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Book to give or order at Christmas 2017 2018

Table of contents:


In the abyss

In the abyss

Sigurð Óli is young, bright, attractive, and has studied criminology in the US, but now he's having a bad personal and professional moment just when someone makes a mask with a nail in his forehead. It is an "infernal mask" formerly used by Icelandic farmers to slaughter calves. Lovers of crime fiction need no more to know that this is their book. Pure Arnaldur Indridason, a master of noir.

The Essex Serpent, Sarah Perry
Ed. Siruela, € 22.95

Dressed for a dance in the snow

Dressed for a dance in the snow

A moving novel by telling the harsh story of some women who managed to survive the gulags, the forced labor camps of the Soviet Union, near the Arctic Circle. A story of humiliation, terror and barbarism, but also of resilience. It is, in the end, a cry of dignity of those who were described as "traitors to the country".

Dressed for a dance in the snow, Monika Zgustova
Ed. Galaxia Gutenberg, € 20.50

1080 cooking recipes

1080 cooking recipes

Simone Ortega's traditional recipe book for Spanish cuisine is renewed and offers lighter versions of traditional recipes. This book makes Ortega's dream come true of being remembered as "someone who has contributed to improving everyday cooking." Ideal for those who start cooking and for those who have been doing it for years. Of course, notice to sailors, it is a cookbook without photos.

1080 cooking recipes, Simone Ortega
Alianza Editorial, € 19.90

A Book of American Martyrs

A Book of American Martyrs

A gripping story about the life of two women, whose lives run pairs after the tragic murder of the father of one at the hands of the other. It all begins when Luther Dunphy, an evangelical fanatic who claims to act in God's name, shoots Augustus Voorhees, an idealistic abortion doctor, in a small Ohio town. Joyce Carol Oates demonstrates once again why she is a strong Nobel candidate.

A book of American martyrs, Joyce Carol Oates
Ed. Alfaguara, € 23.90

Your home without toxic

Your home without toxic

This is an essential manual to detect these invisible dangers of day to day, to which we often do not pay attention due to ignorance, such as chemical substances and artificial radiation that are present in our homes.

Your home without toxins, Elisabet Silvestre
Ed. RBA Integral, € 18

Love, Courage and Smiles: My Personal Process Facing Cancer

Love, Courage and Smiles: My Personal Process Facing Cancer

"I trust that reading the book will bring you something positive," Leyre wrote when he sent us the book. And we are left with this optimistic message, because it may not be easy to read the testimony of someone who has had to deal with breast cancer. However, to see that he has done it with courage and humor and that he has overcome it is really hopeful. Each copy allocates € 1 in solidarity to the Aladina Foundation.

Love, courage and smiles: My personal process in the face of cancer, Leyre Contreras
Liberman Editorial, € 15

From Simon to Peter

From Simon to Peter

When Simon became Peter, he began the journey that would make him the ultimate leader of the most important movement in history, Christianity. The apostle Saint Peter felt little transcendent, incomplete, but his encounter with Jesus led him to fullness, to eternity. A book that invites reflection.

From Simón to Pedro, Maximiliano Acevedo
Chiado Editorial, € 15

Goodbye to tiredness

Goodbye to tiredness

Do you know someone who needs a good energy rush for 2018? Do you need to recharge batteries yourself? In this book by Marie Borrel, a well-known journalist and author specialized in food, you will find delicious recipes and foods to overcome fatigue and detoxify the body. With changes in your diet and lifestyle, you will be full in 2018!

Goodbye to fatigue, Marie Borrel
Ed. Urano, € 13

The caves of Haydrahodahós

The caves of Haydrahodahós

This is the first publication of the independent publisher Karwan, specializing in Middle Eastern literature (Arabic, Kurdish, Turkish, Persian, etc.). It is a story in which the magical world of the centaurs serves to establish parallels with human reality.

The caves of Haydrahodahós, Salim Barakat
Editorial Karwán, € 16

Women on the warpath

Women on the warpath

This work glosses the role of women in the last century. In the words of the author, it is "a sentimental chronicle of that of" What happened to yours in the Civil War? "I was adding and learning and listening and copying, with the vocation of a scribe judging by the amount of material saved ".
For those who want to have historical memory.

Women on the Warpath , Susana Koska
B de Books, ebook € 5.49

Christmas is time to share

Christmas is time to share

A thousand and one ideas to celebrate Christmas, welcoming friends, family, cooking with the little ones in the house. Simple recipes to celebrate Christmas tailored to everyone, made easily thanks to the help in the kitchen that is the Thermomix.

Christmas is time to share
Thermomix, € 30

A book is always a good gift if you get the theme right. For this reason, in our gallery you will find from crime novels to books for kitchens, thought, history … We have a wide range of proposals to satisfy even the most atypical.

We propose you from reviewing a kitchen classic such as 1080 cooking recipes , by Simone Ortega, to a novel such as Las Cuevas de Haydrahodahós , by Salim Barakat, which is a story about the dictatorship but made from the fantasy novel. Although in the gallery you can see the more detailed books, here we leave them classified, so you can go directly to what interests you according to the theme.

Black novel and intrigue

  • In the abyss, Arnaldur Indridason (Ed. RBA)
  • The invisible fire, Javier Sierra (Ed. Planeta)
  • The Good Daughter, Karin Slaughter (Ed. Harper Collins)
  • So many wolves, Lorenzo Silva (Destino Editions)
  • The Marsh's Daughter, Karen Dionne (Ed. Harper Collins)

Historical novel

  • A Pillar of Fire, Ken Follett (Plaza & Janés)
  • Women on the Warpath , Susana Koska (B de Books)

Romantic and erotic novel

  • Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë (Editorial Alliance)
  • Pets, Teresa Viejo (B de Books)
  • What I discovered about you, Sibila Freijo (B de Books)
  • The Girl from Simon's Bay, Barbara Mutch (Editorial Alliance)
  • The wrong person, Sara Herranz (Lunwerg Editores)
  • Women who buy flowers, Vanessa Montfort (Plaza & Janés)


  • 1080 cooking recipes, Simone Ortega (Alianza Editorial)
  • The great baker's manual, Rodolphe Landemaine (Editorial RBA)
  • Healthy pastries to be happy, Alma Obregón (Ed. Planeta)
  • Goodbye to fatigue, Marie Borrel (Ed. Urano)
  • Vegan Pleasures, Jessica Prescott (Ed. 5 Inks)

Thinking and self-help

  • Saying no is not enough, Naomi Klein (Ed. Paidós)
  • This notebook is for me, Elísabet Benavent (Ed. Aguilar)
  • Happy, Elsa Punset (Ed. Destino)
  • Dream Diary, Cristina Daura (Blackie Books)
  • Lagom, the Swedish secret of the good life , Lola A. Åkerström (Ediciones Urano)
  • From Simon to Pedro, Maximiliano Acevedo (Chiado Editorial)
  • Love, courage and smiles: My personal process before cancer, Leyre Contreras (Liberman Editorial)