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The yoga routine of ariadne artiles with which she has recovered after giving birth

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We always think that famous women have those bodies for genetic reasons and although it is true that we may be partially right, the truth is that behind those guys sculpted in steel there is a lot, a lot of work. Ariadne Artiles herself has recognized this in her last Instagram post and has shared the yoga routine that she performs every morning and that helps her to stay physically and mentally fit. Do you want to know what 'asanas' he practices? We tell you all.

The yoga poses that Ariadne Artiles does to take care of her body

Did you know that yoga means union? Well, yes, and this practice goes beyond a sports discipline since it helps us connect the mind with the body. For someone who has just become a mom, it can help a lot, the first to stay calm and the second to recover after giving birth. The Canarian model Ariadne Artiles has recognized that, despite her good genetics, it has cost her a lot to return to being her usual self after becoming a mother and has shared the routine of asanas or yoga poses that she carries out every morning to tone her muscles .

Ariadne begins by alternating two postures: Downward Facing Dog and Plank, in this way she manages to tone her arms and abdomen since they are the ones that do most of the work in these positions and stretch her back and the back of the legs well. Then it goes to Cow-Cat that serves to make the spine more flexible and repeats the series of Dog and Iron. Although the video appears at an accelerated speed, your thing is to stay in each pose for at least one deep breath and take each one about 5 times.

After this series, Ariadne does a Warrior 1 as a transition and returns to the Downward Facing Dog only this time alternates it with the Cobra pose. Then he begins a series dedicated only to the Warriors. These positions are ideal for working the legs because all the weight is supported by one. You have to do the complete series with one leg first and then with the other to tone both equally. The series goes from Warrior 1 to Gerrero 2, then performs the Extension Warrior and finally, Triangle.

Between side and side, Ariadne goes through the Downward Facing Dog and Cobra sequence again and performs this Warrior series twice with each leg.