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The trends in gym and sport for 2019

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Surely you, like many, have a love-hate relationship with exercise. You love how it makes you feel, but you damn about going to the gym. You find a thousand excuses to stay home or go have that beer with your friends. If you are tired of always doing the same thing or need a boost of motivation, we suggest some exercise trends that you will hear a lot about in the coming months. We have everything.

Surely you, like many, have a love-hate relationship with exercise. You love how it makes you feel, but you damn about going to the gym. You find a thousand excuses to stay home or go have that beer with your friends. If you are tired of always doing the same thing or need a boost of motivation, we suggest some exercise trends that you will hear a lot about in the coming months. We have everything.

The GYM mixes trends

The GYM mixes trends

Some are already familiar to you and continue to gain strength and fans. Others innovate by mixing workouts like someone who mixes fruits for their smoothie. Perhaps, with these new ideas and a little motivational music, you can get going. If you stop being bored at the gym , your body will thank you by sweating and burning more. The key is to find an activity that motivates you and is complete at the same time. And you have help. Fitness centers and gym chains are being inspired by all kinds of activities so that our sports hours are hours of having fun. Super motivating!

Bodyweight training

Bodyweight training

Each year, the American College of Sports Medicine publishes a survey in which exercise professionals assess trends. One of the ones on the list is bodyweight training, which consists of training using only your own weight. No outside help from weights or machines. How? It helps the force of gravity and the resistance of the body. Push-ups, suspensions and balances, but always with your kilos to help. It will improve your strength and help you be more flexible (and burn calories at the same time).

Yoga rises

Yoga rises

Yoga never goes out of style. It has been present in the American survey for more than 10 years, although it now occupies the highest positions. But if you haven't dared yet, now you can opt for both the more classic versions and new variants that lift you off the ground and make you sweat. Literally. Here are some very easy postures to get started in yoga.

Boxing on the bike

Boxing on the bike

You have tight schedules and choosing between the bike and the boxing class that you like so much becomes a Solomonic decision. Do not worry. The fitness experts at a hotel chain have devised an activity that combines the intensity of boxing with the resistance of spinning. Boxcycling uses blows to tone your arms and abdomen. And, above all, the legs do not stop at any time. Two intense workouts for your body for the time of one.

Instagram: @cyclingboxvelotopia

Yoga to fly

Yoga to fly

Fly yoga combines the usual movements that every yogi masters, but mixes them with gymnastics and dance. And the highlight is the pirouettes in the air, with which you will not touch the ground. And that is good, since this type of exercise increases the metabolic effect and thus produces a greater caloric expenditure for your body.

Instagram: @aeroyogazaragoza

Yoga to sweat

Yoga to sweat

If you haven't been sweating enough, you can always go for the “hot” version of yoga. The usual asanas are performed, but with the room at a temperature approaching 40 degrees. A very complete exercise if we take into account that, in addition, you will still release more toxins.

Instagram: @Sibel_saracoglu

The remote gym

The remote gym

If one technology is on everyone's lips right now, it is streaming. Also in the gym, where there is no screen that does not allow you to connect to watch the latest Netflix while you sweat. If you watch your series anywhere, why not follow a guided class from your dining room? The future is a gym subscription that includes all your favorite classes available at a click at any time. Maybe this will be a good solution for scheduling problems and laziness attacks … You can start with Eri Sakamoto's exercise videos.

Water boxing

Water boxing

The water! Surely in the hours of your gym you have begun to see the word AQUA in front of various disciplines. This year we will throw ourselves completely into the pool. If you have already tried the queen of the "aqua" classes, the aquagym, you know what it costs to do any normal movement under water. Aqua boxing proposes that you box in the pool. Having the water as an opponent will increase the intensity of the work and is a very good way to get your arms in tune.

Instagram: @aquaclubtermal

Tone up on the bike

Tone up on the bike

Surely if you are a fan of cycling and spinning classes, you have ever felt that you were wasting your trunk, that you could be doing more while working your legs and glutes. You have not been the only one. The ups and downs of spinning are no longer enough. Now your torso and your arms also come into play. Disciplines such as the syclo, which combines pedaling with dance, are called to win followers. In the center that is in Madrid, you can pedal like in a disco.

Instagram: @siclo

Aqua spinning

Aqua spinning

The bike hits everything, even water. Aqua spinning will come to your gym from high-performance centers, where athletes have been training like this for years. Do you sweat pedaling? Imagine doing it against the resistance of the water. You do all the work of a normal spinning session, but you also improve your cardiovascular endurance by pedaling underwater. I said, athlete's legs.

The training to suit you

The training for you

You can choose what you want to see, eat or listen to at all times. Now also how do you want to sweat. Bespoke life also enters the gym. Although sharing the experience with more people is positive, it is you who has to adapt to the class. An empowering personal trainer will make you feel more inspired to continue when you see improvements. In addition, it helps you adopt good training habits, good postures and pushes you to exceed your limits without injuring yourself.

Technology that wears

Technology that wears

It's funny but in number 1 of the American College of Sports Medicine trend survey there are no exercises. It is occupied by the technology that can be worn, that is, those electronic devices that you carry on your body. In this case, those that help you improve your exercise. Do you have a bracelet that counts steps? Well, you are already on the right path, because these "helps" are going to go further. Smart clothing, for example, is already approaching on the horizon.

Don't go alone

Don't go alone

Sorrows and joys are better accompanied. And sweat, too. Although the machines will not be suddenly deserted, the directed classes are becoming more attractive to more people. And so it is clear in the survey of the American College of Sports Medicine. Group training increases motivation and being accompanied while you practice it helps you notice less fatigue.



Now in the gym, it is not the time that matters but the intensity with which you do the exercise. For this reason, disciplines such as crossfit, hiit and trx are far from disappearing and continue to gain popularity for another year.

Long live the color!

Long live the color!

Tell us what your favorite sport is and we will tell you what color your outfit should be to go to the gym. And no, we are not kidding. The colors around you are able to influence your emotions and your state of mind. And this has a LOT to do with sportswear. We have analyzed what each color transmits and when you should wear it depending on the sport you are going to practice. Do not miss it!

Instagram: @shaymitchell

If you don't feel like going to the gym because you've had enough of always doing the same thing and you need a boost of motivation, discover the new exercise trends that will change your sports routine.

These are the new trends in sport

  • Bodyweight training. Without outside help from weights or machines, it consists of training using only your own weight. How? It helps the force of gravity and the resistance of the body.
  • The water! Aqua boxing proposes that you box in the pool. This will increase the intensity of work!
  • Yoga never goes out of style. Now you can opt for both the more classic versions and new variants, such as yoga to fly or yoga to sweat.
  • Is it difficult for you to choose between the bike and the boxing class? The fitness experts at a hotel chain have come up with an activity that combines the intensity of boxing with the resistance of spinning! Do you dare to try it?

These exercises remain

Now in the gym, it is not the time that matters but the intensity with which you do the exercise. For this reason, these disciplines are far from disappearing and continue to gain popularity for another year.

  • Crossfit . One of the words that are heard the most in gyms, bars and supermarkets. This complete modality mixes power and skill exercises with other aerobics, such as rowing.
  • Hiit. This training places great importance on intervals, combining very intense work for a few seconds with short breaks. It is one of the techniques that generates more caloric expenditure.
  • Trx. Have you seen people hanging from elastic bands in your gym room? They were doing this activity, which works with the weight of the body. They invented it in the United States Army so that their soldiers could train anywhere.

And if you don't have time to hit the gym, take a look at these super easy weight loss exercises you can do at home.