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Easy, delicious and always good recipes with cod

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Cod battered with ratatouille

Cod battered with ratatouille

Flour the cod fillets and fry them in a frying pan with plenty of oil. Place it in a casserole on a bed of previously cooked sanfaina or ratatouille, add a splash of water and cook for 5 more minutes.

  • If you don't want to complicate your life, you can accompany them directly after frying them with some roasted peppers or well-drained canned piquillo peppers.

Cod with spinach

Cod with spinach

Combined with spinach and dried fruit, cod results in this delicious dish that is a perfect fit for super-delicious (and easy-to-make) light weight loss dinners and meals too.

Orange and cod salad

Orange and cod salad

It is a version of the Andalusian soak, a delicious recipe of Arabic origin. On a plate, distribute orange slices without the white skin and place on top red onion rings, black olives and flakes of desalted and crumbled roasted cod .

  • Dress with a thread of oil, salt and freshly ground pepper. And sprinkle chopped chives on top.

White bean salad with cod

White bean salad with cod

Take drained canned white beans and mix them with onion, tomato, green pepper, black olives, hard-boiled egg and desalted and crumbled cod . It is one of the quick and easy recipes that you can make in less than 15 minutes.

  • Cod goes well with any legume from the pot, which is one of the healthy processes. You can make the same recipe with chickpeas, lentils …

Cod with zucchini spaghetti

Cod with zucchini spaghetti

Wash the cod and pat dry. Put it on a tray greased with oil, skin side down. Cover it with a mixture of minced almonds and garlic, breadcrumbs, beaten egg and oil, and bake for 8 minutes at 180º. Then, grill it for a couple of minutes at 240º. And serve it with some zucchini spaghetti.

  • Zucchini spaghetti can be sautéed or blanched for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

Cod with vegetables en papillote

Cod with vegetables en papillote

The papillote technique allows you to preserve the natural flavors of all the ingredients, and to make simple preparations with as little fat as possible. And besides being light and very healthy, it is ultra-easy to do. You can also do it in the oven or in the microwave if you do not dare with the paper.

Roasted cod with vegetables

Roasted cod with vegetables

It is as simple as roasting some fresh cod fillets on a bed of previously fried vegetables. After 5 minutes of cooking, the cod is ready. And to give it that special touch, add some black olives when you put the cod on the vegetables.

  • It would also be super delicious with a pisto or a sanfaina that you already had to save even more time.

Chickpeas with cod and spinach

Chickpeas with cod and spinach

You need cooked chickpeas, baby spinach, desalted cod, and quail eggs. You just have to mix the drained chickpeas with the washed spinach shoots, a few strips of desalted cod and a couple of cooked quail eggs per person. Easy, delicious, appetizing and full of energy.

  • It is one of the recipes that you can make with a pot of chickpeas.

Cod gratin with potatoes

Cod gratin with potatoes

Cut potato and tomato slices and onion feathers. Brush an ovenproof dish with oil and add the vegetables. Season them and water them with a splash of oil. Bake for 30 minutes in the oven preheated to 180º. Wash the cod, pat dry and cover with mayonnaise. Next, sprinkle it with plenty of breadcrumbs. Arrange it on the vegetables and continue cooking for 8 more minutes, with heat up and down until the crust is golden brown and crisp.

  • If you want it to be lighter, place the cod on the vegetables without mayonnaise or breadcrumbs.

Cod with zucchini

Cod with zucchini

Take a fresh or desalted cod loin, cook it on the grill or in the oven and accompany it with zucchini. To make the zucchini, wash it and remove it with the help of a mandolin, cut it into very thin slices. Scald them in boiling water for a few seconds, drain and let cool.

  • To complete the dish, you can add some seasonal fruits and dress it all with a vinaigrette.

Cod toast with pepper splash

Cod toast with pepper splash

Bake some cod fillets for about 10 minutes in the oven preheated to 180º. While roasting, sauté diced bell peppers, squash and half slices of celery until tender. On toast, place the cod and vegetables on top. Bake it all together for another 5 minutes.

  • Garnish with a sprig of fried parsley.

Cod with lentils

Cod with lentils

It is also very tasty with some lentils. Make a sauce of onion, carrot and red pepper. When it is ready, add a pot of drained lentils and sauté it all together for a few minutes. Take the cod fillets, grill them and serve them over the lentils.

Codfish esqueixada

Codfish esqueixada

Wash and dry some salad leaves. Mix them with desalted and crumbled cod, pepper slices, julienned onion and chopped olives. Serve over tomato slices.

  • Season with salt, freshly ground pepper, oil, a few drops of lemon, and serve.

Cod fritters

Cod fritters

Buñuelos are a classic of traditional cuisine and, contrary to popular belief, they are not difficult to make. And if not, try these.

Cod carpaccio

Cod carpaccio

Almost everyone associates carpaccio with a meat dish, but it doesn't have to be that way. You can make carpaccio of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and fish like this one with cod. You can accompany it with an olive grove of black olives and anchovies, which feels great. But it can be accompanied by anything you like.