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Really easy and delicious desserts with coffee

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For years, coffee has been considered the culprit of many evils. However, studies have shown that consuming coffee in moderation can have health benefits. With this in mind, why not treat yourself like these once in a while?

For years, coffee has been considered the culprit of many evils. However, studies have shown that consuming coffee in moderation can have health benefits. With this in mind, why not treat yourself like these once in a while?

Cottage cheese tiramisu

Cottage cheese tiramisu

Tiramisu is one of the quintessential coffee desserts and, moreover, one of the really easy desserts since it doesn't even need an oven or complicated doughs. We have made it from cottage cheese, because it is lighter than traditional mascarpone and it is easier to find in any store, and since we did not have amaretto on hand we have put rum instead. Also, thanks to the change, it comes out to about 360 calories per serving (almost 200 less than the traditional one) and can be considered a 100% guilt-free dessert.

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 5 egg whites - 500 g of cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons of rum - 120 g of sugar - 200 g of sponge cakes - 3 egg yolks - 200 ml of black coffee - 30 g of cocoa powder - salt.

How to do it step by step

  1. Beat the yolks with electric rods together with half the sugar for about 4 minutes. Add the rum and cottage cheese, and beat again, 2 more minutes.
  2. Whip the whites with a pinch of salt and the remaining sugar for 3-4 minutes. Add them to the previous preparation with enveloping movements.
  3. Arrange half of the cakes in the bottom of a mold and water them with half the coffee.
  4. Also add half of the cream, smooth it out with a spatula, and place the rest of the biscuits moistened with the remaining coffee on top.
  5. Cover with the rest of the cream, smooth it, cover the mold and leave in the fridge for 4 hours.
  6. Serve sprinkled with cocoa.

Tulips of mocha and chocolate

Tulips of mocha and chocolate

It is one of our favorite coffee desserts because you only need half an hour and it can be made with all kinds of pre-cooked bases apart from tulips (volcanoes, shortbread tartlets, cookies …) or directly in glasses or shot glasses.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 200 ml of whipping cream - 2 sachets of decaffeinated soluble coffee (4 g) - 200 g of milk chocolate - 15 g of butter - 1 cinnamon stick - 4 wafer tulips - 8 coffee beans - a few mint leaves.

How to do it step by step

  1. Chop the chocolate, or grate it, and transfer it to a large bowl.
  2. Place the cream in a saucepan and add the cinnamon. Heat low heat, until it reaches a boil, and remove.
  3. Add the soluble coffee and the softened butter, and stir with a wooden spoon until both are incorporated.
  4. Strain the cream and pour it little by little into the bowl, over the chocolate; Stir slowly with the manual rods until it is completely melted and you obtain a creamy and homogeneous preparation.
  5. Let it warm slightly and place it in a pastry bag with a wide, ribbed nozzle.
  6. Fill the tulips with the chocolate and mocha cream, and chill in the fridge until ready to serve.
  7. When you are going to serve them, decorate with the coffee beans and washed and dried mint leaves.

You can also use volcanoes or other pre-cooked tartlets.

Coffee mousse with almonds

Coffee mousse with almonds

There are endless coffee mousse recipes, but we love this one because it takes less than half an hour (not counting the standing time) and it is really delicious. But, yes, keep in mind that each serving has about 395 calories.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 200 g of whipped cream - 3 eggs - 2 teaspoons of instant coffee - 185 g of condensed milk - 8 sponge cakes - 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder - toasted almonds.

How to do it step by step

  • Crack the eggs, separating the whites from the yolks. Lightly beat the latter and mix them with the condensed milk, the soluble coffee dissolved in a few tablespoons of water and the whipped cream.
  • Delicately incorporate the whites mounted to the point of snow.
  • Divide the chopped cakes in the bottom of individual containers, and pour the mousse on top.
  • Let it rest in the refrigerator for 6 hours.
  • Sprinkle the mousses with the cocoa powder, garnish with the chopped toasted almonds, and serve.

Coffee flan in the microwave

Coffee flan in the microwave

If you are looking for light coffee desserts, this only has 196 calories per serving, and it is also made in a plis plas in the microwave. You only need 15 minutes.

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 1 small container of condensed milk - ¾ parts of the same container of milk - ½ part of the same container of coffee - 4 eggs - 6 cardamom berries - 4 teaspoons of liquid caramel - 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil

How to do it step by step

  1. Heat the coffee along with the cardamom berries. Cover, let infuse for a minimum of 15 minutes and filter.
  2. Mix the coffee with the condensed milk, milk and eggs in the blender glass, and beat until you get a homogeneous mixture
  3. Take microwaveable flan molds and lightly grease them with an absorbent paper soaked in the oil.
  4. Pour the previous mixture and cook for 7 minutes at maximum power, changing position halfway through cooking.
  5. Let them cool, and serve them unmould and accompanied with a few drops of liquid caramel.

Vanilla coffee ice cream

Vanilla coffee ice cream

Except for the hassle of having to break the ice when it is at rest, making easy and delicious homemade ice cream without the help of a refrigerator does not have any complications. And if not, go ahead and make this coffee and vanilla ice cream, which has about 260 calories per serving. You will see how easy.

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 125 g of sugar - 4 egg yolks - ½ vanilla bean - soluble coffee - 375 g of whipped cream - 6 wafer cones - 20 g of chocolate.

How to do it step by step

  1. Cook 125 ml of water with the sugar and vanilla until obtaining a caramel.
  2. Also cook the yolks in a water bath, continuing to beat with rods.
  3. Add the caramel and continue cooking, continuing to beat, until it emulsifies. Remove and beat until double the volume.
  4. Add the whipped cream and soluble coffee dissolved in a little water, and mix everything.
  5. Pour this preparation into a low-walled metal container.
  6. Keep it in the freezer for 4 or 5 hours; remove every 30 to 40 minutes and beat with a fork to break up the ice crystals.
  7. With the help of a spoon soaked in water, make ice cream balls and fill the cones.
  8. Decorate with the grated or chopped chocolate.