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Soy milk, seaweed, tropical fruits ... are they healthy?

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The pace of life and the availability of food that until recently were not common in our markets are causing changes in the menus. We innovate dishes, mix and test new products, sometimes with interesting and healthy results, but sometimes not so much.

Milk, soy?

It does not contain calcium. Soy consumption is becoming more and more frequent. Soy milk has been strongly introduced as an alternative to dairy products, due to intolerance to cow's milk or due to nutritional decision. In this case, you have to choose soy products with a calcium supplement or supplement the diet with other foods rich in calcium that are not dairy, such as legumes, nuts, small fish (sardines eaten whole, with their bones …).

Beware of osteoporosis. It does not provide the calcium equivalent of animal dairy products and we could accelerate osteoporosis due to lack of adequate intake. The same happens if you consume milk from other cereals, such as oats, rice, kamut …

Digestive discomfort If you notice any discomfort, it is important to look at the label. Sometimes the product carries traces of another food that is the one that causes the discomfort. When a new food is introduced, it is best to test it in small quantities to identify if it causes digestive disturbances.

If you opt for soy milk instead of cow's milk, supplement with foods rich in calcium

Soy sauce and other suspicious additives

Soy sauces for rice or salads are common in Chinese cuisine and have a particularly salty taste. The problem is not so much the soy as the additives that are added in its preparation.

Monosodium glutamate, a preservative, can overload the menu with salt, causing blood pressure to rise or fluid retention. If you add sauce, reduce the salt of the dressing or dressing.

If you put soy sauce on food, do not add salt to the dressing

Algae, beneficial in small quantities

Rich in minerals and vitamins. Seaweed, whose consumption in our gastronomy is recent, is frequent in oriental cuisine. These are products that are very rich in protein, fiber, vitamins B and C and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium and iodine. They are usually sold dehydrated.

How to consume them. They should be taken in small amounts when accompanied by other foods, as their intensity tends to mask other flavors, and also to ensure that they are well tolerated.

Little cooking. In general, they are allowed between 5 and 30 minutes to soak before cooking, depending on the type of seaweed. Their cooking should not exceed 10 minutes, although all of them have an optimal point: if we overdo it with water or heat, they lose a lot of nutritional value. It should also be borne in mind that they increase their volume a lot when hydrating them: 5 g of dehydrated seaweed is equivalent to 50 g after soaking.

Rich in sodium. Seaweed contains a high level of sodium, something that should be taken into account by those with kidney or thyroid disorders.

Four seaweed rich in minerals and vitamins

  • Nori. Rich in provitamin A. Besides being used to make sushi, it can be crushed and sprinkled on dishes.
  • Wakame. High mineral content: calcium, magnesium, potassium … It can be eaten raw, boiled or roasted.
  • Sea lettuce. Thin and cartilaginous. With a strong taste of the sea, it can be consumed raw, especially added to salads.
  • Sea spaghetti. Very meaty and rich in iron and vitamin C. It can be made boiled for garnish and battered for an aperitif.

Beware of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits tend to provide more sugars and carbohydrates. Compare the calorie content of some fruits per 100 g. For reference, an apple contains 11.7 g of carbohydrates and 46 calories.

  • Mango. Very sweet, aromatic and rich in provitamin A and C. Its caloric value is high: 15.3 g of carbohydrates and 60 calories.
  • Papaya. High content of potassium and vitamins A and C. Low caloric level: 6 g of carbohydrates and 26.5 calories.
  • Litchi. It is rich in carbohydrates, but low in fat and protein. The caloric value is not very high: 8.9 g of carbohydrates and 36 calories.
  • Custard apple. High contribution of carbohydrates, among which glucose and fructose predominate: 20 g of carbohydrates and 81 calories.

And if you have more questions about what you eat, take a look at all the articles in the nutrition office.