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Keys to detect the lack of magnesium and that you do not lack

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How to know if you are missing and why

How to know if you are missing and why

From the outset, it is not easy to recognize the lack of magnesium because its symptoms are easy to confuse with other ailments.

  • How to recognize it? A mild deficit is almost undetectable, but if it is moderate it produces tiredness, involuntary muscle contractions, such as a tic in the eye, tremor, poor appetite, sleep problems, nervousness, irritability, etc.
  • Who can suffer it. Especially those who follow excessively strict or very unbalanced diets, such as very low-calorie or high-protein, for example. Also athletes who do not take care of their diet, as well as people with digestive problems, poor absorption or who have diabetes.

If you want to solve doubts, you can take our test to find out if you are lacking magnesium.

Why do you need magnesium

Why do you need magnesium

The properties of magnesium make it an essential mineral that is involved in many metabolic processes, making it very important for our health.

  • Strong bones. Magnesium is essential for the fixation of calcium in the bones. Think that of the total of this mineral in the body, 70% is concentrated in the bones, where it is combined with calcium and phosphorus.
  • Mood. It is also essential for obtaining serotonin - the hormone of happiness - from tryptophan in food. Furthermore, its deficiency is one of the causes of chronic stress.
  • Healthy heart. Magnesium deficiency can lead to excess aldosterone, a hormone that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How to get magnesium

How to get magnesium

A diet like the Mediterranean one guarantees the correct supply of magnesium. Among the foods with magnesium, the following stand out:

  • Dark green leafy vegetables. They are the richest in magnesium because this mineral is part of the chlorophyll molecules.
  • Soy and derivatives. Legumes in general provide magnesium, but among all soybeans and derivatives such as tofu, tempeh …
  • Cereals. Always comprehensive. Of all, quinoa stands out.
  • Nuts and seeds. Especially pumpkin and sunflower seeds or sesame, which are the nuts with the most magnesium.
  • Chocolate. Cocoa is rich in magnesium, so choose chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa.

If you want to know more, discover the champions of foods rich in magnesium.

Habits to keep it

Habits to keep it

As important as obtaining it is to avoid the loss of magnesium. Beware of habits that demineralize you.

  • Don't mix. Do not take foods rich in magnesium with other rich in calcium; this hinders its absorption.
  • Moderate exercise Practice sports or moderate exercise. Even if you sweat, you won't lose magnesium. On the other hand, it can happen, as has been studied in marathon runners, who have very low levels of magnesium after a race.
  • Relaxation techniques. The body consumes a lot of magnesium when it is very stressed, therefore, everything that helps you calm down is positive: yoga, meditation, etc.

In which cases should you take magnesium supplements

In which cases should you take magnesium supplements

It is always better if it is provided by diet, but… in some cases the doctor may recommend it.

  • Stress cases. To help us relax and sleep better.
  • Do you have a migraine? According to the American Academy of Neurology, a treatment with magnesium supplements may be indicated, always under medical supervision, to treat migraine, a very annoying type of headache.
  • Not on your own. Taking too much magnesium can cause diarrhea, nausea and other digestive discomfort.