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Which ham is healthier, Serrano, Iberian or York ham?

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Can I eat Iberian ham if I am on a diet? This is one of the most frequently asked questions in my practice. We have all heard a thousand things about ham, if it makes you fat, if it is good, if it is bad. The first thing is to learn more about each type of ham.

How are Serrano and Iberian ham different?

Iberian ham has a designation of origin. It requires a healing time of 2 to 3 years and comes from pig breeds with genetic purity. But beware, the black leg is a false indicative: some have it and others do not.

Is all Iberian ham the same?

No, more important than breed is what the pig eats. There are three qualities: acorn-fed ham (pig fed with acorns and field herbs), recebo ham (it eats acorns with feed), and bait ham (it only eats feed).

Which ham has the most calories?

More than ham, it depends on which part we choose. A cut of traditional Serrano ham provides 240 kcal per 100 g, with 13 g of fat. The leanest part will have 218 kcal, but it is more salty, so I do not recommend it if you have a tendency to retain fluids.

Is Iberian ham fatter?

In theory, yes. An Iberian is fatter because it provides more calories and fat (374 kcal with 22.4 g of fat per 100 g). However, the amount of protein also counts, and the Iberian has almost like two red meat steaks. And a relatively low sodium content.

And the ham?

York ham provides about 108 kcal, 3 g of fat and 19 g of protein. Feed like a traditional steak.

So which ham is healthier?

In a balanced diet we could eat anyone. But the acorn-fed Iberian provides, due to its genetic characteristics and its food, a lot of oleic acid. Well, as I tell my patients, it is “an olive with legs”. It has less saturated fat than other meats and hams, and it improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels. If your cholesterol values ​​are usually high, it is worth it to go to the Iberian.

How much ham per person can you eat?

  • If you are on a diet. If you have decided to lose weight but you feel like eating, I am going to give you good news. You can eat a piece of Iberico and do it without qualms, it is nutritious and satisfying. Of course, limit yourself to a maximum of 30 g and, instead of consuming it in thin strips, take a thin carrot-sized piece, which will force you to chew.
  • If you have children. Serrano ham has a lot of sodium and an additive, nitrite, which is not suitable for children to abuse. If you have children, it is better that they eat York or Iberian ham, and even if they are more than 4 years old, it is better not to give them more than 50 g.
  • For adults. You can eat Serrano ham and York ham with meals, but in less quantity than if it were meat, due to its higher protein content. Enjoy the Iberian along with a reserve red, why not!
  • If you have food intolerances. If this is your case, I recommend that you do not eat ham, as it may contain traces of gluten or glutamate.