest places in the house because it is where food is left and shopping bags, mail, keys and other objects that come from the street are supported. In addition to being considered mandatory to clean and disinfect it daily, it is recommended to opt for countertops made of materials that are as waterproof as possible and not use the same cloth that you use to clean other surfaces in the kitchen or the house to avoid cross contamination.

The kitchen sink

The kitchen sink

According to recent studies, the sink is up to 100,000 times more polluted than the bathroom. If you want to keep it clean and disinfected, at the end of the day give it a review, cover the drain, fill it with water and add vinegar to eliminate all the germs that may have remained. After about 5-10 minutes, you can uncover it and rinse it. And don't forget to clean the faucet, which is just as exposed as the sink.



When you wash the dishes, it retains some of the grease, dirt and germs and it is not enough to rinse it with water … It is recommended to wash it daily with soap and water and change it every two or three weeks. And above all, do not use it for anything other than cleaning the dishes. Using the same products and cloths for everything is one of the mistakes that experts want us to stop making.

Dirty plates

Dirty plates

Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today. If you leave the dishes unwashed, the only thing you get is to attract insects as well as other microorganisms, and you make it difficult to clean them later.



There is a widespread myth that defends that you should never wash the coffee maker so that the coffee tastes better … If you are one of those who have taken it literally, you have to know that that way the only thing you get is that mold and other pathogens build up. The best thing to do is to disassemble the coffee maker daily, wash all its removable parts with soap and water, rinse them and let them dry before reassembling.

The microwave and stove

The microwave and stove

It is one of the mistakes you make with the most common appliances. As it has a door, we seldom look inside the microwave, where splashes and food scraps accumulate. If you use it often, it is necessary to give it a daily review, as well as the stove or the plate. Here are the most effective tricks to clean the hob, oven and extractor hood.

Shower tiles

Shower tiles

Bathroom tiles are an ideal medium for the proliferation of viruses and bacteria: moist and warm. As a general rule, it is recommended to wash them at least between one and two times a week, but many experts say that those in the shower, in particular, we should at least dry them every day to avoid the proliferation of mold and other fungi. The trick is to have a washcloth for these purposes and after the shower, pass it quickly and hang it to dry as well.

Floors with crumbs or food scraps

Floors with crumbs or food scraps

Do not turn a blind eye to the crumbs and food scraps that end up on the floor when we are eating at the table or on the sofa. Not only do they contribute to the accumulation of germs and pathogens, but they also attract insects: cockroaches, ants … After eating, use the broom or vacuum cleaner. It costs nothing and avoids many risks.

Stand up to dirt and clean all this daily.

Things you should clean daily

  • Rags It's no use drying your hands on them if you don't change them daily.
  • The cutting board. Harmful germs and bacteria accumulate in its recesses.
  • The sink. They are considered one of the dirtiest places in the house.
  • The countertop . We put all kinds of things on top that make it a really dirty place.
  • Dishes. Dirt, grease, and food debris can attract insects.
  • The scourer. If you don't wash it after each use, it accumulates dirt.
  • Coffeemaker. If you just rinse it, mold and other germs grow.
  • Microwave. It accumulates splashes and food debris that can be harmful.
  • The bathroom tiles. If you don't dry them daily, they are the perfect home for mushrooms.
  • Crumbs and food scraps on the floor. Besides being dirty, it attracts insects that can end up being installed at home …