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15 day plan to have more energy

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I'm always tired!

I'm always tired!

Tired, down, and in a bad mood? Your problem is called fatigue and you can erase it from your life in just two weeks. Rest, diet and small changes in your day to day will make you regain the energy you have asked for. Guaranteed! Start our fifteen-day plan to regain your lost energy.

15 days of anti fatigue diet

15 days of anti fatigue diet

We have prepared a weekly menu to have more energy that you will have to follow for two weeks. An unbalanced diet can be one of the causes that you always feel tired. According to the nutritionist doctor Mª Isabel Beltrán, "a lot of something or a little of everything means that the cells do not have the essential elements to produce the energy they need".


Sleep and rest

Sleep and rest

Try during the 15 days of the plan 7 or 8 hours a day. To achieve this it is vital to have a light dinner, but including carbohydrates so that you do not feel hungry, and finish two hours before going to bed. There are foods that can help you fall asleep such as milk, banana or infusions such as linden, passionflower or valerian. Create your ritual with a shower, non-stimulating reading, and dim lights. Here are more tips to help you sleep better.

Goodbye technology

Goodbye technology

This plan also includes a small digital detox. We suggest that you do not look at your mobile or tablet from dinner until the next day after breakfast. It seems complicated, but if you try to do it for two weeks, you will incorporate the habit without realizing it. If you want to see a series or movie, do it in the dining room, never in bed.

Light bath

Light bath

Take the opportunity to walk to work or sit down for coffee at noon on a terrace so you can get in the sun for a little while and receive its benefits. Exposure to sunlight drives away sadness by increasing your serotonin levels. It also helps increase vitamin D stores, a barrier against weakness, tiredness, and headaches.

Your house in order

Your house in order

According to a study by Princeton University (USA), the stress of living in a messy home makes you feel tired. And it's not just your home: having a well-planned and free of commitments that you don't want helps you not end up exhausted. Here's a 12-step guide to tidying up your home.

More sex

More sex

It's like sport, even if it makes you lazy because you feel tired and it is hard to find the moment, it always brings you benefits, because you secrete well-being hormones, and in the end you feel relaxed and energetic. And we don't just mean sex as a couple, but masturbation. Head over to the Best Sex section with Elsy Reyes to get ideas.

Daily exercise

Daily exercise

Sport multiplies your energy by activating blood circulation and secreting endorphins, which provide a feeling of well-being and vitality. Make it a goal to exercise for 30 minutes each day on this two-week plan. You can go to the gym, run, swim or cycle … but you can also walk, which is easier. Check out this plan to take 15,000 steps a day.

Stretch out

Stretch out

Prevent stress from building up in your muscles and causing you pain and fatigue. At home, stand up and stretch like you want to touch the ceiling. Hold on for a few seconds and then. relaxes the body. This easy yoga routine will also help you activate your entire body. Try to do it every morning when you wake up during the 15 days of the anti-fatigue plan.

Breathe well

Breathe well

Good oxygenation calms you down. Breathe deeply through your nose, inflating your belly, and exhale slowly, until all the air is out. Do it every day for 5 minutes. Another trick that will slow down your pace and ease tension. Close your eyes and visualize a special place for you that you associate with calm. Imagine yourself in it for a few minutes. We have 25 more tricks to relax you very quickly.

Don't go superwoman

Don't go superwoman

Wanting to reach everything - children, home, work, partner - and not fail in the attempt creates stress for us. Stress produces adrenaline, keeps the body in a state of alert and this causes it to consume energy. Stick with the essential plans, learn to say no, and don't be afraid to delegate - both at home and at work.

To the rich lemon

To the rich lemon

According to a study by the University of Ohio (United States), citrus aromas brighten the mood. For your home or even for you!



This root activates and improves memory. Grate it into an infusion, in a salad or in a cream. Take less than 1g per day for up to 3 months.

Laugh every day

Laugh every day

Nothing like releasing endorphins to feel good. Prepare your "laugh kit" and use it daily: sitcom, play with family, meet friends …

Instant hack

Instant hack

According to a study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, something as simple as getting your face wet or taking a shower boosts energy immediately. Another tip: cool off often with a vaporizer.

make yourself beautiful

make yourself beautiful

Set a goal of leaving the house for 15 days feeling pretty. As tired as you are, don't neglect your appearance. Seeing yourself beautiful produces the so-called "halo effect", which amplifies the positive feeling that your image generates, making you feel stronger and capable of positive changes.

Listen to music

Listen to music

It provides well-being by producing the secretion of dopamine, the pleasure hormone. And it counteracts pain due to the production of the hormone prolactin, according to a study by the University of Ohio (United States). Get in the habit of listening to music when you wake up or on the way to work. Welcome, energy and good humor!

The word "fatigue" is one of the most repeated in medical consultations. It is estimated that 74% of women suffer from it at some point in their life. Stress and bad habits are often behind, so it is important to adopt good physical and emotional guidelines to try to recover energy.

Recover body and mind

Small changes in our habits and our attitude, resting more and better, and eating correctly, are the three objectives established by the anti-fatigue plan that we propose in Clara to have more energy in just two weeks. Fatigue can cause us not only physical fatigue, but also a low mood and even concentration problems, etc.

Some neurons "turn off", for example, when they perceive fatigue and this affects our memory, concentration and making good decisions, according to a study from the University of Wisconsin (USA).

Regaining vitality is almost a health "insurance", as it increases your defenses, protects you against seasonal depression, improves your tolerance to stress and is also reflected in your appearance: your skin will be more luminous, your hair and nails stronger.

Keys to the plan to have more energy in two weeks

  • Feeding. Follow our anti fatigue menu for two weeks and you will feel better. Plan your diet to distribute the nutrients your body demands. Eat 5 servings a day to slow down sugar (and energy) crashes and avoid arriving hungry for main meals. And never go out on an empty stomach.
  • Break. It is essential that you sleep between 7 and 8 hours and that you rest well. Forget your mobile at night, have a light dinner and find the sleep routine that best suits you.
  • Exercise. 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily will multiply your energy by activating blood circulation and secreting endorphins, providing a feeling of well-being and vitality. Choose the exercise that motivates you the most. Walking briskly is a good idea.
  • Tranquility. The more zen the better. Keep your house tidy, don't fill your schedule with too many activities and learn to say no. Delegate, both at home and at work. And practice 5 minutes of mindful breathing every day.
  • Do things that you like. Make yourself pretty, do a bit of yoga in the morning, perfume yourself, listen to music … Activities that we find enjoyable help us to secrete pleasure hormones.

If you are still tired, visit your doctor

If you have followed the anti-fatigue plan and after 15 days you are still tired or have other symptoms such as fever, weight loss or excessive sweating, see a doctor because it may be a health problem.