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The thermal cap from amazon that makes your masks work twice as much

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Surely more than once you have heard (or read) that wrapping the hair in a hot towel when using a mask is one of the best ways for the product to penetrate the hair fiber and be more effective . And surely you have asked yourself the same question as us: how do I heat a towel? It's going to cool down in 5 minutes … And you're absolutely right in the world, that's why thermal caps were invented and we've found one of the best rated on Amazon. Having great hair has never been easier.

How to use the thermal cap

Putting the mask in the shower and letting it work for 3 or 5 minutes is fine for day to day. However, there is a way to get much more out of the product and that it has more effect on your hair than when you use it like that. At least once a week if you have long hair (or every two if you have short or medium length hair) it is advisable to undergo a more intensive treatment, especially if you are one of those who use heat tools to comb your hair daily.

This type of heat can actually spoil the hair, but this other one … oh, my friend, this other one can be the salvation to those ends that open just by looking at them and those rebellious and frizzy hairs that invade your hair at the minimal sign of humidity. How is it used? It is super simple.

  1. When you get out of the shower, with wet hair, gently pat the moisture away with a towel, never rub.
  2. Apply your favorite mask with a wide-toothed comb to make sure you spread the product well.
  3. Put on a shower cap, the plastic ones, and on top of the thermal cap.
  4. Wear it for 15-20 minutes, then wash your hair again to remove excess mask.