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Easy cheesecake recipes for all tastes

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Philadelphia cheesecake

Philadelphia cheesecake

If you are looking for a cheesecake without any complications, here you have it; It is one of those really easy cakes that make you look great.


  • 4 eggs - 250 g (one tub) of white cheese spread Philadelphia type - 100 g of sugar - 1 pinch of salt - a few mint leaves

Step by Step

  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and lightly beat them with the sugar. Add the cheese and salt, and continue beating with the rods until you get a smooth cream.
  2. Distribute this preparation in a round mold lined with parchment paper and bake in a preheated oven at 170º, 20 or 25 minutes. Then click with a skewer; if it comes out clean it is already done. If not, cook a little longer.
  3. Remove the cheesecake from the oven and, when it has cooled, put it in the fridge. Just before serving, remove the mold, decorate it with icing sugar and accompany it with jam or red berries.

Cheesecake No Oven

Cheesecake No Oven

Here's one of the quintessential no-bake cheesecakes: a cold cheesecake with spread cheese, mascarpone, and blueberries. Although it is laborious, it does not have any difficulties, which is why it is considered an easy dessert.


  • For the base: 200 g of Maria cookies - 80 g of butter
  • For the filling: 500 g of white cheese spread type Philadelphia - 250 g of mascarpone cheese - 80 g of icing sugar - the zest of the skin of 1 lemon
  • To decorate: 200 g of blueberry - 2 tablespoons sugar

Step by Step

  1. Crumble the cookies in a bowl. Melt the butter, let it warm; Add it to the cookies and mix until you get a thick paste.
  2. Spread it on the base of a round removable mold lined with parchment paper. Press down for an even layer. And leave 30 minutes in the fridge.
  3. Beat the two types of cheese with the icing sugar in another bowl; Add the lemon zest and stir. Pour this preparation into the mold, on the cookie base, reserve 6 hours in the fridge and remove from the mold.
  4. Wash the blueberries, cook them for 4 minutes with the sugar and let cool. Cover the cake with them and serve.
  • CLARA trick. If you can't find mascarpone, you can substitute cheese spread or curd.

Cheesecake with puff pastry and fruit

Cheesecake with puff pastry and fruit

Another easy cheesecake you can make is this philadelphia cheesecake with puff pastry and fruit.


  • 1 sheet of puff pastry - 1 tub of fresh cheese spread - 75 g of sugar - 2 eggs - 2 mangoes (or other seasonal fruit).

Step by Step

  1. Spread the puff pastry and line the walls and the bottom of a removable mold.
  2. Prick it with a fork and cover with parchment paper and dried chickpeas.
  3. Bake at 200º for 10 minutes.
  4. Peel the two mangoes and cut one of them into thin slices with a sharp knife.
  5. Chop the other mango and blend it in the blender until you get a puree.
  6. Beat the eggs with the sugar until they turn white and add the fresh cheese and the mango puree.
  7. Pour this preparation into the cake, place the mango slices on top in a fan shape and bake it for 35 minutes.
  8. Let cool before serving.
  • CLARA trick. Aromatize the pie filling with a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Burgos cheese cake

Burgos cheese cake

You can also make a cheese cake with Burgos type cheese or cottage cheese, two of the least caloric cheeses and suitable for losing weight.


  • 500 g of Burgos type cheese (or cottage cheese) - 1 natural yogurt - 4 eggs - 150 g of sugar - ½ lemon - 1 tablespoon of flour.

Step by Step

  1. Wash the lemon, dry it with a clean cloth and grate half of its skin.
  2. Beat the eggs with the sugar until white.
  3. Add the crumbled Burgos cheese, the yogurt and the sifted flour while beating until all the ingredients are well integrated.
  4. Add the lemon zest and mix.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180º. Pour the dough into individual molds, flan or large molds previously greased with butter.
  6. Put them in the oven and bake for 30 minutes.
  7. Remove from the oven, let cool and decorate with red berries, jam …
  • CLARA trick. So that this cheesecake is well established it is advisable to let it rest for at least 6 hours before serving it.

Cheesecake with condensed milk

Cheesecake with condensed milk

Here you have a delicious cheesecake with blueberries, condensed milk and shortcrust pastry.


  • 1 sheet of chilled shortcrust pastry - 150 g of creamy white cheese - 150 g of condensed milk - 50 g of ground almonds - 2 eggs - 250 g of blueberries - 2 tablespoons of icing sugar - butter.

Step by Step

  1. Put the milk in a bowl, add the cheese and mix both ingredients.
  2. Add the eggs, continuing to beat. Add the almond and stir with a few manual rods until you get a uniform preparation.
  3. Grease a round cake tin with 1 knob of butter and line the bottom and sides with the shortcrust pastry.
  4. Pour in the filling and spread over 100 g of washed and dried blueberries.
  5. Bake for 25 minutes in the oven preheated to 180º.
  6. Remove it, let it cool and remove it from the mold.
  7. Garnish with the rest of the blueberries and serve sprinkled with the icing sugar.
  • CLARA trick. To wash the blueberries, place them in a strainer under running water, and dry them with a napkin.

Cheese flan

Cheese flan

Another popular easy cheesecake is the cheese flan.


  • For the flan: 4 eggs - 370 g of condensed milk - 250 ml of milk - 200 g of white cheese to spread - 50 g of currants - 100 ml of sweet or muscat sherry wine - 1 tablespoon of peeled pine nuts - flour .
  • For the caramel: 6 tablespoons of sugar - 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Step by Step

  1. Arrange the raisins in a bowl, pour in the wine and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
  2. Break the eggs into another bowl, add the condensed milk and mix with rods.
  3. Pour in the milk and mix until integrated; Add the cheese and continue stirring until you get a creamy preparation.
  4. Place the sugar in a saucepan over the fire, add the lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of water, and cook until you get a dark blond caramel.
  5. Quickly pour into a 1-liter crown mold and give it a little shake to spread it out.
  6. Fill the mold with the previous preparation and add the pine nuts and raisins, well drained and lightly dusted with flour.
  7. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes in the oven preheated to 170º.
  8. Remove, let it warm, reserve it in the fridge and, before serving it, remove it from the mold on a tray.

And if you want a delicious dessert with cheese suitable for weight loss, try our ultralight cottage cheese mousse, super easy to make and with only 125 calories.