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10 Tips to lose weight without dieting and without starving

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Who said you can't lose weight without starving? Losing weight without dieting is possible. It's a matter of making a few small changes to your routines and following some simple nutritional tips that will help you activate your metabolism. All you have to do is get serious about it and start this quick and healthy plan. You will achieve it with little effort!

In addition to betting on real food proposed by our collaborator Carlos Ríos , we recommend that you follow these tips from the nutritionist Amil López, from the Coherent Diet platform . They will help you activate your metabolism and you will lose weight almost without realizing it .

Who said you can't lose weight without starving? Losing weight without dieting is possible. It's a matter of making a few small changes to your routines and following some simple nutritional tips that will help you activate your metabolism. All you have to do is get serious about it and start this quick and healthy plan. You will achieve it with little effort!

In addition to betting on real food proposed by our collaborator Carlos Ríos , we recommend that you follow these tips from the nutritionist Amil López, from the Coherent Diet platform . They will help you activate your metabolism and you will lose weight almost without realizing it .

Add more vegetables to menus

Add more vegetables to menus

When planning your dishes, try to make vegetables and greens take center stage. Different studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between the consumption of fruits, vegetables and vegetables and obesity . The higher the consumption of these foods, the lower the body fat and the greater the satiety, and vice versa.

Make sure that more than half of your plates are occupied by these foods without wanting to be like an oak and keep your weight at bay. You can incorporate them as a garnish or add them to your recipes instead of resorting to processed foods.

Maintain routines

Maintain routines

Plan yourself. If you eat around the same time every day, your biological clock will work optimally. Your metabolism loves routines . If everything works normally, everything will be fine, but if you lead a disorderly life, your body will interpret that it will not receive what it needs and will activate its "saving mode". The so-called "sponge effect" occurs, which transforms food into fat to make a "piggy bank". Save in case you need it later.

Eat and drink generously

Eat and drink generously

No starving! Eating little makes you fat . If you consume less than 1,200 calories a day, your metabolism will slow down. A hypocaloric diet in excess will make your body get used to surviving on less energy and, when you increase the amounts, you will probably gain weight.

Put on a generous plate (remember that more than half must be filled with vegetables) and, very important, chew well and eat slowly to take full advantage of the nutrients and activate the "hunger-cutting hormones".

  • Don't forget to hydrate yourself well either. Drink a glass of water when you feel hungry to make sure it is indeed hunger and not thirst. Many times we confuse both sensations.

Choose the dishes well

Choose the dishes well

Don't take it as a joke. The color of your dishes greatly influences the quantities you eat. A study from the University of Oxford revealed that the color of the plate can stimulate or decrease the appetite . According to this research, if you want to say goodbye to a few kilos, it is advisable that your dishes be blue or green, since these colors favor a decrease in appetite. On the contrary, you must flee from yellow, red or brown dishes, which make food much more palatable in the eyes of our brain. The scientific explanation for this phenomenon: the brain gives more importance to color than to taste and smell .

To sunbathe!

To sunbathe!

You will not believe it … Putting yourself under the star king loses weight! When you are exposed to its rays, the levels of serotonin increase in your body, a neurotransmitter that greatly influences our mood and also our appetite. An investigation by the Hospital of Los Angeles (USA) has confirmed the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of obesity. By sunbathing you synthesize vitamin D which, in addition to strengthening the immune system, speeds up metabolism and helps to burn fat naturally. All are advantages!

Get enough sleep

Get enough sleep

A good rest and a good sleep routine go a long way when it comes to losing weight without starving. Different studies conclude that people who do not sleep the necessary 7 or 8 hours tend to eat processed foods more frequently in order to maintain energy and be active.

Also, lack of sleep triggers your stress levels and causes you to generate cortisol, a hormone that makes you gain weight. It also favors the accumulation of insulin and cortisol in the body, slowing down your metabolism and preventing it from processing carbohydrates as it should.

Practice half an hour of exercise

Practice half an hour of exercise

You don't have to kill yourself doing sports, but you do have to move more if you want to lose weight without dieting. If you are not used to practicing a lot of exercise, start walking 30 minutes every day at a brisk pace and introduce some strength exercise. These habits will tone your muscles and double the speed of your metabolism (muscle consumes more calories than fat).

Did you know that different investigations have shown that the body continues to consume calories at a higher rate than usual after exercise ? It seems that the rhythm does not decline until 24 or even 36 hours after the activity carried out.

Have a snack if you are going out

Have a snack if you are going out

In order not to arrive at dinner voraciously hungry, it is essential that you remember to have a healthy snack at snack time. All the more reason if you've met someone for dinner away from home! Make sure this snack includes some protein to ensure hormonal balance and appetite control . This way you won't jump into appetizers as soon as you arrive for your appointment and you will take more time to savor the main dishes.

Add cinnamon to your infusions and desserts

Add cinnamon to your infusions and desserts

Dispense with sugar and sweeteners is the best option to lose weight without dieting and also the healthiest. But, good news, if you don't quite like the bitter taste of coffee or dry-stick infusions, you can choose to sweeten them with cinnamon. A study conducted by the University of Maryland (USA) found that consuming ¼ tablespoon of cinnamon per day mixed with food speeds up metabolism up to 20 times. It is an extraordinary ally for weight loss, as it has thermogenic properties. This means that it increases the body temperature and activates the metabolism , causing you to consume more calories than normal.

Enjoy the food

Enjoy the food

To escape anxiety you must banish the thought that losing weight is an ordeal. How can you make your brain understand that you are not dieting? Eating consciously and enjoying every bite. Do not neglect the presentation of your dishes, take your time to sit at the table, chew slowly and savor each food that you put in your mouth to discover all the flavors. It is a ritual that will help you realize that there are healthy and low-calorie ingredients that can provide you as much pleasure as that sweet or that processed that you have so idealized . You'll be surprised!